Spring-AOP 静态普通方法名匹配切面
代码已托管到Github—> https://github.com/yangshangwei/SpringMaster
我们假设我们业务类中 Waiter和 Seller中都有同名的greetTo()方法.
package com.xgj.aop.spring.advisor.StaticMethodMatcherPointcutAdvisor;
public class Waiter {
* @Title: greetTo
* @Description:
* @param name
* @return: void
public void greetTo(String name) {
System.out.println("Waiter Greet to " + name);
* @Title: serverTo
* @Description:
* @param name
* @return: void
public void serverTo(String name) {
System.out.println("Waiter Server to " + name);
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package com.xgj.aop.spring.advisor.StaticMethodMatcherPointcutAdvisor;
public class Seller {
* @Title: greetTo
* @Description: 和Waiter类中的同名的方法,目的是为了验证仅仅织入了Waiter类中的greetTo方法
* @param name
* @return: void
public void greetTo(String name) {
System.out.println("Seller Greet to " + name);
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package com.xgj.aop.spring.advisor.StaticMethodMatcherPointcutAdvisor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import org.springframework.aop.ClassFilter;
import org.springframework.aop.support.StaticMethodMatcherPointcutAdvisor;
* @ClassName: GreetingAdvisor
* @Description: 切面类
* @author: Mr.Yang
* @date: 2017年8月18日 下午8:27:52
public class GreetingAdvisor extends StaticMethodMatcherPointcutAdvisor {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* 重写matches方法,切点方法匹配规则:方法名为greetTo
public boolean matches(Method method, Class<?> targetClass) {
return "greetTo".equals(method.getName());
* 默认情况下,匹配所有的类,重写getClassFilter,定义匹配规则 切点类型匹配规则,为Waiter的类或者之类
public ClassFilter getClassFilter() {
return new ClassFilter() {
public boolean matches(Class<?> clazz) {
return Waiter.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz);
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StaticMethodMatcherPointcutAdvisor 抽象类唯一需要定义的是matches()方法,在默认情况下,该切面匹配所有的类,这里通过覆盖getClassFilter()方法,让它仅匹配Waiter类及其子类。
当然,Advisor还需要一个增强类的配合 .
package com.xgj.aop.spring.advisor.StaticMethodMatcherPointcutAdvisor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import org.springframework.aop.MethodBeforeAdvice;
* @ClassName: GreetBeforeAdivce
* @Description: 前置增强
* @author: Mr.Yang
* @date: 2017年8月18日 下午8:27:40
public class GreetBeforeAdivce implements MethodBeforeAdvice {
public void before(Method method, Object[] args, Object target)
throws Throwable {
// 输出切点
System.out.println("Pointcut:" + target.getClass().getName() + "."
+ method.getName());
String clientName = (String) args[0];
System.out.println("How are you " + clientName + " ?");
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd">
<!-- 配置切面:静态方法匹配切面 -->
<!-- Waiter目标类 -->
<bean id="waiterTarget" class="com.xgj.aop.spring.advisor.StaticMethodMatcherPointcutAdvisor.Waiter"/>
<!-- Seller目标类 -->
<bean id="sellerTarget" class="com.xgj.aop.spring.advisor.StaticMethodMatcherPointcutAdvisor.Seller"/>
<!-- 前置增强 -->
<bean id="greetBeforeAdvice" class="com.xgj.aop.spring.advisor.StaticMethodMatcherPointcutAdvisor.GreetBeforeAdivce"/>
<!-- 切面 -->
<bean id="greetAdvicesor" class="com.xgj.aop.spring.advisor.StaticMethodMatcherPointcutAdvisor.GreetingAdvisor"
p:advice-ref="greetBeforeAdvice"/> <!-- 向切面注入一个前置增强 -->
<!-- 通过父bean,配置公共的信息 -->
<bean id="parent" abstract="true"
<!-- waiter代理 -->
<bean id="waiter" parent="parent" p:target-ref="waiterTarget"/>
<!-- seller代理 -->
<bean id="seller" parent="parent" p:target-ref="sellerTarget"/>
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package com.xgj.aop.spring.advisor.StaticMethodMatcherPointcutAdvisor;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;
* @ClassName: StaticMethodMatcherPointcutAdvisorTest
* @Description: 测试类
* @author: Mr.Yang
* @date: 2017年8月18日 下午8:29:28
public class StaticMethodMatcherPointcutAdvisorTest {
public void test() {
// 加载配置文件,启动容器
ApplicationContext ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(
// 从容器中获取Bean
Waiter waiter = ctx.getBean("waiter", Waiter.class);
Seller seller = ctx.getBean("seller", Seller.class);
// 调用业务方法
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我们可以看到切面仅仅织入了Wwaiter.greetTo()方法调用前的连接点上, Waiter.serverTo()和Seller.greetTo()方法并没有织入切面
更多内容请访问 https://github.com/yangshangwei/SpringMaster
文章来源: artisan.blog.csdn.net,作者:小小工匠,版权归原作者所有,如需转载,请联系作者。
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