主要用到的库是 jszi...
主要用到的库是 jszip
则 则这里简单对jszip做下简单介绍,更详细的功能和api请移步官网.
jszip是是一个创建,读取和写入.zip文件的js库, api优化,简单
2:遍历获取的文件对象 放入实例化的zip对象中
3:使用generateAsync()方法生成文件, 通过formdata提交到服务端
此案例支持拖拽上传多个文件, 支持选择多个文件,选择单个文件夹 此外可以使用 file-saver库的saveAs对zip文件包保存到本地
<div class="home">
<img alt="Vue logo" src="../assets/logo.png">
<label name="myfile" for="myfile" style="display:block;width:200px;height:200px;border:1px solid #ddd"
:class="{'is-dragover': dragover}"
@dragleave.prevent="dragover = false">
<input type="file" id="myfile" multiple webkitdirectory @change="selectFile" />
// @ is an alias to /src
import JSZip from 'jszip'
import axios from 'axios'
import { saveAs } from 'file-saver'
export default {
name: 'home',
components: {},
data () {
return {
dragover: false
mounted () {
methods: {
selectFile (even) {
var files = even.target.files
onDrop (even) {
this.dragover = false
var files = even.dataTransfer.files
commmon (files) {
var zip = new JSZip()
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
var f = files[i]
zip.file(f.name, f)
zip.generateAsync({ type: 'blob' })
.then(function (content) {
saveAs(content, 'example.zip')
let formData = new FormData()
formData.append('file', content)
method: 'post',
url: '/framework/file/create',
data: formData,
withCredentials: true, // 默认的
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
onDragover () {
this.dragover = true
<style lang="scss">
border: 2px solid red !important
这里说一下拖拽上传文件, 主要是用到的原生事件是这三个
ondrop ondragover ondragleave
加上prevent 可以防止拖拽过程,浏览器 直接打开文件,阻止事件默认行为.
在ondragover的事件上可以处理文件拖拽到了可放置的元素上,对用户 进行友好提示.
ondrop 事件是文件拖拽到了元素上,松开鼠标时触发, 这个时候可以通过事件拿到拖拽的文件列表 使用even.dataTransfer.files
file(name, data [,options]) :创建zip文件,可以放入多个文件,支持多种文件格式String/ArrayBuffer/Uint8Array/Buffer/Blob/Promise/Nodejs stream,
name | type | description |
name | string | the name of the file. You can specify folders in the name : the folder separator is a forward slash (“/”). |
data | String/ArrayBuffer/Uint8Array/Buffer/Blob/Promise/Nodejs stream | the content of the file. |
options | object | the options. |
Content of options
name | type | default | description |
base64 | boolean | false |
set to true if the data is base64 encoded. For example image data from a <canvas> element. Plain text and HTML do not need this option. More. |
binary | boolean | false |
set to true if the data should be treated as raw content, false if this is a text. If base64 is used, this defaults to true , if the data is not a string, this will be set to true . More. |
date | date | the current date | the last modification date. More. |
compression | string | null | If set, specifies compression method to use for this specific file. If not, the default file compression will be used, see generateAsync(options). More. |
compressionOptions | object | null |
the options to use when compressing the file, see generateAsync(options). More. |
comment | string | null | The comment for this file. More. |
optimizedBinaryString | boolean | false |
Set to true if (and only if) the input is a “binary string” and has already been prepared with a 0xFF mask. |
createFolders | boolean | true |
Set to true if folders in the file path should be automatically created, otherwise there will only be virtual folders that represent the path to the file. More. |
unixPermissions | 16 bits number | null | The UNIX permissions of the file, if any. More. |
dosPermissions | 6 bits number | null | The DOS permissions of the file, if any. More. |
dir | boolean | false | Set to true if this is a directory and content should be ignored. More. |
generateAsync(options[, onUpdate]): 生成一个完整的zip的文件在当前文件目录 返回一个promise
name | type | default | description |
options | object | the options to generate the zip file : | |
options.type | string | The type of zip to return, see below for the other types. Required. More. | |
options.compression | string | STORE (no compression) |
the default file compression method to use. More. |
options.compressionOptions | object | null |
the options to use when compressing the file. More. |
options.comment | string | The comment to use for the zip file. More. | |
options.mimeType | string | application/zip |
mime-type for the generated file. More. |
options.platform | string | DOS |
The platform to use when generating the zip file. More. |
options.encodeFileName | function | encode with UTF-8 | the function to encode the file name / comment. More. |
options.streamFiles | boolean | false | Stream the files and create file descriptors, see below. More. |
onUpdate | function | The optional function called on each internal update with the metadata. More. |
Possible values for type
: the result will be a string, the binary in a base64 form.binarystring
, deprecated): the result will be a string in “binary” form, using 1 byte per char (2 bytes).array
: the result will be an Array of bytes (numbers between 0 and 255) containing the zip.uint8array
: the result will be a Uint8Array containing the zip. This requires a compatible browser.arraybuffer
: the result will be a ArrayBuffer containing the zip. This requires a compatible browser.blob
: the result will be a Blob containing the zip. This requires a compatible browser.nodebuffer
: the result will be a nodejs Buffer containing the zip. This requires nodejs.
文章来源: fizzz.blog.csdn.net,作者:拿我格子衫来,版权归原作者所有,如需转载,请联系作者。
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