【摘要】 备忘录(Memento)
Class Diagram
Originator:原始对象Caretaker:负责保存好备忘录Memento:备忘录,存储原始对象的的状态。备忘录实际上有两个接口,一个是提供给 Caretaker 的窄接口:它只能将备忘录传递给其它对象;一个是...
Class Diagram
- Originator:原始对象
- Caretaker:负责保存好备忘录
- Memento:备忘录,存储原始对象的的状态。备忘录实际上有两个接口,一个是提供给 Caretaker 的窄接口:它只能将备忘录传递给其它对象;一个是提供给 Originator 的宽接口,允许它访问到先前状态所需的所有数据。理想情况是只允许 Originator 访问本备忘录的内部状态。
实现参考:Memento Pattern - Calculator Example - Java Sourcecode
* Originator Interface
public interface Calculator { // Create Memento PreviousCalculationToCareTaker backupLastCalculation(); // setMemento void restorePreviousCalculation(PreviousCalculationToCareTaker memento); int getCalculationResult(); void setFirstNumber(int firstNumber); void setSecondNumber(int secondNumber);
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* Originator Implementation
public class CalculatorImp implements Calculator { private int firstNumber; private int secondNumber; @Override public PreviousCalculationToCareTaker backupLastCalculation() { // create a memento object used for restoring two numbers return new PreviousCalculationImp(firstNumber, secondNumber); } @Override public void restorePreviousCalculation(PreviousCalculationToCareTaker memento) { this.firstNumber = ((PreviousCalculationToOriginator) memento).getFirstNumber(); this.secondNumber = ((PreviousCalculationToOriginator) memento).getSecondNumber(); } @Override public int getCalculationResult() { // result is adding two numbers return firstNumber + secondNumber; } @Override public void setFirstNumber(int firstNumber) { this.firstNumber = firstNumber; } @Override public void setSecondNumber(int secondNumber) { this.secondNumber = secondNumber; }
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* Memento Interface to Originator
* This interface allows the originator to restore its state
public interface PreviousCalculationToOriginator { int getFirstNumber(); int getSecondNumber();
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* Memento interface to CalculatorOperator (Caretaker)
public interface PreviousCalculationToCareTaker { // no operations permitted for the caretaker
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* Memento Object Implementation
* <p>
* Note that this object implements both interfaces to Originator and CareTaker
public class PreviousCalculationImp implements PreviousCalculationToCareTaker, PreviousCalculationToOriginator { private int firstNumber; private int secondNumber; public PreviousCalculationImp(int firstNumber, int secondNumber) { this.firstNumber = firstNumber; this.secondNumber = secondNumber; } @Override public int getFirstNumber() { return firstNumber; } @Override public int getSecondNumber() { return secondNumber; }
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* CareTaker object
public class Client { public static void main(String[] args) { // program starts Calculator calculator = new CalculatorImp(); // assume user enters two numbers calculator.setFirstNumber(10); calculator.setSecondNumber(100); // find result System.out.println(calculator.getCalculationResult()); // Store result of this calculation in case of error PreviousCalculationToCareTaker memento = calculator.backupLastCalculation(); // user enters a number calculator.setFirstNumber(17); // user enters a wrong second number and calculates result calculator.setSecondNumber(-290); // calculate result System.out.println(calculator.getCalculationResult()); // user hits CTRL + Z to undo last operation and see last result calculator.restorePreviousCalculation(memento); // result restored System.out.println(calculator.getCalculationResult()); }
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- java.io.Serializable
文章来源: fantianzuo.blog.csdn.net,作者:兔老大RabbitMQ,版权归原作者所有,如需转载,请联系作者。
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