mysql 锁检查超时参数
【摘要】 当出现死锁以后,有两种策略:一种策略是,直接进入等待,直到超时。这个超时时间可以通过参数innodb_lock_wait_timeout来设置。另一种策略是,发起死锁检测,发现死锁后,主动回滚死锁链条中的某一个事务,让其他事务得以继续执行。将参数innodb_deadlock_detect设置为on,表示开启这个逻辑。 innodb_lock_wait_timeoutThe length...
The length of time in seconds an InnoDB transaction waits for a row lock before giving up. The default value is 50 seconds. A transaction that tries to access a row that is locked by another InnoDB transaction waits at most this many seconds for write access to the row before issuing the following error:
ERROR 1205 (HY000): Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
This variable specifies the timeout in seconds for attempts to acquire metadata locks. The permissible values range from 1 to 31536000 (1 year). The default is 31536000.
These include DML and DDL operations on tables, views, stored procedures, and stored functions, as well as LOCK TABLES, FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK, and HANDLER statements.
On high concurrency systems, deadlock detection can cause a slowdown when numerous threads wait for the same lock. At times, it may be more efficient to disable deadlock detection and rely on the innodb_lock_wait_timeout
setting for transaction rollback when a deadlock occurs. Deadlock detection can be disabled using the innodb_deadlock_detect
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