【路径规划】基于matlab改进的粒子群算法路径规划【含Matlab源码 491期】
1 引言
自然界中的鸟群和鱼群的群体行为一直是科学家的研究兴趣所在。生物学家Craig Reynolds在1987年提出了一个非常有影响的鸟群聚集模型,在他的仿真中,每一个个体都遵循:避免与邻域个体相撞:匹配邻域个体的速度;飞向鸟群中心,且整个群体飞向目标。仿真中仅利用上面三条简单的规则,就可以非常接近地模拟出鸟群飞行的现象。1990年, 生物学家Frank Heppner也提出了鸟类模型, 它的不同之处在于:鸟类被吸引飞到栖息地。在仿真中,一开始每一只鸟都没有特定的飞行目标,只是使用简单的规则确定自己的飞行方向和飞行速度,当有一只鸟飞到栖息地时,它周围的鸟也会跟着飞向栖息地,最终整个鸟群都会落在栖息地。
1995年, 美国社会心理学家James Kennedy和电气工程师RussellEberhart共同提出了粒子群算法(ParticleS warm Optimization, PSO) , 该算法的提出是受对鸟类群体行为进行建模与仿真的研究结果的启发。他们的模型和仿真算法主要对Frank Heppner的模型进行了修正,以使粒子飞向解空间并在最优解处降落。粒子群算法一经提出,由于其算法简单,容易实现,立刻引起了进化计算领域学者们的广泛关注, 形成一个研究热点。2001年出版的J.Kennedy与R.Eberhart合著的《群体智能》将群体智能的影响进一步扩大[] , 随后关于粒子群优化算法的研究报告和研究成果大量涌现,继而掀起了国内外研究热潮[2-7]。
的协作与竞争,实现复杂空间最优解的搜索。同时,它又不像其他进化算法那样对个体进行交叉、变异、选择等进化算子操作,而是将群体中的个体看作在l维搜索空间中没有质量和体积的粒子,每个粒子以一定的速度在解空间运动, 并向自身历史最佳位置P best和邻域历史最佳位置g best聚集, 实现对候选解的进化。粒子群算法具有很好的生物社会背景而易于理解,由于参数少而容易实现,对非线性、多峰问题均具有较强的全局搜索能力,在科学研究与工程实践中得到了广泛关注。目前,该算法已广泛应用于函数优化、神经网络训练、模式分类、模糊控制等领域。
2 粒子群算法理论
3 粒子群算法种类
引入研究粒子群算法经常用到的两个概念:一是“探索”,指粒子在一定程度上离开原先的搜索轨迹,向新的方向进行搜索,体现了一种向未知区域开拓的能力,类似于全局搜索;二是“开发”,指粒子在一定程度上继续在原先的搜索轨迹上进行更细一步的搜索,主要指对探索过程中所搜索到的区域进行更进一步的搜索。探索是偏离原来的寻优轨迹去寻找一个更好的解,探索能力是一个算法的全局搜索能力。开发是利用一个好的解,继续原来的寻优轨迹去搜索更好的解,它是算法的局部搜索能力。如何确定局部搜索能力和全局搜索能力的比例, 对一个问题的求解过程很重要。1998年, Shi Yuhui等人提出了带有惯性权重的改进粒子群算法[10],由于该算法能够保证较好的收敛效果,所以被默认为标准粒子群算法。其进化过程为:
测到较好的区域;而在搜索后期,较小的w值则保证粒子能够在极值点周围做精细的搜索,从而使算法有较大的概率向全局最优解位置收敛。对w进行调整,可以权衡全局搜索和局部搜索能力。目前,采用较多的动态惯性权重值是Shi提出的线性递减权值策略, 其表达式如下:
Clerc等人提出利用约束因子来控制系统行为的最终收敛[11] , 该方法可以有效搜索不同的区域,并且能得到高质量的解。压缩因子法的速度更新公式为:
基本的粒子群算法是在连续域中搜索函数极值的有力工具。继基本粒子群算法之后, Kennedy和Eberhart又提出了一种离散二进制版的粒子群算法[12]。在此离散粒子群方法中,将离散问题空间映射到连续粒子运动空间,并适当修改粒子群算法来求解,在计算上仍保留经典粒子群算法速度-位置更新运算规则。粒子在状态空间的取值和变化只限于0和1两个值, 而速度的每一维vi y代表位置每一位xi取值为1的可能性。因此, 在连续粒子群中的vij更新公式依然保持不变, 但是P best和:best只在[0, 1] 内取值。其位置更新等式表示如下:
4 粒子群算法流程
(2) 计算每个粒子的适应度值fit[i] 。
(3) 对每个粒子, 用它的适应度值fit[门和个体极值P best(i)比较。如果fit[i] <P best(i) , 则用fit[i] 替换掉P best(i) 。
(4) 对每个粒子, 用它的适应度值fit[i] 和全局极值g best比较。如果fit[i] < 8 best, 则用fit[i] 替换g best。
5 关键参数说明
粒子群算法的控制参数主要包括:粒子种群规模N,惯性权重w,加速系数c和c, 最大速度Via x, 停止准则, 邻域结构的设定, 边界条件处理策略等[14],
加速常数c和c 2分别调节向P best和g best方向飞行的最大步长, 它们分别决定粒子个体经验和群体经验对粒子运行轨迹的影响,反映粒子群之间的信息交流。如果cr=c2=0,则粒子将以当前的飞行速度飞到边界。此时,粒子仅能搜索有限的区域,所以难以找到最优解。如果q=0,则为“社会”模型,粒子缺乏认知能力,而只有群体经验,它的收敛速度较快,但容易陷入局部最优;如果oy=0,则为“认知”模
粒子的速度在空间中的每一维上都有一个最大速度限制值vd max,用来对粒子的速度进行钳制, 使速度控制在范围[-Vimax, +va max] 内,这决定问题空间搜索的力度, 该值一般由用户自己设定。Vmax是一个非常重要的参数,如果该值太大,则粒子们也许会飞过优秀区域:而如果该值太小,则粒子们可能无法对局部最优区域以外的区域进行充分的探测。它们可能会陷入局部最优,而无法移动足够远的距离而跳出局部最优, 达到空间中更佳的位置。研究者指出, 设定Vmax和调整惯性权重的作用是等效的, 所以!max一般用于对种群的初始化进行设定, 即将vmax设定为每维变量的变化范围, 而不再对最大速度进行细致的选择和调节。
具体的方法有很多种, 比如通过设置最大位置限制Xmax和最大速度限制Vmax, 当超过最大位置或最大速度时, 在范围内随机产生一个数值代替,或者将其设置为最大值,即边界吸收。
function [xOpt,fval,exitflag,output,population,scores] = ...
% Find the minimum of a function using Particle Swarm Optimization.
% This is an implementation of Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm using
% the same syntax as the Genetic Algorithm Toolbox, with some additional
% options specific to PSO. Allows code-reusability when trying different
% population-based optimization algorithms. Certain GA-specific parameters
% such as cross-over and mutation functions will not be applicable to the
% PSO algorithm. Demo function included, with a small library of test
% functions. Requires Optimization Toolbox.
% New features will be added regularly until this is made redundant by an
% official MATLAB PSO toolbox.
% Author: S. Samuel Chen. Version 1.31.2.
% Available from http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/25986
% Distributed under BSD license. First published in 2009.
% Syntax:
% psodemo
% pso
% x = pso(fitnessfcn,nvars)
% x = pso(fitnessfcn,nvars,Aineq,bineq)
% x = pso(fitnessfcn,nvars,Aineq,bineq,Aeq,beq)
% x = pso(fitnessfcn,nvars,Aineq,bineq,Aeq,beq,LB,UB)
% x = pso(fitnessfcn,nvars,Aineq,bineq,Aeq,beq,LB,UB,nonlcon)
% x = pso(fitnessfcn,nvars,Aineq,bineq,Aeq,beq,LB,UB,nonlcon,options)
% x = pso(problem)
% [x, fval] = pso(...)
% [x, fval,exitflag] = pso(...)
% [x, fval,exitflag,output] = pso(...)
% [x, fval,exitflag,output,population] = pso(...)
% [x, fval,exitflag,output,population,scores] = pso(...)
% Description:
% psodemo
% Runs a demonstration of the PSO algorithm using test function specified
% by user.
% pso
% Runs a default demonstration using Rosenbrock's banana function.
% x = pso(fitnessfcn,nvars)
% Runs the particle swarm algorithm with no constraints and default
% options. fitnessfcn is a function handle, nvars is the number of
% parameters to be optimized, i.e. the dimensionality of the problem. x is
% a 1xnvars vector representing the coordinates of the global optimum
% found by the pso algorithm.
% x = pso(fitnessfcn,nvars,Aineq,bineq)
% Linear constraints, such that Aineq*x <= bineq. Aineq is a matrix of size
% nconstraints x nvars, while b is a column vector of length nvars.
% x = pso(fitnessfcn,nvars,Aineq,bineq,Aeq,beq)
% Linear equality constraints, such that Aeq*x = beq. 'Soft' or 'penalize'
% boundaries only. If no inequality constraints exist, set Aineq and bineq
% to [].
% x = pso(fitnessfcn,nvars,Aineq,bineq,Aeq,beq,LB,UB)
% Lower and upper bounds defined as LB and UB respectively. Both LB and UB,
% if defined, should be 1 x nvars vectors. Use empty arrays [] for Aineq,
% bineq, Aeq, or beq if no linear constraints exist.
% x = pso(fitnessfcn,nvars,Aineq,bineq,Aeq,beq,LB,UB,nonlcon)
% Non-linear constraints. Nonlinear inequality constraints in the form c(x)
% <= 0 have now been implemented using 'soft' boundaries, or
% experimentally, using 'penalize' constraint handling method. See the
% Optimization Toolbox documentation for the proper syntax for defining
% nonlinear constraints. Use empty arrays [] for Aineq, bineq, Aeq, beq,
% LB, or UB if they are not needed.
% x = pso(fitnessfcn,nvars,Aineq,bineq,Aeq,beq,LB,UB,nonlcon,options)
% Default algorithm parameters replaced with those defined in the options
% structure:
% Use >> options = psooptimset('Param1,'value1','Param2,'value2',...) to
% generate the options structure. Type >> psooptimset with no input or
% output arguments to display a list of available options and their
% default values.
% NOTE: the swarm will perform better if the PopInitRange option is defined
% so that it closely bounds the expected domain of the feasible region.
% This is automatically done if the problem has both lower and upper bound
% constraints, but not for linear and nonlinear constraints.
% NOTE 2: If options.HybridFcn is to be defined, and if it is necessary to
% pass a non-default options structure to the hybrid function, then the
% options structure may be included in a cell array along with the pointer
% to the hybrid function. Example:
% >> % Let's say that we want to use fmincon to refine the result from PSO:
% >> hybridoptions = optimset(@fmincon) ;
% >> options.HybridFcn = {@fmincon, hybridoptions} ;
% NOTE 3:
% Perez and Behdinan (2007) demonstrated that the particle swarm is only
% stable if the following conditions are satisfied:
% Given that C0 = particle inertia
% C1 = options.SocialAttraction
% C2 = options.CognitiveAttraction
% 1) 0 < (C1 + C2) < 4
% 2) (C1 + C2)/2 - 1 < C0 < 1
% If conditions 1 and 2 are satisfied, the system will be guaranteed to
% converge to a stable equilibrium point. However, whether or not this
% point is actually the global minimum cannot be guaranteed, and its
% acceptability as a solution should be verified by the user.
% x = pso(problem)
% Parameters imported from problem structure.
% [x,fval] = pso(...)
% Returns the fitness value of the best solution.
% [x,fval,exitflag] = pso(...)
% Returns information on outcome of pso run. This should match exitflag
% values for GA where applicable, for code reuseability between the two
% toolboxes.
% [x,fval,exitflag,output] = pso(...)
% The structure output contains more detailed information about the PSO
% run. It should match output fields of GA, where applicable.
% [x,fval,exitflag,output,population] = pso(...)
% A matrix population of size PopulationSize x nvars, with the locations of
% particles across the rows. This may be used to save the final positions
% of all the particles in a swarm.
% [x,fval,exitflag,output,population,scores] = pso(...)
% Final scores of the particles in population.
% Bibliography
% J Kennedy, RC Eberhart, YH Shi. Swarm Intelligence. Academic Press, 2001.
% SM Mikki, AA Kishk. Particle Swarm Optimization: A Physics-Based
% Approach. Morgan & Claypool, 2008.
% RE Perez and K Behdinan. "Particle swarm approach for structural
% design optimization." Computers and Structures, Vol. 85:1579-88, 2007.
% See also:
if ~nargin % Rosenbrock's banana function by default, as a demonstration
fitnessfcn = @(x)100*(x(2)-x(1)^2)^2+(1-x(1))^2 ;
nvars = 2 ;
LB = [-1.5,-2] ;
UB = [2,2] ;
options.PopInitRange = [[-2;4],[-1;2]] ;
options.PlotFcns = {@psoplotbestf,@psoplotswarmsurf} ;
options.Generations = 200 ;
options.DemoMode = 'on' ;
options.KnownMin = [1 1] ;
options.OutputFcns = {} ;
options.ConstrBoundary = 'penalize' ;
options.UseParallel = 'never' ;
elseif isstruct(fitnessfcn)
nvars = fitnessfcn.nvars ;
Aineq = fitnessfcn.Aineq ;
bineq = fitnessfcn.bineq ;
Aeq = fitnessfcn.Aeq ;
beq = fitnessfcn.beq ;
LB = fitnessfcn.LB ;
UB = fitnessfcn.UB ;
nonlcon = fitnessfcn.nonlcon ;
if ischar(nonlcon) && ~isempty(nonlcon)
nonlcon = str2func(nonlcon) ;
options = fitnessfcn.options ;
fitnessfcn = fitnessfcn.fitnessfcn ;
elseif nargin < 2
msg = 'PSO requires at least two input arguments' ;
error('%s, or a problem structure. Type >> help pso for details',...
end % if ~nargin
if ~exist('options','var') % Set default options
options = struct ;
end % if ~exist
options = psooptimset(options) ;
options.Verbosity = 1 ; % For options.Display == 'final' (default)
if strcmpi(options.Display,'off')
options.Verbosity = 0 ;
elseif strncmpi(options.Display,'iter',4)
options.Verbosity = 2 ;
elseif strncmpi(options.Display,'diag',4)
options.Verbosity = 3 ;
if ~exist('Aineq','var'), Aineq = [] ; end
if ~exist('bineq','var'), bineq = [] ; end
if ~exist('Aeq','var'), Aeq = [] ; end
if ~exist('beq','var'), beq = [] ; end
if ~exist('LB','var'), LB = [] ; end
if ~exist('UB','var'), UB = [] ; end
if ~exist('nonlcon','var'), nonlcon = [] ; end
% Check for swarm stability
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if options.SocialAttraction + options.CognitiveAttraction >= 4 && ...
options.Verbosity > 2
msg = 'Warning: Swarm is unstable and may not converge ' ;
msg = [msg 'since the sum of the cognitive and social attraction'] ;
msg = [msg ' parameters is greater than or equal to 4.'] ;
msg = [msg ' Suggest adjusting options.CognitiveAttraction and/or'] ;
sprintf('%s options.SocialAttraction.',msg)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Check for constraints and bit string population type
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if strncmpi(options.PopulationType,'bitstring',2) && ...
(~isempty([Aineq,bineq]) || ~isempty([Aeq,beq]) || ...
~isempty(nonlcon) || ~isempty([LB,UB]))
Aineq = [] ; bineq = [] ; Aeq = [] ; beq = [] ; nonlcon = [] ;
LB = [] ; UB = [] ;
if options.Verbosity > 2
msg = sprintf('Constraints will be ignored') ;
msg = sprintf('%s for options.PopulationType ''bitstring''',msg) ;
warning('%s',msg) ;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Change this when nonlcon gets fully implemented:
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ~isempty(nonlcon) && strcmpi(options.ConstrBoundary,'reflect')
if options.Verbosity > 2
msg = 'Non-linear constraints don''t have ''reflect'' boundaries' ;
msg = [msg, ' implemented.'] ;
'%s Changing options.ConstrBoundary to ''penalize''.',...
options.ConstrBoundary = 'penalize' ;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Is options.PopInitRange reconcilable with LB and UB constraints?
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Resize PopInitRange in case it was given as one range for all dimensions
if size(options.PopInitRange,1) ~= 2 && size(options.PopInitRange,2) == 2
% Transpose PopInitRange if user provides nvars x 2 matrix instead
options.PopInitRange = options.PopInitRange' ;
elseif size(options.PopInitRange,2) == 1 && nvars > 1
% Resize PopInitRange in case it was given as one range for all dim
options.PopInitRange = repmat(options.PopInitRange,1,nvars) ;
elseif size(options.PopInitRange,2) ~= nvars
msg = 'Number of dimensions of options.PopInitRange does not' ;
msg = sprintf('%s match nvars. PopInitRange should be a',msg) ;
error('%s 2 x 1 or 2 x nvars matrix.',msg) ;
% Check initial population with respect to bound constraints
% Is this really desirable? Maybe there are some situations where the user
% specifically does not want a uniform inital population covering all of
% LB and UB?
if ~isempty(LB) || ~isempty(UB)
options.LinearConstr.type = 'boundconstraints' ;
if isempty(LB), LB = -inf*ones(1,nvars) ; end
if isempty(UB), UB = inf*ones(1,nvars) ; end
LB = reshape(LB,1,[]) ;
UB = reshape(UB,1,[]) ;
options.PopInitRange = ...
psocheckpopulationinitrange(options.PopInitRange,LB,UB) ;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Check validity of VelocityLimit
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if all(~isfinite(options.VelocityLimit))
options.VelocityLimit = [] ;
elseif isscalar(options.VelocityLimit)
options.VelocityLimit = repmat(options.VelocityLimit,1,nvars) ;
elseif ~isempty(length(options.VelocityLimit)) && ...
msg = 'options.VelocityLimit must be either a positive scalar' ;
error('%s, or a vector of size 1xnvars.',msg)
end % if isscalar
options.VelocityLimit = abs(options.VelocityLimit) ;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Setup for parallel computing
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if strcmpi(options.UseParallel,'always')
if strcmpi(options.Vectorized,'on')
if options.Verbosity > 2
msg = 'Both ''Vectorized'' and ''UseParallel'' options have ' ;
msg = [msg 'been set. The problem will be computed locally '] ;
warning('%s using the ''Vectorized'' computation method.',...
msg) ;
elseif isempty(ver('distcomp')) % Check for toolbox installed
if options.Verbosity > 2
msg = 'Parallel computing toolbox not installed. Problem' ;
warning('%s will be computed locally instead.',msg) ;
options.UseParallel = 'never' ;
poolalreadyopen = false ;
if isempty(gcp('nocreate'))
poolobj = parpool ;
addAttachedFiles(poolobj,which(func2str(fitnessfcn))) ;
poolalreadyopen = true ;
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1 matlab版本
2 参考文献
[1] 包子阳,余继周,杨杉.智能优化算法及其MATLAB实例(第2版)[M].电子工业出版社,2016.
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