【图像分割】基于matlab分水岭算法图像分割【含Matlab源码 390期】
理论知识参考:【基础教程】基于matlab图像处理图像分割【含Matlab源码 191期】
clear, close all;
理论知识参考:【基础教程】基于matlab图像处理图像分割【含Matlab源码 191期】
clear, close all;
rgb = imread('tree.jpeg');%读取原图像
I = rgb2gray(rgb);%转化为灰度图像
figure; subplot(121)%显示灰度图像
text(732,501,'Image courtesy of Corel','FontSize',7,'HorizontalAlignment','right')
hy = fspecial('sobel');%sobel算子,应用sobel算子锐化图像
hx = hy';
Iy = imfilter(double(I), hy, 'replicate');%滤波求y方向边缘
Ix = imfilter(double(I), hx, 'replicate');%滤波求x方向边缘
gradmag = sqrt(Ix.^2 + Iy.^2);%求摸
subplot(122); imshow(gradmag,[]), %显示梯度
title('Gradient magnitude (gradmag)')
%2. 直接使用梯度模值进行分水岭算法:(往往会存在过的分割的情况,效果不好)
L = watershed(gradmag);%直接应用分水岭算法
Lrgb = label2rgb(L);%转化为彩色图像
figure; imshow(Lrgb), %显示分割后的图像
title('Watershed transform of gradient magnitude (Lrgb)')%过分割现象
se = strel('disk', 4);%圆形结构元素,STREL('disk',R,N),R is the specified radius, When N is greater than 0, the disk-shaped structuring
%element is approximated by a sequence of N
Io = imopen(I, se);%形态学开操作
figure; subplot(121)
imshow(Io), %显示执行开操作后的图像
title('Opening (Io)')
Ie = imerode(I, se);%对图像进行腐蚀,基本参数:待处理的输入图像以及结构元素对象
Iobr = imreconstruct(Ie, I);%形态学重建
subplot(122); imshow(Iobr), %显示重建后的图像
title('Opening-by-reconstruction (Iobr)')
Ioc = imclose(Io, se);%形态学关操作,首先膨胀,然后腐蚀,两个操作使用同样的结构元素
figure; subplot(121)
imshow(Ioc), %显示关操作后的图像
title('Opening-closing (Ioc)')
Iobrd = imdilate(Iobr, se);%对图像进行膨胀,基本参数:待处理的输入图像和结构元素对象。
Iobrcbr = imreconstruct(imcomplement(Iobrd), ...
Iobrcbr = imcomplement(Iobrcbr);%图像求反
subplot(122); imshow(Iobrcbr), %显示重建求反后的图像,figure4
title('Opening-closing by reconstruction (Iobrcbr)')
%As you can see by comparing Iobrcbr with Ioc,
%reconstruction-based opening and closing are more
%effective than standard opening and closing at removing
%small blemishes without affecting the overall
%shapes of the objects. Calculate the regional maxima
%of Iobrcbr to obtain good foreground markers.
fgm = imregionalmax(Iobrcbr);%局部极大值
figure; imshow(fgm), %显示重建后局部极大值图像,figure5
title('Regional maxima of opening-closing by reconstruction (fgm)')
I2 = I; %前景标记图与原图叠加
I2(fgm) = 255;%局部极大值处像素值设为255
figure; imshow(I2), %在原图上显示极大值区域,figure6
title('Regional maxima superimposed on original image (I2)')
se2 = strel(ones(3,3));%结构元素
fgm2 = imclose(fgm, se2);%关操作
fgm3 = imerode(fgm2, se2);%腐蚀
fgm4 = bwareaopen(fgm3, 20);%开操作
I3 = I;
I3(fgm4) = 255;%前景处设置为255
figure; subplot(121)
title('Modified regional maxima')
bw = im2bw(Iobrcbr, graythresh(Iobrcbr));%转化为二值图像
subplot(122); imshow(bw), %显示二值图像,figure7
title('Thresholded opening-closing by reconstruction')
%4. 进行分水岭变换并显示:
D = bwdist(bw);%计算距离
DL = watershed(D);%分水岭变换
bgm = DL == 0;%求取分割边界
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1 matlab版本
2 参考文献
[1] 蔡利梅.MATLAB图像处理——理论、算法与实例分析[M].清华大学出版社,2020.
[5]赵勇,方宗德,庞辉,王侃伟.基于量子粒子群优化算法的最小交叉熵多阈值图像分割[J].计算机应用研究. 2008,(04)
文章来源: qq912100926.blog.csdn.net,作者:海神之光,版权归原作者所有,如需转载,请联系作者。
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