多线程 VS 多进程(三)

ruochen 发表于 2021/03/29 00:50:44 2021/03/29
【摘要】 线程替代方案 subprocess 完全跳过线程,使用进程是派生进程的主要替代方案python2.4后引入 multiprocessiong 使用threading接口派生,使用子进程允许为多核或者多cpu派生进程,接口跟threading非常相似python2.6后引入 concurrent.futures 新的异步执行模块任务级别的操作python3.2后引入 ...


  • subprocess
    • 完全跳过线程,使用进程
    • 是派生进程的主要替代方案
    • python2.4后引入
  • multiprocessiong
    • 使用threading接口派生,使用子进程
    • 允许为多核或者多cpu派生进程,接口跟threading非常相似
    • python2.6后引入
  • concurrent.futures
    • 新的异步执行模块
    • 任务级别的操作
    • python3.2后引入


  • 进程间通讯(InterprocessCommunication, IPC)

  • 进程之间无任何共享状态

  • 进程的创建

    • 直接生成Process实例对象,案例19
      import multiprocessing
      from time import sleep, ctime
      def clock(interval): while True: print("The time is %s" % ctime()) sleep(interval)
      if __name__ == '__main__': p = multiprocessing.Process(target=clock, args=(5, )) p.start() while True: print("sleeping......") sleep(1)
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        The time is Tue Aug 13 19:47:41 2019
        The time is Tue Aug 13 19:47:46 2019
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    • 派生子类,案例20
      import multiprocessing
      from time import sleep, ctime
      class ClockProcess(multiprocessing.Process): ''' 两个函数比较重要 1. init构造函数 2. run ''' def __init__(self, interval): super(ClockProcess, self).__init__() self.interval = interval def run(self): while True: print("The time is %s" % ctime()) sleep(self.interval)
      if __name__ == '__main__': p = ClockProcess(3) p.start()
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        The time is Tue Aug 13 19:48:49 2019
        The time is Tue Aug 13 19:48:52 2019
        The time is Tue Aug 13 19:48:55 2019
        The time is Tue Aug 13 19:48:58 2019
        The time is Tue Aug 13 19:49:01 2019
        The time is Tue Aug 13 19:49:04 2019
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  • 在os中查看pid,ppid以及他们的关系

    • 案例21
      from multiprocessing import Process
      import os
      def info(title): print(title) print("module name:", __name__) # 得到父亲进程的id print("parent process:", os.getppid()) # 得到本身进程的id print("process id:", os.getpid())
      def f(name): info('function f') print('hello', name)
      if __name__ == '__main__': info('main line') p = Process(target=f, args=('bob', )) p.start() p.join()
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        main line
        module name: __main__
        parent process: 11900
        process id: 18832
        function f
        module name: __mp_main__
        parent process: 18832
        process id: 20868
        hello bob
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  • 生产者消费者模型

    • JoinableQueue
    • 案例22
      import multiprocessing
      from time import ctime
      def consumer(input_q): print("Into consumer:", ctime) while True: # 处理项 item = input_q.get() print('pull', item, 'out of q') input_q.task_done()  # 发出信号通知任务完成 print("Out of consumer:", ctime()) ## 此句未执行,因为q.join()收集到四个task_done()信号后,主进程启动,未等到print此句完成,程序就结束了
      def producer(sequence, output_q): print("Into procuder:", ctime()) for item in sequence: output_q.put(item) print('put', item, 'into q') print('Out of procuder', ctime())
      # 建立进程
      if __name__ == '__main__': q = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue() # 进行消费者进程 cons_p = multiprocessing.Process(target=consumer, args=(q, )) cons_p.daemon = True cons_p.start() # 生产多个项,sequence代表要发送给消费者的项序列 # 在实践中,这可能是生成器的输出或通过一些其他地方生产出来 sequence = [1, 2, 3, 4] producer(sequence, q) # 等待所有项被处理 q.join()
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        Into procuder: Tue Aug 13 19:50:38 2019
        put 1 into q
        put 2 into q
        put 3 into q
        put 4 into q
        Out of procuder Tue Aug 13 19:50:38 2019
        Into consumer: <built-in function ctime>
        pull 1 out of q
        pull 2 out of q
        pull 3 out of q
        pull 4 out of q
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    • 队列中哨兵的使用,案例23
      import multiprocessing
      from time import ctime
      # 设置哨兵问题
      def consumer(input_q): print("Into consumer:", ctime()) while True: item = input_q.get() if item is None: break print("pull", item, "out of q") print ("Out of consumer:", ctime()) ## 此句执行完成,再转入主进程
      def producer(sequence, output_q): print ("Into procuder:", ctime()) for item in sequence: output_q.put(item) print ("put", item, "into q") print ("Out of procuder:", ctime())
      if __name__ == '__main__': q = multiprocessing.Queue() cons_p = multiprocessing.Process(target = consumer, args = (q,)) cons_p.start() sequence = [1,2,3,4] producer(sequence, q) q.put(None) cons_p.join()
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        Into procuder: Tue Aug 13 19:51:23 2019
        put 1 into q
        put 2 into q
        put 3 into q
        put 4 into q
        Out of procuder: Tue Aug 13 19:51:23 2019
        Into consumer: Tue Aug 13 19:51:24 2019
        pull 1 out of q
        pull 2 out of q
        pull 3 out of q
        pull 4 out of q
        Out of consumer: Tue Aug 13 19:51:24 2019
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    • 哨兵的改进,案例24
      import multiprocessing
      from time import ctime
      def consumer(input_q): print ("Into consumer:", ctime()) while True: item = input_q.get() if item is None: break print("pull", item, "out of q") print ("Out of consumer:", ctime())
      def producer(sequence, output_q): for item in sequence: print ("Into procuder:", ctime()) output_q.put(item) print ("Out of procuder:", ctime())
      if __name__ == '__main__': q = multiprocessing.Queue() cons_p1 = multiprocessing.Process (target = consumer, args = (q,)) cons_p1.start() cons_p2 = multiprocessing.Process (target = consumer, args = (q,)) cons_p2.start() sequence = [1,2,3,4] producer(sequence, q) q.put(None) q.put(None) cons_p1.join() cons_p2.join()
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        Into procuder: Tue Aug 13 19:52:08 2019
        Out of procuder: Tue Aug 13 19:52:08 2019
        Into procuder: Tue Aug 13 19:52:08 2019
        Out of procuder: Tue Aug 13 19:52:08 2019
        Into procuder: Tue Aug 13 19:52:08 2019
        Out of procuder: Tue Aug 13 19:52:08 2019
        Into procuder: Tue Aug 13 19:52:08 2019
        Out of procuder: Tue Aug 13 19:52:08 2019
        Into consumer: Tue Aug 13 19:52:08 2019
        pull 1 out of q
        pull 2 out of q
        pull 3 out of q
        pull 4 out of q
        Out of consumer: Tue Aug 13 19:52:08 2019
        Into consumer: Tue Aug 13 19:52:08 2019
        Out of consumer: Tue Aug 13 19:52:08 2019
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文章来源: ruochen.blog.csdn.net,作者:若尘,版权归原作者所有,如需转载,请联系作者。


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