
Arrow0lf 发表于 2021/03/16 11:17:32 2021/03/16
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【摘要】 GaussDB(DWS)之查询为什么没有走索引


1. 返回结果集很大

    以行存表的Seq Scan和Index Scan为例:

    Seq Scan:就是按照表的记录的排列顺序从头到尾依次检索扫描,每次扫描要取到所有的记录。这也是最简单最基础的扫表方式,扫描的代价比较大;

    Index Scan:对于给定的查询,先扫描一遍索引,从索引中找到符合要求的记录的位置(指针),再定位到表中具体的Page去取,即先走索引,再读表数据;

    因此,根据两种扫描方式的特点可以看出,大多数情况下,Index Scan要比Seq Scan快。但是如果获取的结果集占所有数据的比重很大时(超过70%),这时Index Scan 因为要先扫描索引再读表数据反而不如直接全表扫描来的快。

2. 没有analyze



3. 过滤条件使用了函数或隐式类型转化导致没有走索引


    示例:create table test(a int, b text, c date); 且在a,b,c三列上都分别创建了索引。


    从下面的执行结果可以看到,where a = 101,where a = 102 - 1都能使用a列上的索引,但是where a + 1 = 102没有走索引。

postgres=# explain verbose select * from test where a + 1 = 102;
                            QUERY PLAN                             
 Streaming (type: GATHER)  (cost=0.19..18.25 rows=6 width=14)
   Output: a, b, c
   Node/s: All datanodes
   ->  Seq Scan on public.test  (cost=0.00..12.25 rows=6 width=14)
         Output: a, b, c
         Distribute Key: a
         Filter: ((test.a + 1) = 102)
(7 rows)

postgres=# explain verbose select * from test where a  = 101;
                                     QUERY PLAN                                      
 Streaming (type: GATHER)  (cost=0.06..14.27 rows=1 width=14)
   Output: a, b, c
   Node/s: datanode1
   ->  Index Scan using test_a_idx on public.test  (cost=0.00..8.27 rows=1 width=14)
         Output: a, b, c
         Distribute Key: a
         Index Cond: (test.a = 101)
(7 rows)

postgres=# explain verbose select * from test where a  = 102 - 1;
                                     QUERY PLAN                                      
 Streaming (type: GATHER)  (cost=0.06..14.27 rows=1 width=14)
   Output: a, b, c
   Node/s: datanode1
   ->  Index Scan using test_a_idx on public.test  (cost=0.00..8.27 rows=1 width=14)
         Output: a, b, c
         Distribute Key: a
         Index Cond: (test.a = 101)
(7 rows)




postgres=# explain verbose select * from test where to_char(c, 'yyyyMMdd') = to_char(CURRENT_DATE,'yyyyMMdd');
                                                           QUERY PLAN                                                            
 Streaming (type: GATHER)  (cost=0.19..21.00 rows=6 width=14)
   Output: a, b, c
   Node/s: All datanodes
   ->  Seq Scan on public.test  (cost=0.00..15.00 rows=6 width=14)
         Output: a, b, c
         Distribute Key: a
         Filter: (to_char(test.c, 'yyyyMMdd'::text) = to_char(('2021-03-16'::date)::timestamp with time zone, 'yyyyMMdd'::text))
(7 rows)

postgres=# explain verbose select * from test where c = current_date;
                                     QUERY PLAN                                      
 Streaming (type: GATHER)  (cost=0.06..14.27 rows=1 width=14)
   Output: a, b, c
   Node/s: All datanodes
   ->  Index Scan using test_c_idx on public.test  (cost=0.00..8.27 rows=1 width=14)
         Output: a, b, c
         Distribute Key: a
         Index Cond: (test.c = '2021-03-16'::date)
(7 rows)



    此类场景是经常遇到的场景,例如b的类型是text类型,过滤条件是where b = 2,在生成计划时,text类型会隐式转化为bigint类型,实际的过滤条件变成where b::bigint = 2,导致b列上的索引失效:

postgres=# explain verbose select * from test where b = 2;
                            QUERY PLAN                             
 Streaming (type: GATHER)  (cost=0.06..18.25 rows=1 width=14)
   Output: a, b, c
   Node/s: All datanodes
   ->  Seq Scan on public.test  (cost=0.00..12.25 rows=1 width=14)
         Output: a, b, c
         Distribute Key: a
         Filter: ((test.b)::bigint = 2)
(7 rows)

postgres=# explain verbose select * from test where b = '2';
                                     QUERY PLAN                                      
 Streaming (type: GATHER)  (cost=0.06..14.27 rows=1 width=14)
   Output: a, b, c
   Node/s: All datanodes
   ->  Index Scan using test_b_idx on public.test  (cost=0.00..8.27 rows=1 width=14)
         Output: a, b, c
         Distribute Key: a
         Index Cond: (test.b = '2'::text)
(7 rows)



4. 使用nestloop + indexscan 代替 hashjoin


    可以看到,第5层的Index Cond: (t1.b = t2.b)已经把join条件下推到了基表扫描上。

postgres=# explain verbose select t1.a,t1.b from t1,t2 where t1.b=t2.b and t2.a=4;
 id |                    operation                     | E-rows | E-distinct | E-memory | E-width | E-costs 
  1 | ->  Streaming (type: GATHER)                     |     26 |            |          |       8 | 17.97
  2 |    ->  Nested Loop (3,5)                         |     26 |            | 1MB      |       8 | 11.97
  3 |       ->  Streaming(type: BROADCAST)             |      2 |            | 2MB      |       4 | 2.78
  4 |          ->  Seq Scan on public.t2               |      1 |            | 1MB      |       4 | 2.62
  5 |       ->  Index Scan using t1_b_idx on public.t1 |     26 |            | 1MB      |       8 | 9.05
(5 rows)

 Predicate Information (identified by plan id) 
   4 --Seq Scan on public.t2
         Filter: (t2.a = 4)
   5 --Index Scan using t1_b_idx on public.t1
         Index Cond: (t1.b = t2.b)
(4 rows)

 Targetlist Information (identified by plan id) 
   1 --Streaming (type: GATHER)
         Output: t1.a, t1.b
         Node/s: All datanodes
   2 --Nested Loop (3,5)
         Output: t1.a, t1.b
   3 --Streaming(type: BROADCAST)
         Output: t2.b
         Spawn on: datanode2
         Consumer Nodes: All datanodes
   4 --Seq Scan on public.t2
         Output: t2.b
         Distribute Key: t2.a
   5 --Index Scan using t1_b_idx on public.t1
         Output: t1.a, t1.b
         Distribute Key: t1.a
(15 rows)

   ====== Query Summary =====    
 System available mem: 9262694KB
 Query Max mem: 9471590KB
 Query estimated mem: 5144KB
(3 rows)


    set enable_index_nestloop = on;

    set enable_hashjoin = off;

    set enable_seqscan = off;

5. 使用hint指定索引时指定的索引方式不对

    GaussDB(DWS)的plan hint当前支持指定的Scan方式有三种:tablescan、indexscan和indexonlyscan。

    tablescan:全表扫描,比如行存表的Seq Scan,列存表的CStore Scan


    indexonlyscan:覆盖索引扫描,所需的返回结果能被所扫描的索引全部覆盖。与index scan相比,index only scan所包含的字段集合,囊括了我们查询语句中的字段,这样,提取出相应的index ,就不必再根据索引取表记录了。


postgres=# explain verbose select/*+ indexscan(test)*/ b from test where b = '1';
WARNING:  unused hint: IndexScan(test)
                             QUERY PLAN                             
 Streaming (type: GATHER)  (cost=3.12..16.88 rows=100 width=2)
   Output: b
   Node/s: All datanodes
   ->  Seq Scan on public.test  (cost=0.00..10.88 rows=100 width=2)
         Output: b
         Distribute Key: a
         Filter: (test.b = '1'::text)
(7 rows)

postgres=# explain verbose select/*+ indexonlyscan(test)*/ b from test where b = '1';
                                         QUERY PLAN                                         
 Streaming (type: GATHER)  (cost=3.12..56.51 rows=100 width=2)
   Output: b
   Node/s: All datanodes
   ->  Index Only Scan using test_b_idx on public.test  (cost=0.00..50.51 rows=100 width=2)
         Output: b
         Distribute Key: a
         Index Cond: (test.b = '1'::text)
(7 rows)


6. 全文检索gin索引


create index idxb on test using gin(to_tsvector('english',b));


postgres=# explain verbose select  * from test where to_tsvector(b) @@ to_tsquery('cat') order by 1;
                                QUERY PLAN                                
 Streaming (type: GATHER)  (cost=22.23..27.87 rows=12 width=14)
   Output: a, b, c
   Merge Sort Key: test.a
   Node/s: All datanodes
   ->  Sort  (cost=21.86..21.87 rows=12 width=14)
         Output: a, b, c
         Sort Key: test.a
         ->  Seq Scan on public.test  (cost=0.00..21.78 rows=11 width=14)
               Output: a, b, c
               Distribute Key: a
               Filter: (to_tsvector(test.b) @@ '''cat'''::tsquery)
(11 rows)

postgres=# explain verbose select  * from test where to_tsvector('english',b) @@ to_tsquery('cat') order by 1;
                                            QUERY PLAN                                             
 Streaming (type: GATHER)  (cost=16.09..22.03 rows=2 width=14)
   Output: a, b, c
   Merge Sort Key: test.a
   Node/s: All datanodes
   ->  Sort  (cost=16.03..16.03 rows=2 width=14)
         Output: a, b, c
         Sort Key: test.a
         ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on public.test  (cost=12.00..16.02 rows=1 width=14)
               Output: a, b, c
               Distribute Key: a
               Recheck Cond: (to_tsvector('english'::regconfig, test.b) @@ '''cat'''::tsquery)
               ->  Bitmap Index Scan on idxb  (cost=0.00..12.00 rows=1 width=0)
                     Index Cond: (to_tsvector('english'::regconfig, test.b) @@ '''cat'''::tsquery)
(13 rows)


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