
snowofsummer 发表于 2021/12/30 08:40:05 2021/12/30
【摘要】  1,可以利用repmgrd进程实现自动的failover.2,repmgr.conf文件中将location参数设置为一致,不设置的话默认也是一致的。(location='dc1'/ (default is default)).3,同时启动repmgrd必须在postgres.conf配置文件中设置shared_preload_libraries=‘repmgr’#### repmgr.c...


2,repmgr.conf文件中将location参数设置为一致,不设置的话默认也是一致的。(location='dc1'/ (default is default)).

#### repmgr.conf配置:

promote_command='/usr/local/postgresql/bin/repmgr standby promote -f /etc/repmgr.conf --log-to-file'
follow_command='/usr/local/postgresql/bin/repmgr standby follow -f /etc/repmgr.conf --log-to-file --upstream-node-id=%n'

#monitoring_history=true (启用监控参数)                    

shared_preload_libraries = 'repmgr'

repmgr node service --action=restart

repmgrd -f /etc/repmgr.conf --pid-file /tmp/
 kill `cat /tmp/`
repmgr daemon start
repmgr daemon stop
repmgrd_service_start_command='/usr/local/postgresql/bin/repmgrd repmgrd -f /etc/repmgr.conf --pid-file /tmp/'
repmgrd_service_stop_command=' kill `cat /tmp/`'

-bash-4.2$ repmgr daemon stop
ERROR: "repmgrd_service_stop_command" is not set
HINT: set "repmgrd_service_stop_command" in "repmgr.conf"
-bash-4.2$ repmgr daemon start
ERROR: "repmgrd_service_start_command" is not set
HINT: set "repmgrd_service_start_command" in "repmgr.conf"





[postgres@db01 ~]$ more /etc/repmgr.conf
conninfo='host= user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2'
promote_command='/usr/local/postgresql/bin/repmgr standby promote -f /etc/repmgr.conf --log-to-file'
follow_command='/usr/local/postgresql/bin/repmgr follow -f /etc/repmgr.conf --log-to-file --upstream-node-id=%n'

-bash-4.2$ more /etc/repmgr.conf
conninfo='host= user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2'
promote_command='/usr/local/postgresql/bin/repmgr standby promote -f /etc/repmgr.conf --log-to-file'
follow_command='/usr/local/postgresql/bin/repmgr standby follow -f /etc/repmgr.conf --log-to-file --upstream-node-id=%n'

-bash-4.2$ more /etc/repmgr.conf
conninfo='host= user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2'
promote_command='/usr/local/postgresql/bin/repmgr standby promote -f /etc/repmgr.conf --log-to-file'
follow_command='/usr/local/postgresql/bin/repmgr standby follow -f /etc/repmgr.conf --log-to-file --upstream-node-id=%n'

#repmgrd -f /home/pg10/conf/db02.conf --pid-file /tmp/
-bash-4.2$ repmgr  service  status

ID | Name | Role    | Status    | Upstream | repmgrd | PID   | Paused? | Upstream last seen
1  | db01 | standby |   running | db02     | running | 2884  | no      | 2 second(s) ago
2  | db02 | primary | * running |          | running | 16432 | no      | n/a

#停止 primary db02数据库(模拟故障):

[2021-10-28 20:48:57] [INFO] checking state of node "db02" (ID: 2), 5 of 6 attempts
[2021-10-28 20:48:57] [WARNING] unable to ping "user=repmgr connect_timeout=2 dbname=repmgr host= fallback_application_name=repmgr"
[2021-10-28 20:48:57] [DETAIL] PQping() returned "PQPING_NO_RESPONSE"
[2021-10-28 20:48:57] [INFO] sleeping up to 10 seconds until next reconnection attempt
[2021-10-28 20:49:07] [INFO] checking state of node "db02" (ID: 2), 6 of 6 attempts
[2021-10-28 20:49:07] [WARNING] unable to ping "user=repmgr connect_timeout=2 dbname=repmgr host= fallback_application_name=repmgr"
[2021-10-28 20:49:07] [DETAIL] PQping() returned "PQPING_NO_RESPONSE"
[2021-10-28 20:49:07] [WARNING] unable to reconnect to node "db02" (ID: 2) after 6 attempts
[2021-10-28 20:49:07] [INFO] 0 active sibling nodes registered
[2021-10-28 20:49:07] [INFO] 2 total nodes registered
[2021-10-28 20:49:07] [INFO] primary node  "db02" (ID: 2) and this node have the same location ("default")
[2021-10-28 20:49:07] [INFO] no other sibling nodes - we win by default
[2021-10-28 20:49:07] [NOTICE] this node is the only available candidate and will now promote itself
[2021-10-28 20:49:07] [INFO] promote_command is:
  "/usr/local/postgresql/bin/repmgr standby promote -f /etc/repmgr.conf --log-to-file"
[2021-10-28 20:49:07] [NOTICE] redirecting logging output to "/tmp/repmgrd.log"

[2021-10-28 20:49:07] [NOTICE] promoting standby to primary
[2021-10-28 20:49:07] [DETAIL] promoting server "db01" (ID: 1) using pg_promote()
[2021-10-28 20:49:07] [NOTICE] waiting up to 60 seconds (parameter "promote_check_timeout") for promotion to complete
[2021-10-28 20:49:08] [NOTICE] STANDBY PROMOTE successful
[2021-10-28 20:49:08] [DETAIL] server "db01" (ID: 1) was successfully promoted to primary
[2021-10-28 20:49:08] [INFO] checking state of node 1, 1 of 6 attempts
[2021-10-28 20:49:08] [NOTICE] node 1 has recovered, reconnecting
[2021-10-28 20:49:08] [INFO] connection to node 1 succeeded
[2021-10-28 20:49:08] [INFO] original connection is still available
[2021-10-28 20:49:08] [INFO] 0 followers to notify
[2021-10-28 20:49:08] [INFO] switching to primary monitoring mode
[2021-10-28 20:49:08] [NOTICE] monitoring cluster primary "db01" (ID: 1)

-bash-4.2$ repmgr  service  status
ID | Name | Role    | Status               | Upstream | repmgrd | PID   | Paused? | Upstream last seen
1  | db01 | standby | ! running as primary |          | running | 15737 | no      | n/a
2  | db02 | primary | ? unreachable        | ?        | n/a     | n/a   | n/a     | n/a

WARNING: following issues were detected
  - node "db01" (ID: 1) is registered as standby but running as primary
  - unable to  connect to node "db02" (ID: 2)
  - node "db02" (ID: 2) is registered as an active primary but is unreachable
HINT: execute with --verbose option to see connection error messages

-bash-4.2$ repmgr  cluster show
ID | Name | Role    | Status               | Upstream | Location | Priority | Timeline | Connection string                                     
1  | db01 | standby | ! running as primary |          | default  | 100      | 5        | host= user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2
2  | db02 | primary | ? unreachable        | ?        | default  | 100      |          | host= user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2

WARNING: following issues were detected
  - node "db01" (ID: 1) is registered as standby but running as primary
  - unable to connect to node "db02" (ID: 2)
  - node "db02" (ID: 2) is registered as an active primary but is unreachable
HINT: execute with --verbose option to see connection error messages

repmgr node rejoin -d 'host= dbname=repmgr user=repmgr' --force-rewind --config-files=postgresql.conf, --verbose --dry-run
repmgr node rejoin -d 'host= dbname=repmgr user=repmgr' --force-rewind --config-files=postgresql.conf, --verbose
-bash-4.2$ repmgr node rejoin -d 'host= dbname=repmgr user=repmgr' --force-rewind --config-files=postgresql.conf, --verbose
INFO: looking for configuration file in /etc
INFO: configuration file found at: "/etc/repmgr.conf"
NOTICE: rejoin target is node "db01" (ID: 1)
INFO: prerequisites for using pg_rewind are met
INFO: 2 files copied to "/tmp/repmgr-config-archive-db02"
NOTICE: executing pg_rewind
DETAIL: pg_rewind command is "/usr/local/postgresql/bin/pg_rewind -D '/data/db01' --source-server='host= user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2'"
NOTICE: 2 files copied to /data/db01
INFO: directory "/tmp/repmgr-config-archive-db02" deleted
NOTICE: setting node 2's upstream to node 1
WARNING: unable to ping "host= user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2"
NOTICE: starting server using "/usr/local/postgresql/bin/pg_ctl  -w -D '/data/db01' start"
INFO: node "db02" (ID: 2) is pingable
INFO: node "db02" (ID: 2) has attached to its upstream node
DETAIL: node 2 is now attached to node 1

-bash-4.2$ repmgr cluster show
ID | Name | Role    | Status    | Upstream | Location | Priority | Timeline | Connection string
1  | db01 | primary | * running |          | default  | 100      | 5        | host= user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2
2  | db02 | standby |   running | db01     | default  | 100      | 4        | host= user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2


-bash-4.2$ repmgr cluster show
ID | Name | Role    | Status    | Upstream | Location | Priority | Timeline | Connection string
1  | db01 | primary | * running |          | default  | 100      | 5        | host= user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2
2  | db02 | standby |   running | db01     | default  | 100      | 5        | host= user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2
3  | db03 | standby |   running | db01     | default  | 100      | 5        | host= user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2

-bash-4.2$ repmgr service status
ID | Name | Role    | Status    | Upstream | repmgrd | PID   | Paused? | Upstream last seen
1  | db01 | primary | * running |          | running | 15737 | no      | n/a
2  | db02 | standby |   running | db01     | running | 1716  | no      | 4 second(s) ago
3  | db03 | standby |   running | db01     | running | 17700 | no      | 4 second(s) ago

#db01 关机(模拟故障)
[root@db01 ~]# init 0

[2021-10-28 21:37:41] [INFO] checking state of node "db01" (ID: 1), 6 of 6 attempts
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [WARNING] unable to ping "user=repmgr connect_timeout=2 dbname=repmgr host= fallback_application_name=repmgr"
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [DETAIL] PQping() returned "PQPING_NO_RESPONSE"
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [WARNING] unable to reconnect to node "db01" (ID: 1) after 6 attempts
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [INFO] 1 active sibling nodes registered
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [INFO] 3 total nodes registered
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [INFO] primary node  "db01" (ID: 1) and this node have the same location ("default")
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [INFO] local node's last receive lsn: 0/13019878
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [INFO] checking state of sibling node "db03" (ID: 3)
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [INFO] node "db03" (ID: 3) reports its upstream is node 1, last seen 69 second(s) ago
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [INFO] standby node "db03" (ID: 3) last saw primary node 69 second(s) ago
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [INFO] last receive LSN for sibling node "db03" (ID: 3) is: 0/13019878
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [INFO] node "db03" (ID: 3) has same LSN as current candidate "db02" (ID: 2)
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [INFO] visible nodes: 2; total nodes: 2; no nodes have seen the primary within the last 10 seconds
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [NOTICE] promotion candidate is "db02" (ID: 2)
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [NOTICE] this node is the winner, will now promote itself and inform other nodes
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [INFO] promote_command is:
  "/usr/local/postgresql/bin/repmgr standby promote -f /etc/repmgr.conf --log-to-file"

[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [NOTICE] redirecting logging output to "/tmp/repmgrd.log"
[2021-10-28 21:37:44] [WARNING] 1 sibling nodes found, but option "--siblings-follow" not specified
[2021-10-28 21:37:44] [DETAIL] these nodes will remain attached to the current primary:
  db03 (node ID: 3)
[2021-10-28 21:37:44] [NOTICE] promoting standby to primary
[2021-10-28 21:37:44] [DETAIL] promoting server "db02" (ID: 2) using pg_promote()
[2021-10-28 21:37:44] [NOTICE] waiting up to 60 seconds (parameter "promote_check_timeout") for promotion to complete
[2021-10-28 21:37:45] [NOTICE] STANDBY PROMOTE successful
[2021-10-28 21:37:45] [DETAIL] server "db02" (ID: 2) was successfully promoted to primary
[2021-10-28 21:37:45] [INFO] checking state of node 2, 1 of 6 attempts
[2021-10-28 21:37:45] [NOTICE] node 2 has recovered, reconnecting
[2021-10-28 21:37:45] [INFO] connection to node 2 succeeded
[2021-10-28 21:37:45] [INFO] original connection is still available
[2021-10-28 21:37:45] [INFO] 1 followers to notify
[2021-10-28 21:37:45] [NOTICE] notifying node "db03" (ID: 3) to follow node 2
INFO:  node 3 received notification to follow node 2
[2021-10-28 21:37:45] [INFO] switching to primary monitoring mode
[2021-10-28 21:37:45] [NOTICE] monitoring cluster primary "db02" (ID: 2)
[2021-10-28 21:37:50] [NOTICE] new standby "db03" (ID: 3) has connected
[2021-10-28 21:42:46] [INFO] monitoring primary node "db02" (ID: 2) in normal state

[2021-10-28 21:37:41] [INFO] checking state of node "db01" (ID: 1), 6 of 6 attempts
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [WARNING] unable to ping "user=repmgr connect_timeout=2 dbname=repmgr host= fallback_application_name=repmgr"
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [DETAIL] PQping() returned "PQPING_NO_RESPONSE"
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [WARNING] unable to reconnect to node "db01" (ID: 1) after 6 attempts
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [INFO] 1 active sibling nodes registered
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [INFO] 3 total nodes registered
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [INFO] primary node  "db01" (ID: 1) and this node have the same location ("default")
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [INFO] local node's last receive lsn: 0/13019878
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [INFO] checking state of sibling node "db02" (ID: 2)
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [INFO] node "db02" (ID: 2) reports its upstream is node 1, last seen 68 second(s) ago
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [INFO] standby node "db02" (ID: 2) last saw primary node 68 second(s) ago
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [INFO] last receive LSN for sibling node "db02" (ID: 2) is: 0/13019878
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [INFO] node "db02" (ID: 2) has same LSN as current candidate "db03" (ID: 3)
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [INFO] node "db02" (ID: 2) has same priority but lower node_id than current candidate "db03" (ID: 3)
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [INFO] visible nodes: 2; total nodes: 2; no nodes have seen the primary within the last 10 seconds
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [NOTICE] promotion candidate is "db02" (ID: 2)
[2021-10-28 21:37:43] [INFO] follower node awaiting notification from a candidate node
2021-10-28 21:37:44.692 EDT [17737] FATAL:  could not connect to the primary server: could not connect to server: No route to host
                Is the server running on host "" and accepting
                TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
[2021-10-28 21:37:46] [NOTICE] attempting to follow new primary "db02" (node ID: 2)
[2021-10-28 21:37:46] [NOTICE] redirecting logging output to "/tmp/repmgrd.log"

[2021-10-28 21:37:46] [INFO] local node 3 can attach to follow target node 2
[2021-10-28 21:37:46] [DETAIL] local node's recovery point: 0/13019878; follow target node's fork point: 0/13019878
[2021-10-28 21:37:46] [NOTICE] setting node 3's upstream to node 2
2021-10-28 21:37:46.718 EDT [17680] LOG:  received SIGHUP, reloading configuration files
2021-10-28 21:37:46.719 EDT [17680] LOG:  parameter "primary_conninfo" changed to "user=repmgr connect_timeout=2 host= application_name=db03"
2021-10-28 21:37:46.720 EDT [17681] LOG:  WAL receiver process shutdown requested
2021-10-28 21:37:46.721 EDT [17741] FATAL:  terminating walreceiver process due to administrator command
[2021-10-28 21:37:46] [WARNING] node "db03" attached in state "startup"
2021-10-28 21:37:46.726 EDT [17749] LOG:  fetching timeline history file for timeline 6 from primary server
2021-10-28 21:37:46.727 EDT [17749] LOG:  started streaming WAL from primary at 0/13000000 on timeline 5
2021-10-28 21:37:46.727 EDT [17749] LOG:  replication terminated by primary server
2021-10-28 21:37:46.727 EDT [17749] DETAIL:  End of WAL reached on timeline 5 at 0/13019878.
2021-10-28 21:37:46.728 EDT [17681] LOG:  new target timeline is 6
2021-10-28 21:37:46.728 EDT [17749] LOG:  restarted WAL streaming at 0/13000000 on timeline 6
[2021-10-28 21:37:47] [NOTICE] STANDBY FOLLOW successful
[2021-10-28 21:37:47] [DETAIL] standby attached to upstream node "db02" (ID: 2)
INFO:  set_repmgrd_pid(): provided pidfile is /tmp/
[2021-10-28 21:37:47] [NOTICE] node "db03" (ID: 3) now following new upstream node "db02" (ID: 2)
[2021-10-28 21:37:47] [INFO] resuming standby monitoring mode
[2021-10-28 21:37:47] [DETAIL] following new primary "db02" (ID: 2)
[2021-10-28 21:42:48] [INFO] node "db03" (ID: 3) monitoring upstream node "db02" (ID: 2) in normal state
[2021-10-28 21:42:48] [DETAIL] last monitoring statistics update was 5 seconds ago

-bash-4.2$ repmgr cluster show
ID | Name | Role    | Status    | Upstream | Location | Priority | Timeline | Connection string
1  | db01 | primary | - failed  | ?        | default  | 100      |          | host= user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2
2  | db02 | primary | * running |          | default  | 100      | 6        | host= user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2
3  | db03 | standby |   running | db02     | default  | 100      | 6        | host= user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2

WARNING: following issues were detected
  - unable to connect to node "db01" (ID: 1)
HINT: execute with --verbose option to see connection error messages


repmgr node rejoin -d 'host= dbname=repmgr user=repmgr' --force-rewind --config-files=postgresql.conf, --verbose --dry-run
repmgr node rejoin -d 'host= dbname=repmgr user=repmgr' --force-rewind --config-files=postgresql.conf, --verbose
[postgres@db01 ~]$ repmgr node rejoin -d 'host= dbname=repmgr user=repmgr' --force-rewind --config-files=postgresql.conf, --verbose --dry-run
INFO: looking for configuration file in /etc
INFO: configuration file found at: "/etc/repmgr.conf"
NOTICE: rejoin target is node "db02" (ID: 2)
INFO: replication connection to the rejoin target node was successful
INFO: local and rejoin target system identifiers match
DETAIL: system identifier is 7024014994509133506
NOTICE: pg_rewind execution required for this node to attach to rejoin target node 2
DETAIL: rejoin target server's timeline 6 forked off current database system timeline 5 before current recovery point 0/14000028
INFO: prerequisites for using pg_rewind are met
INFO: temporary archive directory "/tmp/repmgr-config-archive-db01" created
INFO: file "postgresql.conf" would be copied to "/tmp/repmgr-config-archive-db01/postgresql.conf"
INFO: file "" would be copied to "/tmp/repmgr-config-archive-db01/"
INFO: 2 files would have been copied to "/tmp/repmgr-config-archive-db01"
INFO: temporary archive directory "/tmp/repmgr-config-archive-db01" deleted
INFO: pg_rewind would now be executed
DETAIL: pg_rewind command is:
  /usr/local/postgresql/bin/pg_rewind -D '/data/db01' --source-server='host= user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2'
INFO: prerequisites for executing NODE REJOIN are met
[postgres@db01 ~]$ repmgr node rejoin -d 'host= dbname=repmgr user=repmgr' --force-rewind --config-files=postgresql.conf, --verbose
INFO: looking for configuration file in /etc
INFO: configuration file found at: "/etc/repmgr.conf"
NOTICE: rejoin target is node "db02" (ID: 2)
NOTICE: pg_rewind execution required for this node to attach to rejoin target node 2
DETAIL: rejoin target server's timeline 6 forked off current database system timeline 5 before current recovery point 0/14000028
INFO: prerequisites for using pg_rewind are met
INFO: 2 files copied to "/tmp/repmgr-config-archive-db01"
NOTICE: executing pg_rewind
DETAIL: pg_rewind command is "/usr/local/postgresql/bin/pg_rewind -D '/data/db01' --source-server='host= user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2'"
NOTICE: 2 files copied to /data/db01
INFO: directory "/tmp/repmgr-config-archive-db01" deleted
NOTICE: setting node 1's upstream to node 2
WARNING: unable to ping "host= user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2"
NOTICE: starting server using "/usr/local/postgresql/bin/pg_ctl  -w -D '/data/db01' start"
INFO: node "db01" (ID: 1) is pingable
INFO: node "db01" (ID: 1) has attached to its upstream node
DETAIL: node 1 is now attached to node 2
[postgres@db01 ~]$ repmgr cluster show
ID | Name | Role    | Status    | Upstream | Location | Priority | Timeline | Connection string
1  | db01 | standby |   running | db02     | default  | 100      | 5        | host= user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2
2  | db02 | primary | * running |          | default  | 100      | 6        | host= user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2
3  | db03 | standby |   running | db02     | default  | 100      | 6        | host= user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2
[postgres@db01 ~]$ repmgr service status
ID | Name | Role    | Status    | Upstream | repmgrd     | PID   | Paused? | Upstream last seen
1  | db01 | standby |   running | db02     | not running | n/a   | n/a     | n/a
2  | db02 | primary | * running |          | running     | 1716  | no      | n/a
3  | db03 | standby |   running | db02     | running     | 17700 | no      | 1 second(s) ago
[postgres@db01 ~]$ repmgrd -f /etc/repmgr.conf --pid-file /tmp/
[2021-10-28 22:02:54] [NOTICE] redirecting logging output to "/tmp/repmgrd.log"
[postgres@db01 ~]$ repmgr service status
ID | Name | Role    | Status    | Upstream | repmgrd | PID   | Paused? | Upstream last seen
1  | db01 | standby |   running | db02     | running | 1619  | no      | 2 second(s) ago
2  | db02 | primary | * running |          | running | 1716  | no      | n/a
3  | db03 | standby |   running | db02     | running | 17700 | no      | 3 second(s) ago



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