【图像去噪】基于matlab小波变换+Contourlet变换+PCA图像去噪【含Matlab源码 610期】
1 图像去噪
1.1 图像噪声定义
1.2 图像噪声来源
1.3 噪声分类
g = f + n;
g = f + f*n
1.4 图像去噪算法的分类
function y = sefilter2(x, f1, f2, extmod, shift)
% SEFILTER2 2D seperable filtering with extension handling
% y = sefilter2(x, f1, f2, [extmod], [shift])
% Input:
% x: input image
% f1, f2: 1-D filters in each dimension that make up a 2D seperable filter
% extmod: [optional] extension mode (default is 'per')
% shift: [optional] specify the window over which the
% convolution occurs. By default shift = [0; 0].
% Output:
% y: filtered image of the same size as the input image:
% Y(z1,z2) = X(z1,z2)*F1(z1)*F2(z2)*z1^shift(1)*z2^shift(2)
% Note:
% The origin of the filter f is assumed to be floor(size(f)/2) + 1.
% Amount of shift should be no more than floor((size(f)-1)/2).
% The output image has the same size with the input image.
% See also: EXTEND2, EFILTER2
if ~exist('extmod', 'var')
extmod = 'per';
if ~exist('shift', 'var')
shift = [0; 0];
% Make sure filter in a row vector
f1 = f1(:)';
f2 = f2(:)';
% Periodized extension
lf1 = (length(f1) - 1) / 2;
lf2 = (length(f2) - 1) / 2;
y = extend2(x, floor(lf1) + shift(1), ceil(lf1) - shift(1), ...
floor(lf2) + shift(2), ceil(lf2) - shift(2), extmod);
% Seperable filter
y = conv2(f1, f2, y, 'valid');
function x = pprec(p0, p1, type)
% PPREC Parallelogram Polyphase Reconstruction
% x = pprec(p0, p1, type)
% Input:
% p0, p1: two parallelogram polyphase components of the image
% type: one of {1, 2, 3, 4} for selecting sampling matrices:
% P1 = [2, 0; 1, 1]
% P2 = [2, 0; -1, 1]
% P3 = [1, 1; 0, 2]
% P4 = [1, -1; 0, 2]
% Output:
% x: reconstructed image
% Note:
% These sampling matrices appear in the directional filterbank:
% P1 = R1 * Q1
% P2 = R2 * Q2
% P3 = R3 * Q2
% P4 = R4 * Q1
% where R's are resampling matrices and Q's are quincunx matrices
% Also note that R1 * R2 = R3 * R4 = I so for example,
% upsample by R1 is the same with down sample by R2
% See also: PPDEC
% Parallelogram polyphase decomposition by simplifying sampling matrices
% using the Smith decomposition of the quincunx matrices
[m, n] = size(p0);
switch type
case 1 % P1 = R1 * Q1 = D1 * R3
x = zeros(2*m, n);
x(1:2:end, :) = resamp(p0, 4);
x(2:2:end, [2:end, 1]) = resamp(p1, 4);
case 2 % P2 = R2 * Q2 = D1 * R4
x = zeros(2*m, n);
x(1:2:end, :) = resamp(p0, 3);
x(2:2:end, :) = resamp(p1, 3);
case 3 % P3 = R3 * Q2 = D2 * R1
x = zeros(m, 2*n);
x(:, 1:2:end) = resamp(p0, 2);
x([2:end, 1], 2:2:end) = resamp(p1, 2);
case 4 % P4 = R4 * Q1 = D2 * R2
x = zeros(m, 2*n);
x(:, 1:2:end) = resamp(p0, 1);
x(:, 2:2:end) = resamp(p1, 1);
error('Invalid argument type');
function x = pdfbrec(y, pfilt, dfilt)
% PDFBREC Pyramid Directional Filterbank Reconstruction
% x = pdfbrec(y, pfilt, dfilt)
% Input:
% y: a cell vector of length n+1, one for each layer of
% subband images from DFB, y{1} is the low band image
% pfilt: filter name for the pyramid
% dfilt: filter name for the directional filter bank
% Output:
% x: reconstructed image
n = length(y) - 1;
if n <= 0
x = y{1};
% Recursive call to reconstruct the low band
xlo = pdfbrec(y(1:end-1), pfilt, dfilt);
% Get the pyramidal filters from the filter name
[h, g] = pfilters(pfilt);
% Process the detail subbands
if length(y{end}) ~= 3
% Reconstruct the bandpass image from DFB
% Decide the method based on the filter name
switch dfilt
case {'pkva6', 'pkva8', 'pkva12', 'pkva'}
% Use the ladder structure (much more efficient)
xhi = dfbrec_l(y{end}, dfilt);
% General case
xhi = dfbrec(y{end}, dfilt);
x = lprec(xlo, xhi, h, g);
% Special case: length(y{end}) == 3
% Perform one-level 2-D critically sampled wavelet filter bank
x = wfb2rec(xlo, y{end}{1}, y{end}{2}, y{end}{3}, h, g);
function x = pprec(p0, p1, type)
% PPREC Parallelogram Polyphase Reconstruction
% x = pprec(p0, p1, type)
% Input:
% p0, p1: two parallelogram polyphase components of the image
% type: one of {1, 2, 3, 4} for selecting sampling matrices:
% P1 = [2, 0; 1, 1]
% P2 = [2, 0; -1, 1]
% P3 = [1, 1; 0, 2]
% P4 = [1, -1; 0, 2]
% Output:
% x: reconstructed image
% Note:
% These sampling matrices appear in the directional filterbank:
% P1 = R1 * Q1
% P2 = R2 * Q2
% P3 = R3 * Q2
% P4 = R4 * Q1
% where R's are resampling matrices and Q's are quincunx matrices
% Also note that R1 * R2 = R3 * R4 = I so for example,
% upsample by R1 is the same with down sample by R2
% See also: PPDEC
% Parallelogram polyphase decomposition by simplifying sampling matrices
% using the Smith decomposition of the quincunx matrices
[m, n] = size(p0);
switch type
case 1 % P1 = R1 * Q1 = D1 * R3
x = zeros(2*m, n);
x(1:2:end, :) = resamp(p0, 4);
x(2:2:end, [2:end, 1]) = resamp(p1, 4);
case 2 % P2 = R2 * Q2 = D1 * R4
x = zeros(2*m, n);
x(1:2:end, :) = resamp(p0, 3);
x(2:2:end, :) = resamp(p1, 3);
case 3 % P3 = R3 * Q2 = D2 * R1
x = zeros(m, 2*n);
x(:, 1:2:end) = resamp(p0, 2);
x([2:end, 1], 2:2:end) = resamp(p1, 2);
case 4 % P4 = R4 * Q1 = D2 * R2
x = zeros(m, 2*n);
x(:, 1:2:end) = resamp(p0, 1);
x(:, 2:2:end) = resamp(p1, 1);
error('Invalid argument type');
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1 matlab版本
2 参考文献
[1] 蔡利梅.MATLAB图像处理——理论、算法与实例分析[M].清华大学出版社,2020.
文章来源: qq912100926.blog.csdn.net,作者:海神之光,版权归原作者所有,如需转载,请联系作者。
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