Google Earth Engine ——高级陆地观测卫AVNIR-2 ORI 产品10m分辨率

此星光明 发表于 2022/04/15 23:25:24 2022/04/15
【摘要】 This dataset is contains orthorectified imagery from the Advanced Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer type 2 (AVNIR-2) sensor on-board the Advanced Land Observing Satel...

This dataset is contains orthorectified imagery from the Advanced Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer type 2 (AVNIR-2) sensor on-board the Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) "DAICHI".

The AVNIR-2 ORI product was created from AVNIR-2 1B1 data after stereo matching with reference to ALOS's Panchromatic Remote-sensing Instrument for Stereo Mapping (PRISM)-derived DSM AW3D30. The orthorectification process used AW3D30 DSM data when available and SRTM (The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) DSM data otherwise.

该数据集包含来自高级陆地观测卫星 (ALOS)“DAICHI”上的高级可见光和近红外辐射计类型 2 (AVNIR-2) 传感器的正射校正图像。

AVNIR-2 ORI 产品是根据 AVNIR-2 1B1 数据在参照 ALOS 的立体映射全色遥感仪器 (PRISM) 衍生的 DSM AW3D30 进行立体匹配后创建的。正射校正过程在可用时使用 AW3D30 DSM 数据,否则使用 SRTM(航天飞机雷达地形任务)DSM 数据。

Dataset Availability

2006-04-26T00:00:00 - 2011-04-18T00:00:00

Dataset Provider

JAXA Earth Observation Research Center

Collection Snippet



10 meters

Bands Table

Name Description Min* Max*
B1 Blue (0.42 - 0.50 µm) 1 255
B2 Green (0.52 - 0.60 µm) 1 255
B3 Red (0.61 - 0.69 µm) 1 255
B4 Near-Infrared (0.76 - 0.89 µm) 1 255

* = Values are estimated


Name Type Description
CENTER_ALTITUDE Double Satellite alitutude at scene center (km)
CENTER_FRAME_NUMBER Double Frame number of scene center (0000 to 7198)
CENTER_HEADING_ANGLE Double Satellite heading angle including Earth rotation at scene center (radians)
CENTER_SKEW_ANGLE Double Image skew angle at scene center (milli-radians)
CENTER_SOLAR_AZIMUTH Double Azimuth angle of the sun at scene center (°)
CENTER_SOLAR_ZENITH Double Solar elevation (zenith) angle of the sun at scene center (°)
CENTER_START_TIME String Scene center time (UTC).
INCIDENT_ANGLE String Incident angle "SNN.NNN" (S: Incident direction R/L, NN.NNN degrees)
ORBIT_DIRECTION String Orbit direction ("A"/"D": ascending/descending)
ORBIT_INCLINATION Double Nominal satellite orbit inclination (°)
ORBIT_CYCLE_PERIOD Double Nominal satellite orbit cycle period (min)
ORIENTATION_ANGLE Double Angle of the vertical axis of image frame from the map northing axis.
PROCESSING_DATE String Processing date (JST)
PROCESSING_FACILITY String Processing facility.
PROCESSING_SOFTWARE_VESRION String Processing software version.
PROCESSING_TIME String Processing time (JST)
PRODUCT_ID String Product ID e.g: "ABBBCCDE" * A: Observation mode ("O") * BBB: Processing level ("ORI") * CC: Framing ("RF" Geo-reference, "GT", Geo-coded True-north "GM", Geo-coded Map-north), * D: Map projection ("U": UTM, "P": PS) * E: Sensor type ("N": nadir 35km, "F": forward 35km "B": backward 35km "W": nadir 70km) * A: AVNIR-2
PRODUCT_NUMBER Double Product version number
RSP_ID String RSP ID e.g: "MPPPFFFFSN" * M: Oribit direction ("A": ascending, "D": descending) * PPP: RSP path number (0 to 671) * FFFF: RSP frame number (0000 to 7199) * SN: Scene shift ("-2" to " 2")
SATELLITE_NAME String Satellite name.
SCENE_ID String Scene ID e.g. "AABBBCDDDDDEEEE" * AA: Satellite code ("AL": ALOS) * BBB: Sensor code ("PSM": PRISM, "AV2": AVNIR-2) * C: Sensor type ("N": nadir 35km, "F": forward 35km, "B": backward 35km "W": nadir 70km, "A": AVNIR-2) * DDDDD: Total orbit number of scene center ("00001" to "99999") * EEEE: Frame number of scene center, including scene shift ("0000" to "7199")
SENSOR_CODE String Sensor code ("PSM": PRISM, "AV2": AVNIR-2)
SENSOR_TYPE String Sensor type ("N": nadir 35km, "F": forward 35km, "B": backward 35km "W": nadir 70km, "A": AVNIR-2)
TOTAL_ORBIT_NUMBER Double Total orbit number of scene center.


The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) releases the ALOS Orthorectified Image Product (ALOS-ORI) free of charge and open to the public with the following conditions:

  • When you provide or publish any products or services to a third party using this dataset, you are kindly requested to display that the original data is provided by JAXA.
  • When you publish your product(s) using this dataset, you are kindly requested to show the copyright (© JAXA) and the source of the data.
  • JAXA does not guarantee the quality and reliability of this dataset and JAXA assume no responsibility whatsoever for any direct or indirect damage and loss caused by use of this dataset. Also, JAXA will not be responsible for any damages of users due to changing, deleting or terminating the provision of this dataset.


  1. var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('JAXA/ALOS/AVNIR-2/ORI')
  2. .filter('2011-01-01', '2011-04-01'));
  3. var avnir2OriRgb =['B3', 'B2', 'B1']);
  4. var avnir2OriRgbVis = {
  5. min: 0.0,
  6. max: 255.0,
  7. };
  8. Map.setCenter(138.7302, 35.3641, 12);
  9. Map.addLayer(avnir2OriRgb, avnir2OriRgbVis, 'AVNIR-2 ORI RGB');



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