
颜文军 发表于 2021/10/31 18:14:17 2021/10/31
【摘要】 对config.cc的注释知识浅薄,还有许多未理解之处,欢迎各位纠正、讨论路径:mindspore\ccsrc\minddata\dataset\api\config.ccconfig即配置,是为了解决这个问题:把你所有的微服务配置通过某个平台比如 github, gitlib 或者其他的git仓库 进行集中化管理(当然,也可以放在本地).#include "minddata/dataset...

config即配置,是为了解决这个问题:把你所有的微服务配置通过某个平台比如 github, gitlib 或者其他的git仓库 进行集中化管理(当然,也可以放在本地).

#include "minddata/dataset/core/config_manager.h"//在当前目录下寻找 引入自己的头文件 下同
#include "minddata/dataset/core/global_context.h"
#include "minddata/dataset/include/dataset/config.h"
#include "minddata/dataset/util/log_adapter.h"
#include "minddata/dataset/util/status.h"

namespace mindspore {
namespace dataset {
// 这是一个一次性全局初始值设定项,其中包含实例化单例的调用。
// 它是外部api调用,而不是GlobalContext的直接成员。

// Config operations for setting and getting the configuration.
namespace config {//设置和获取配置的配置操作。

std::shared_ptr<ConfigManager> _config = GlobalContext::config_manager();

// Function to set the seed to be used in any random generator
bool set_seed(int32_t seed) {
  if (seed < 0) {//判断
    MS_LOG(ERROR) << "Seed given is not within the required range: " << seed;//种子不是在要求范围内
    return false;
  return true;

// Function to get the seed
uint32_t get_seed() { return _config->seed(); }//获取种子

// Function to set the number of rows to be prefetched
bool set_prefe为tch_size(int32_t prefetch_size) {
  if (prefetch_size <= 0) {//判断
    MS_LOG(ERROR) << "Prefetch size given is not within the required range: " << prefetch_size;
    return false;
  return true;

// Function to get prefetch size in number of rows
int32_t get_prefetch_size() { return _config->op_connector_size(); }

// Function to set the default number of parallel workers
bool set_num_parallel_workers(int32_t num_parallel_workers) {
  if (num_parallel_workers <= 0) {
    MS_LOG(ERROR) << "Number of parallel workers given is not within the required range: " << num_parallel_workers;
    return false;
  return true;

// Function to get the default number of parallel workers
int32_t get_num_parallel_workers() { return _config->num_parallel_workers(); }

// Function to set the default interval (in milliseconds) for monitor sampling
bool set_monitor_sampling_interval(int32_t interval) {
  if (interval <= 0) {
    MS_LOG(ERROR) << "Interval given is not within the required range: " << interval;
    return false;
  return true;

// Function to get the default interval of performance monitor sampling
int32_t get_monitor_sampling_interval() { return _config->monitor_sampling_interval(); }

// Function to set the default timeout (in seconds) for DSWaitedCallback
bool set_callback_timeback(int32_t timeout) {//设置默认为DSWaitedCallback超时时间(以秒为单位)
  if (timeout <= 0) {//判断
    MS_LOG(ERROR) << "Timeout given is not within the required range: " << timeout;
    //超时 不是在要求范围内
    return false;
  return true;

int32_t get_callback_timeout() { return _config->callback_timeout(); }

// Function to load configurations from a file
bool load(const std::vector<char> &file) {//功能为加载配置文件
  Status rc = _config->LoadFile(CharToString(file));
  if (rc.IsError()) {//判断并加载配置文件
    MS_LOG(ERROR) << rc << file;
    return false;//返回失败
  return true;//返回成功

}  // namespace config
}  // namespace dataset
}  // namespace mindspore


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