
一个处女座的程序猿 发表于 2021/03/28 02:00:51 2021/03/28
【摘要】 ML之LiR&LassoR:利用boston房价数据集(PCA处理)采用线性回归和Lasso套索回归算法实现房价预测模型评估       目录 利用boston房价数据集(PCA处理)采用线性回归和Lasso套索回归算法实现房价预测模型评估 设计思路 输出结果 核心代码           利用boston房价数据集(PCA处理)采用线性回归和L...






















  1. Id MSSubClass MSZoning ... SaleType SaleCondition SalePrice
  2. 0 1 60 RL ... WD Normal 208500
  3. 1 2 20 RL ... WD Normal 181500
  4. 2 3 60 RL ... WD Normal 223500
  5. 3 4 70 RL ... WD Abnorml 140000
  6. 4 5 60 RL ... WD Normal 250000
  7. [5 rows x 81 columns]
  8. numeric_columns 36 ['LotFrontage', 'LotArea', 'OverallQual', 'OverallCond', 'YearBuilt', 'YearRemodAdd', 'MasVnrArea', 'BsmtFinSF1', 'BsmtFinSF2', 'BsmtUnfSF', 'TotalBsmtSF', '1stFlrSF', '2ndFlrSF', 'LowQualFinSF', 'GrLivArea', 'BsmtFullBath', 'BsmtHalfBath', 'FullBath', 'HalfBath', 'BedroomAbvGr', 'KitchenAbvGr', 'TotRmsAbvGrd', 'Fireplaces', 'GarageYrBlt', 'GarageCars', 'GarageArea', 'WoodDeckSF', 'OpenPorchSF', 'EnclosedPorch', '3SsnPorch', 'ScreenPorch', 'PoolArea', 'MiscVal', 'MoSold', 'YrSold', 'SalePrice']
  9. (1460, 36)
  10. LotFrontage LotArea OverallQual ... MoSold YrSold SalePrice
  11. 0 65.0 8450 7 ... 2 2008 208500
  12. 1 80.0 9600 6 ... 5 2007 181500
  13. 2 68.0 11250 7 ... 9 2008 223500
  14. 3 60.0 9550 7 ... 2 2006 140000
  15. 4 84.0 14260 8 ... 12 2008 250000
  16. 依次统计每列缺失值元素个数:
  17. 36 [259, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 81, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
  18. Missing_data_Per_dict_0: (33, 0.9167, {'LotArea': 0.0, 'OverallQual': 0.0, 'OverallCond': 0.0, 'YearBuilt': 0.0, 'YearRemodAdd': 0.0, 'BsmtFinSF1': 0.0, 'BsmtFinSF2': 0.0, 'BsmtUnfSF': 0.0, 'TotalBsmtSF': 0.0, '1stFlrSF': 0.0, '2ndFlrSF': 0.0, 'LowQualFinSF': 0.0, 'GrLivArea': 0.0, 'BsmtFullBath': 0.0, 'BsmtHalfBath': 0.0, 'FullBath': 0.0, 'HalfBath': 0.0, 'BedroomAbvGr': 0.0, 'KitchenAbvGr': 0.0, 'TotRmsAbvGrd': 0.0, 'Fireplaces': 0.0, 'GarageCars': 0.0, 'GarageArea': 0.0, 'WoodDeckSF': 0.0, 'OpenPorchSF': 0.0, 'EnclosedPorch': 0.0, '3SsnPorch': 0.0, 'ScreenPorch': 0.0, 'PoolArea': 0.0, 'MiscVal': 0.0, 'MoSold': 0.0, 'YrSold': 0.0, 'SalePrice': 0.0})
  19. Missing_data_Per_dict_Not0: (3, 0.0833, {'LotFrontage': 0.177397, 'MasVnrArea': 0.005479, 'GarageYrBlt': 0.055479})
  20. Missing_data_Per_dict_under01: (2, 0.0556, {'MasVnrArea': 0.005479, 'GarageYrBlt': 0.055479})
  21. 依次计算每列缺失值元素占比: {'LotFrontage': 0.177397, 'MasVnrArea': 0.005479, 'GarageYrBlt': 0.055479}
  22. data_Missing_dict {'LotFrontage': 0.1773972602739726, 'LotArea': 0.0, 'OverallQual': 0.0, 'OverallCond': 0.0, 'YearBuilt': 0.0, 'YearRemodAdd': 0.0, 'MasVnrArea': 0.005479452054794521, 'BsmtFinSF1': 0.0, 'BsmtFinSF2': 0.0, 'BsmtUnfSF': 0.0, 'TotalBsmtSF': 0.0, '1stFlrSF': 0.0, '2ndFlrSF': 0.0, 'LowQualFinSF': 0.0, 'GrLivArea': 0.0, 'BsmtFullBath': 0.0, 'BsmtHalfBath': 0.0, 'FullBath': 0.0, 'HalfBath': 0.0, 'BedroomAbvGr': 0.0, 'KitchenAbvGr': 0.0, 'TotRmsAbvGrd': 0.0, 'Fireplaces': 0.0, 'GarageYrBlt': 0.05547945205479452, 'GarageCars': 0.0, 'GarageArea': 0.0, 'WoodDeckSF': 0.0, 'OpenPorchSF': 0.0, 'EnclosedPorch': 0.0, '3SsnPorch': 0.0, 'ScreenPorch': 0.0, 'PoolArea': 0.0, 'MiscVal': 0.0, 'MoSold': 0.0, 'YrSold': 0.0, 'SalePrice': 0.0}
  23. after dropna (1121, 36)
  24. <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
  25. LotFrontage LotArea OverallQual ... MiscVal MoSold YrSold
  26. 0 -0.233570 -0.205885 0.570704 ... -0.141407 -1.615345 0.153084
  27. 1 0.384834 -0.064358 -0.153825 ... -0.141407 -0.498715 -0.596291
  28. 2 -0.109889 0.138702 0.570704 ... -0.141407 0.990125 0.153084
  29. 3 -0.439705 -0.070512 0.570704 ... -0.141407 -1.615345 -1.345665
  30. 4 0.549742 0.509132 1.295234 ... -0.141407 2.106755 0.153084
  31. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
  32. 1116 -0.357251 -0.271480 -0.153825 ... -0.141407 0.617915 -0.596291
  33. 1117 0.590968 0.375605 -0.153825 ... -0.141407 -1.615345 1.651832
  34. 1118 -0.192343 -0.133030 0.570704 ... 14.947388 -0.498715 1.651832
  35. 1119 -0.109889 -0.049960 -0.878355 ... -0.141407 -0.870925 1.651832
  36. 1120 0.178699 -0.022885 -0.878355 ... -0.141407 -0.126505 0.153084
  37. [1121 rows x 35 columns]
  38. 前10个主成分解释了数据中63.80%的变化
  39. 经过PCA后,进行第一层主成分分析-------------------------------------
  40. [(0.16970682313415306, 'LotFrontage'), (0.1211669980146095, 'LotArea'), (0.3008665261375608, 'OverallQual'), (-0.1017783758120348, 'OverallCond'), (0.23754113423286216, 'YearBuilt'), (0.21067267847804322, 'YearRemodAdd'), (0.19125461510335365, 'MasVnrArea'), (0.14136511574315347, 'BsmtFinSF1'), (-0.013552848692716916, 'BsmtFinSF2'), (0.11439764110410199, 'BsmtUnfSF'), (0.259354275741638, 'TotalBsmtSF'), (0.2591780447881022, '1stFlrSF'), (0.11504305093601253, '2ndFlrSF'), (0.004231304806602964, 'LowQualFinSF'), (0.2877802164879641, 'GrLivArea'), (0.08317879411803167, 'BsmtFullBath'), (-0.02114280846249704, 'BsmtHalfBath'), (0.25499633884283257, 'FullBath'), (0.11080279874459822, 'HalfBath'), (0.1017767099777179, 'BedroomAbvGr'), (-0.01012145139988125, 'KitchenAbvGr'), (0.23572236584667458, 'TotRmsAbvGrd'), (0.17611466785004926, 'Fireplaces'), (0.23726651555979883, 'GarageYrBlt'), (0.2831568046802727, 'GarageCars'), (0.279827792756442, 'GarageArea'), (0.13036585867815073, 'WoodDeckSF'), (0.16664693092097654, 'OpenPorchSF'), (-0.08602539908222213, 'EnclosedPorch'), (0.010532579475601184, '3SsnPorch'), (0.02556170369869493, 'ScreenPorch'), (0.06246570190310543, 'PoolArea'), (-0.015493399959318557, 'MiscVal'), (0.028399126033275164, 'MoSold'), (-0.011129722622237775, 'YrSold')]
  41. [(0.3008665261375608, 'OverallQual'), (0.2877802164879641, 'GrLivArea'), (0.2831568046802727, 'GarageCars'), (0.279827792756442, 'GarageArea'), (0.259354275741638, 'TotalBsmtSF'), (0.2591780447881022, '1stFlrSF'), (0.25499633884283257, 'FullBath'), (0.23754113423286216, 'YearBuilt'), (0.23726651555979883, 'GarageYrBlt'), (0.23572236584667458, 'TotRmsAbvGrd'), (0.21067267847804322, 'YearRemodAdd'), (0.19125461510335365, 'MasVnrArea'), (0.17611466785004926, 'Fireplaces'), (0.16970682313415306, 'LotFrontage'), (0.16664693092097654, 'OpenPorchSF'), (0.14136511574315347, 'BsmtFinSF1'), (0.13036585867815073, 'WoodDeckSF'), (0.1211669980146095, 'LotArea'), (0.11504305093601253, '2ndFlrSF'), (0.11439764110410199, 'BsmtUnfSF'), (0.11080279874459822, 'HalfBath'), (0.1017767099777179, 'BedroomAbvGr'), (0.08317879411803167, 'BsmtFullBath'), (0.06246570190310543, 'PoolArea'), (0.028399126033275164, 'MoSold'), (0.02556170369869493, 'ScreenPorch'), (0.010532579475601184, '3SsnPorch'), (0.004231304806602964, 'LowQualFinSF'), (-0.01012145139988125, 'KitchenAbvGr'), (-0.011129722622237775, 'YrSold'), (-0.013552848692716916, 'BsmtFinSF2'), (-0.015493399959318557, 'MiscVal'), (-0.02114280846249704, 'BsmtHalfBath'), (-0.08602539908222213, 'EnclosedPorch'), (-0.1017783758120348, 'OverallCond')]
  42. 经过PCA后,进行第二层主成分分析-------------------------------------
  43. [(0.037140668512444255, 'LotFrontage'), (0.005762269875424171, 'LotArea'), (-0.02265545744738413, 'OverallQual'), (0.06797580738610676, 'OverallCond'), (-0.22034458100877843, 'YearBuilt'), (-0.11769773674122082, 'YearRemodAdd'), (-0.02330741979867707, 'MasVnrArea'), (-0.26830830083400875, 'BsmtFinSF1'), (-0.06776753790369254, 'BsmtFinSF2'), (0.10349973537774373, 'BsmtUnfSF'), (-0.2014230745261159, 'TotalBsmtSF'), (-0.14501101153644946, '1stFlrSF'), (0.43960496790131565, '2ndFlrSF'), (0.11932040000909688, 'LowQualFinSF'), (0.2706724094458561, 'GrLivArea'), (-0.2741406761479087, 'BsmtFullBath'), (-0.001880261013674545, 'BsmtHalfBath'), (0.12608264523927462, 'FullBath'), (0.23358978781221817, 'HalfBath'), (0.3864399252645517, 'BedroomAbvGr'), (0.12179545892853964, 'KitchenAbvGr'), (0.3371810668951179, 'TotRmsAbvGrd'), (0.06581774146310777, 'Fireplaces'), (-0.1834261688794573, 'GarageYrBlt'), (-0.04640661259007604, 'GarageCars'), (-0.08613653500685643, 'GarageArea'), (-0.047991361825782064, 'WoodDeckSF'), (0.03130768246434415, 'OpenPorchSF'), (0.13376424222015906, 'EnclosedPorch'), (-0.02564456693744644, '3SsnPorch'), (0.04211790221668751, 'ScreenPorch'), (0.03032238859229474, 'PoolArea'), (0.04968459727862472, 'MiscVal'), (0.02754218343139985, 'MoSold'), (-0.04555808126996797, 'YrSold')]
  44. [(0.43960496790131565, '2ndFlrSF'), (0.3864399252645517, 'BedroomAbvGr'), (0.3371810668951179, 'TotRmsAbvGrd'), (0.2706724094458561, 'GrLivArea'), (0.23358978781221817, 'HalfBath'), (0.13376424222015906, 'EnclosedPorch'), (0.12608264523927462, 'FullBath'), (0.12179545892853964, 'KitchenAbvGr'), (0.11932040000909688, 'LowQualFinSF'), (0.10349973537774373, 'BsmtUnfSF'), (0.06797580738610676, 'OverallCond'), (0.06581774146310777, 'Fireplaces'), (0.04968459727862472, 'MiscVal'), (0.04211790221668751, 'ScreenPorch'), (0.037140668512444255, 'LotFrontage'), (0.03130768246434415, 'OpenPorchSF'), (0.03032238859229474, 'PoolArea'), (0.02754218343139985, 'MoSold'), (0.005762269875424171, 'LotArea'), (-0.001880261013674545, 'BsmtHalfBath'), (-0.02265545744738413, 'OverallQual'), (-0.02330741979867707, 'MasVnrArea'), (-0.02564456693744644, '3SsnPorch'), (-0.04555808126996797, 'YrSold'), (-0.04640661259007604, 'GarageCars'), (-0.047991361825782064, 'WoodDeckSF'), (-0.06776753790369254, 'BsmtFinSF2'), (-0.08613653500685643, 'GarageArea'), (-0.11769773674122082, 'YearRemodAdd'), (-0.14501101153644946, '1stFlrSF'), (-0.1834261688794573, 'GarageYrBlt'), (-0.2014230745261159, 'TotalBsmtSF'), (-0.22034458100877843, 'YearBuilt'), (-0.26830830083400875, 'BsmtFinSF1'), (-0.2741406761479087, 'BsmtFullBath')]
  45. 不进行PCA的线性回归的MSE是1644140595.6636596
  46. 前10个PCA主成分进行线性回归的MSE是1836601962.4751632
  47. [1e-10, 1e-09, 1e-08, 1e-07, 1e-06, 1e-05, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1]
  48. [1642818822.3530025, 1642818822.3529558, 1642818822.3524888, 1642818822.3471866, 1642818822.3005185, 1642818821.7415214, 1642818817.1179569, 1642818756.7038794, 1642818283.0732899, 1642813588.5752773]
  49. [1e-10, 1e-09, 1e-08, 1e-07, 1e-06, 1e-05, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1]
  50. [1836601962.4751682, 1836601962.4752123, 1836601962.475657, 1836601962.480097, 1836601962.5245085, 1836601962.9652405, 1836601967.4063494, 1836602011.8174434, 1836602455.9288514, 1836606882.1034737]




  1. PCA
  2. class TruncatedSVD Found at: sklearn.decomposition._truncated_svd
  3. class TruncatedSVD(TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator):
  4. """Dimensionality reduction using truncated SVD (aka LSA).
  5. This transformer performs linear dimensionality reduction by means of
  6. truncated singular value decomposition (SVD). Contrary to PCA, this
  7. estimator does not center the data before computing the singular value
  8. decomposition. This means it can work with sparse matrices
  9. efficiently.
  10. In particular, truncated SVD works on term count/tf-idf matrices as
  11. returned by the vectorizers in :mod:`sklearn.feature_extraction.text`. In
  12. that context, it is known as latent semantic analysis (LSA).
  13. This estimator supports two algorithms: a fast randomized SVD solver,
  14. and
  15. a "naive" algorithm that uses ARPACK as an eigensolver on `X * X.T` or
  16. `X.T * X`, whichever is more efficient.
  17. LinearRegression
  18. class LinearRegression Found at: sklearn.linear_model._base
  19. class LinearRegression(MultiOutputMixin, RegressorMixin, LinearModel):
  20. """
  21. Ordinary least squares Linear Regression.
  22. LinearRegression fits a linear model with coefficients w = (w1, ..., wp)
  23. to minimize the residual sum of squares between the observed targets in
  24. the dataset, and the targets predicted by the linear approximation.
  25. Lasso
  26. class Lasso Found at: sklearn.linear_model._coordinate_descent
  27. class Lasso(ElasticNet):
  28. """Linear Model trained with L1 prior as regularizer (aka the Lasso)
  29. The optimization objective for Lasso is::
  30. (1 / (2 * n_samples)) * ||y - Xw||^2_2 + alpha * ||w||_1
  31. Technically the Lasso model is optimizing the same objective function as
  32. the Elastic Net with ``l1_ratio=1.0`` (no L2 penalty).
  33. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <lasso>`.























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