
nimo的小舔狗 发表于 2022/05/11 00:10:55 2022/05/11
【摘要】 设计思路   在3.2的基础上,将时分秒计时器,变成可调的计时器。可以分别对小时、分、秒设定初始值。设定的方法可以采用,从外部输入一个值,比如小时可以从5开始;也可以通过按键把小时当前的值增加或者减少来实现值的调整。 原理图 功能模块代码: module Ktcllo(clk50,key,clk...






  1. module Ktcllo(clk50,key,clk1,out5,out4,out3,out2,out1,out0,flagclk,up,down);
  2. input clk50,key,flagclk,up,down; // clk50:输入50MHz信号;key:异步复位信号
  3. output clk1; // clk1:新产生的1Hz信号
  4. output reg [6:0] out5; // 输出,时_十位
  5. output reg [6:0] out4; // 输出,时_个位
  6. output reg [6:0] out3; // 输出,分_十位
  7. output reg [6:0] out2; // 输出,分_个位
  8. output reg [6:0] out1; // 输出,秒_十位
  9. output reg [6:0] out0; // 输出,秒_个位
  10. reg [6:0] hour=0; // 计数器_时(0-23)
  11. reg [6:0] minutes=0; // 计数器_分(0-59)
  12. reg [6:0] seconds=0; // 计数器_秒(0-59)
  13. reg [3:0] flag=0;
  14. div_clk dc(clk50,clk1); // 模块调用,50MHz -> 1Hz
  15. // clk1,上升沿触发;key,异步信号,高电平有效
  16. always@(posedge clk1,posedge key,posedge flagclk,posedge up,posedge down)
  17. begin
  18. // 异步复位
  19. if(key)
  20. begin
  21. hour=0;
  22. minutes=0;
  23. seconds=0;
  24. // 直接输出,方便观察检验结果
  25. // 若连接7段管,输出信号用任务 dec_out 转换即可
  26. // dec_out(输入:十进制数 , 输出:7位二进制数值,对应7段管显示)
  27. // 例:dec_out(hour/10,out5);
  28. out5=hour/10;
  29. out4=hour%10;
  30. out3=minutes/10;
  31. out2=minutes%10;
  32. out1=seconds/10;
  33. out0=seconds%10;
  34. end
  35. else if(flagclk)//设置
  36. begin
  37. flag=(flag+1)%4;
  38. end
  39. else if(up)
  40. begin
  41. if(flag==1)
  42. begin
  43. if(hour<23) hour=hour+1;
  44. else hour=0;
  45. end
  46. if(flag==2)
  47. begin
  48. if(minutes<59) minutes=minutes+1;
  49. else minutes=0;
  50. end
  51. if(flag==3)
  52. begin
  53. if(seconds<59) seconds=seconds+1;
  54. else seconds=0;
  55. end
  56. out5=hour/10;
  57. out4=hour%10;
  58. out3=minutes/10;
  59. out2=minutes%10;
  60. out1=seconds/10;
  61. out0=seconds%10;
  62. end
  63. else if(down)
  64. begin
  65. if(flag==1)
  66. begin
  67. if(hour>0) hour=hour-1;
  68. else hour=23;
  69. end
  70. if(flag==2)
  71. begin
  72. if(minutes>0) minutes=minutes-1;
  73. else minutes=59;
  74. end
  75. if(flag==3)
  76. begin
  77. if(seconds>0) seconds=seconds-1;
  78. else seconds=59;
  79. end
  80. out5=hour/10;
  81. out4=hour%10;
  82. out3=minutes/10;
  83. out2=minutes%10;
  84. out1=seconds/10;
  85. out0=seconds%10;
  86. end
  87. // 计数
  88. else
  89. begin
  90. if(seconds<59) seconds=seconds+1;
  91. else
  92. begin
  93. if(seconds==59)
  94. begin
  95. seconds=0;
  96. if(minutes<59) minutes=minutes+1;
  97. else
  98. begin
  99. if(minutes==59)
  100. begin
  101. minutes=0;
  102. if(hour<23) hour=hour+1;
  103. else
  104. begin
  105. if(hour==23) hour=0;
  106. end
  107. end
  108. end
  109. end
  110. end
  111. // 直接输出,方便观察检验结果
  112. // 若连接7段管,输出信号用任务 dec_out 转换即可
  113. // dec_out(输入:十进制数 , 输出:7位二进制数值,对应7段管显示)
  114. // 例:dec_out(hour/10,out5);
  115. out5=hour/10;
  116. out4=hour%10;
  117. out3=minutes/10;
  118. out2=minutes%10;
  119. out1=seconds/10;
  120. out0=seconds%10;
  121. end
  122. end
  123. // 七段管十进制数显示:将十进制数转换为七段管显示所对应的电平信号
  124. task dec_out;
  125. input integer decc; // 输入,十进制数
  126. output reg[6:0] outt; // 输出,7位二进制数值
  127. if(decc==0) outt=7'b1000000; // 七段管显示0
  128. else if(decc==1) outt=7'b1111001; // 七段管显示1
  129. else if(decc==2) outt=7'b0100100; // 七段管显示2
  130. else if(decc==3) outt=7'b0110000; // 七段管显示3
  131. else if(decc==4) outt=7'b0011001; // 七段管显示4
  132. else if(decc==5) outt=7'b0010010; // 七段管显示5
  133. else if(decc==6) outt=7'b0000010; // 七段管显示6
  134. else if(decc==7) outt=7'b1111000; // 七段管显示7
  135. else if(decc==8) outt=7'b0000000; // 七段管显示8
  136. else if(decc==9) outt=7'b0011000; // 七段管显示9
  137. else outt=7'b1111111; // 七段管不显示
  138. endtask
  139. endmodule
  140. // **分频电路模块 50MHz -> 1Hz**
  141. // 50MHz = 2*10^-8 s = 20ns
  142. // 1Hz = 1s
  143. // 1s/20ns = 5*10^7,即1Hz信号的一个周期包含50MHz信号的5*10^7个周期
  144. // (5*10^7)/2 = 25000000,产生1Hz信号时,每过25000000个周期翻转一次
  145. module div_clk(clk50,clk1);
  146. input clk50; // clk50:输入的50MHz信号
  147. output reg clk1=1; // clk1: 产生的1Hz信号,赋初始值为1
  148. integer i=0; // 50MHz频率下,周期计数器
  149. always@(posedge clk50) // clk50上升沿触发
  150. begin
  151. if(i==250) // 每过25000000个周期
  152. begin
  153. i=0;
  154. clk1=~clk1; // clk1翻转
  155. end
  156. else i=i+1;
  157. end
  158. endmodule


  1. // Copyright (C) 2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
  2. // Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions
  3. // and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
  4. // functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
  5. // (including device programming or simulation files), and any
  6. // associated documentation or information are expressly subject
  7. // to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License
  8. // Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement,
  9. // the Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable license
  10. // agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for
  11. // the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by
  12. // Intel and sold by Intel or its authorized distributors. Please
  13. // refer to the applicable agreement for further details.
  14. // *****************************************************************************
  15. // This file contains a Verilog test bench template that is freely editable to
  16. // suit user's needs .Comments are provided in each section to help the user
  17. // fill out necessary details.
  18. // *****************************************************************************
  19. // Generated on "04/07/2022 11:09:36"
  20. // Verilog Test Bench template for design : Ktcllo
  21. //
  22. // Simulation tool : ModelSim-Altera (Verilog)
  23. //
  24. `timescale 1 ps/ 1 ps
  25. module Ktcllo_vlg_tst();
  26. // constants
  27. // general purpose registers
  28. reg eachvec;
  29. // test vector input registers
  30. reg clk50;
  31. reg down;
  32. reg flagclk;
  33. reg key;
  34. reg up;
  35. // wires
  36. wire clk1;
  37. wire [6:0] out0;
  38. wire [6:0] out1;
  39. wire [6:0] out2;
  40. wire [6:0] out3;
  41. wire [6:0] out4;
  42. wire [6:0] out5;
  43. // assign statements (if any)
  44. Ktcllo i1 (
  45. // port map - connection between master ports and signals/registers
  46. .clk1(clk1),
  47. .clk50(clk50),
  48. .down(down),
  49. .flagclk(flagclk),
  50. .key(key),
  51. .out0(out0),
  52. .out1(out1),
  53. .out2(out2),
  54. .out3(out3),
  55. .out4(out4),
  56. .out5(out5),
  57. .up(up)
  58. );
  59. parameter DELAY=20;
  60. // 半个周期翻转一次
  61. always #(DELAY/2) clk50=~clk50;
  62. initial
  63. begin
  64. // code that executes only once
  65. // insert code here --> begin
  66. // --> end
  67. up=0;down=0;
  68. key=0;
  69. clk50=0;
  70. flagclk=0;
  71. $display("Running testbench");
  72. end
  73. always
  74. // optional sensitivity list
  75. // @(event1 or event2 or .... eventn)
  76. begin
  77. // code executes for every event on sensitivity list
  78. // insert code here --> begin
  79. $monitor($realtime,,,"%d %d : %d %d : %d %d",out5,out4,out3,out2,out1,out0);
  80. @eachvec;
  81. // --> end
  82. end
  83. endmodule



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