用 Flask 来写个轻博客 (8) — (M)VC_Alembic 管理数据库结构的升级和降级
Blog 项目源码:https://github.com/JmilkFan/JmilkFan-s-Blog
用 Flask 来写个轻博客 (1) — 创建项目
用 Flask 来写个轻博客 (2) — Hello World!
用 Flask 来写个轻博客 (3) — (M)VC_连接 MySQL 和 SQLAlchemy
用 Flask 来写个轻博客 (4) — (M)VC_创建数据模型和表
用 Flask 来写个轻博客 (5) — (M)VC_SQLAlchemy 的 CRUD 详解
用 Flask 来写个轻博客 (6) — (M)VC_models 的关系(one to many)
用 Flask 来写个轻博客 (7) — (M)VC_models 的关系(many to many)
Openstack_SQLAlchemy 修改数据库的表结构
Alembic(Database migration 数据迁移跟踪记录) 提供的数据库升级和降级的功能,就可以帮我们解决上述的问题。它所能实现的效果有如 Git 管理项目代码一般。
- 在这里我们使用 Flask 的扩展 Flask-Migrate
NOTE:要在 virtualenv 的环境下安装
pip install Flask-Migrate
pip freeze > requirements.txt
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- 生成 manager db 指令
在 manage.py 文件中 Create a new commands:manager.add_command("db", MigrateCommand)
from flask.ext.script import Manager, Server
from flask.ext.migrate import Migrate, MigrateCommand
import main
import models
# Init manager object via app object
manager = Manager(main.app)
# Init migrate object via app and db object
migrate = Migrate(main.app, models.db)
# Create some new commands
manager.add_command("server", Server())
manager.add_command("db", MigrateCommand)
def make_shell_context(): """Create a python CLI. return: Default import object type: `Dict` """ return dict(app=main.app, db=models.db, User=models.User, Post=models.Post, Comment=models.Comment, Tag=models.Tag)
if __name__ == '__main__': manager.run()
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查看指令 manager db 的可用选项
(env) [root@flask-dev JmilkFan-s-Blog]# python manage.py db
Perform database migrations
positional arguments:
{upgrade,heads,merge,migrate,stamp,show,current,edit,init,downgrade,branches,history,revision} upgrade Upgrade to a later version heads Show current available heads in the script directory merge Merge two revisions together. Creates a new migration file migrate Alias for 'revision --autogenerate' stamp 'stamp' the revision table with the given revision; don't run any migrations show Show the revision denoted by the given symbol. current Display the current revision for each database. edit Edit current revision. init Creates a new migration repository downgrade Revert to a previous version branches Show current branch points history List changeset scripts in chronological order. revision Create a new revision file.
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初始化 DB Migrate
(env) [root@flask-dev JmilkFan-s-Blog]# python manage.py db init
Creating directory /opt/JmilkFan-s-Blog/migrations ... done
Creating directory /opt/JmilkFan-s-Blog/migrations/versions ... done
Generating /opt/JmilkFan-s-Blog/migrations/README ... done
Generating /opt/JmilkFan-s-Blog/migrations/alembic.ini ... done
Generating /opt/JmilkFan-s-Blog/migrations/env.py ... done
Generating /opt/JmilkFan-s-Blog/migrations/script.py.mako ... done
Generating /opt/JmilkFan-s-Blog/migrations/env.pyc ... done
Please edit configuration/connection/logging settings in '/opt/JmilkFan-s-Blog/migrations/alembic.ini' before proceeding.
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在初始化数据库更新任务之后会创建一个 migrations 目录,所有的更改记录文件(这个记录文件本来就是 Python 文件)都会被保存在该目录下。
(env) [root@flask-dev JmilkFan-s-Blog]# python manage.py db migrate -m "Initial migration"
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl MySQLImpl.
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL.
INFO [alembic.env] No changes in schema detected.
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该指令会让 Alembic 扫描所有的 SQLAlchemy 对象,并将没有记录过的行和列记录成为一个 python 文件并保存到 migrations/versions 路径下。
NOTE 1: 执行该指令的前提是 migrations/versions 目录下必须存在记录文件。
NOTE 2: 而且这些记录文件是我们能够手动修改和创建的,这也是实时更新数据库结构的方法。将需要修改的数据库结构的更新内容,手动的写入到记录文件中,然后执行 upgrade
指令就能够实现数据库的更新,而且这些更新是可以批量的作用于数据库中,不需要使用一条一条的 SQL 语句来进行修改。
(env) [root@flask-dev JmilkFan-s-Blog]# python manage.py db upgrade
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl MySQLImpl.
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL
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用法于 Git 非常相似:
# 获取 History ID
(env) [root@flask-dev JmilkFan-s-Blog]# python manage.py db history
# 回滚到某个 history
(env) [root@flask-dev JmilkFan-s-Blog]# python manage.py db downgrade <history_id>
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文章来源: is-cloud.blog.csdn.net,作者:范桂飓,版权归原作者所有,如需转载,请联系作者。
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