GitLab Runner 配置

拿我格子衫来 发表于 2022/03/17 23:37:12 2022/03/17
【摘要】 配置文件/srv/gitlab-runner/config/config.toml 全局的部分concurrent  限制能够同时run多个job  0为不限制log_level  可选项 debug, info, warn, error, fatal, paniccheck_interval...


concurrent  限制能够同时run多个job  0为不限制
log_level  可选项 debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic
check_interval  检查周期 检查新的job 单位秒 默认三秒




runners 部分

Setting Description
name Runner 的名字 描述
url GitLab 地址
token The Runner’s special token (not to be confused with the registration token)
tls-ca-file File containing the certificates to verify the peer when using HTTPS
tls-cert-file File containing the certificate to authenticate with the peer when using HTTPS
tls-key-file File containing the private key to authenticate with the peer when using HTTPS
limit Limit how many jobs can be handled concurrently by this token. 0 (default) simply means don’t limit
executor Select how a project should be built, see next section
shell Name of shell to generate the script. Default value is platform dependent.
builds_dir Absolute path to a directory where builds will be stored in context of selected executor (Locally, Docker, SSH)
cache_dir Absolute path to a directory where build caches will be stored in context of selected executor (locally, Docker, SSH). If the docker executor is used, this directory needs to be included in its volumes parameter.
environment Append or overwrite environment variables
request_concurrency Limit number of concurrent requests for new jobs from GitLab (default 1)
output_limit Set maximum build log size in kilobytes, by default set to 4096 (4MB)
pre_clone_script Commands to be executed on the Runner before cloning the Git repository. this can be used to adjust the Git client configuration first, for example. To insert multiple commands, use a (triple-quoted) multi-line string or “\n” character.
pre_build_script Commands to be executed on the Runner after cloning the Git repository, but before executing the build. To insert multiple commands, use a (triple-quoted) multi-line string or “\n” character.
post_build_script Commands to be executed on the Runner just after executing the build, but before executing after_script. To insert multiple commands, use a (triple-quoted) multi-line string or “\n” character.
clone_url Overwrite the URL for the GitLab instance. Used if the Runner can’t connect to GitLab on the URL GitLab exposes itself.
debug_trace_disabled Disables the CI_DEBUG_TRACE feature. When set to true, then debug log (trace) will remain disabled even if CI_DEBUG_TRACE will be set to true by the user.
referees Extra job monitoring workers that pass their results as job artifacts to GitLab



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