libvirt-Network Filter
libvirt-Network Filter
对libvirt-nwfilter 的介主要讲,两个东西,一个是ebtables 。另一个就是它本身nwfilter。nwfilter主要基于ebtables进行开发或者说配置。其中的一些规则设置好之后,可以利用ebtables查看规则是否设置成功。
libvirt-nwfilter ,主要由libvirt提供的虚拟机网络管理,进行虚拟机群组的网络防火墙设置。
- nwfilter
Network filtering XML为虚拟化系统管理员提供对了一种网络流量的过滤规则,系统管理员可以通过配置过滤参数,实 施和管理对虚拟机网络流量的接受和转发。由于过滤规则不能绕过直接进入虚拟机内,它使得一个filter对虚拟用户的访问控制具有强制性。 Network filtering子系统允许每一个虚拟机的网络过滤表可以被单独配置。我们可以在启动时配置虚拟机的访问控制过滤表,也可以在虚拟器运行时对虚拟机的规则进行修改。后者可以通过修改network filter XML的方式进行。 Libvirt允许多台虚拟机共用一个。当filter被修改时,所有运行的虚拟机都会自动更新filter的过滤规则。Network filtering XML部署在KVM Server上可以实现:虚拟网络隔离、入侵防护、批量管理等功能。Openstack的网络控制就是基于Network filter。
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- ebtables
The ebtables program is a filtering tool for a Linux-based bridging firewall. It enables transparent filtering of network traffic passing through a Linux bridge. The filtering possibilities are limited to link layer filtering and some basic filtering on higher network layers. Advanced logging, MAC DNAT/SNAT and brouter facilities are also included.
The ebtables tool can be combined with the other Linux filtering tools (iptables, ip6tables and arptables) to make a bridging firewall that is also capable of filtering these higher network layers. This is enabled through the bridge-netfilter architecture which is a part of the standard Linux kernel.
The ebtables and arptables codebase is maintained by the netfilter developers, who were so kind to take over maintenance of the software. This website is kept mainly as a documentation reference.
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virsh # nwfilter-
nwfilter-define nwfilter-dumpxml nwfilter-edit nwfilter-list nwfilter-undefine
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- nwfilter-define
NAME nwfilter-define - define or update a network filter from an XML file
nwfilter-define <file>
Define a new network filter or update an existing one.
[--file] <string> file containing an XML network filter description
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nwfilter-define path.xml
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- nwfilter-dumpxml
nwfilter-dumpxml - network filter information in XML
nwfilter-dumpxml <nwfilter>
Output the network filter information as an XML dump to stdout.
[--nwfilter] <string> network filter name or uuid
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nwfilter-dumpxml option-name/uuid
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UUID Name ------------------------------------------------------------------
3a6d8a6c-ba20-4ff4-96b5-6f3b0d88f886 allow-arp virsh # nwfilter-dumpxml allow-arp
<filter name='allow-arp' chain='arp' priority='-500'>
<rule action='accept' direction='inout' priority='500'/>
virsh # nwfilter-dumpxml 3a6d8a6c-ba20-4ff4-96b5-6f3b0d88f886
<filter name='allow-arp' chain='arp' priority='-500'>
<rule action='accept' direction='inout' priority='500'/>
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- nwfilter-edit
nwfilter-edit - edit XML configuration for a network filter
nwfilter-edit <nwfilter>
Edit the XML configuration for a network filter.
[--nwfilter] <string> network filter name or uuid
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- nwfilter-list
NAME nwfilter-list - list network filters SYNOPSIS nwfilter-list DESCRIPTION Returns list of network filters.
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virsh # nwfilter-list
UUID Name ------------------------------------------------------------------
3a6d8a6c-ba20-4ff4-96b5-6f3b0d88f886 allow-arp 675ab5ba-686e-4ce3-a1b7-a2210d81e7eb allow-dhcp 8b0620fa-f1d6-4002-a1c1-a65fee662187 allow-dhcp-server 587e3cf8-ef8c-434b-8983-cc8e169f145f allow-incoming-ipv4
b170b35e-a602-42df-847f-1e4ca10ad7aa allow-ipv4 5c0fe721-8071-465e-979b-f935beb938f4 clean-traffic fbc91fd1-19b4-4833-8fbe-1d7f795003f3 no-arp-ip-spoofing f91440d6-3b3a-4fec-8898-2b978f01e97e no-arp-mac-spoofing
87d78eeb-8289-40ab-9616-2f6180813bc6 no-arp-spoofing e0a25fc7-ff32-4156-8a1c-bf90d100b173 no-ip-multicast b1d1be20-cc33-44fe-ac1d-03796d529890 no-ip-spoofing 0b0d75e0-e12c-43b1-8062-c1bd58303600 no-mac-broadcast 03fccb6d-1576-4e47-93a2-382d378cd8b2 no-mac-spoofing 6dab6821-8caf-4794-9be8-d7ccb26639e6 no-other-l2-traffic
94985992-e597-4449-8c99-3d261c3d5c34 no-other-rarp-traffic
5d61fcbf-96a4-4c30-9c06-c853e14fa40a qemu-announce-self 780863fb-3afd-43b2-a624-8372b2d2a8cc qemu-announce-self-rarp
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- nwfilter-undefine
NAME nwfilter-undefine - undefine a network filter
SYNOPSIS nwfilter-undefine <nwfilter>
DESCRIPTION Undefine a given network filter.
OPTIONS [--nwfilter] <string> network filter name or uuid
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功能:与nwfilter-undefine 相反。删除定义,并且删除对应的xml文件
The network traffic filtering subsystem enables configuration of network traffic filtering rules on individual network interfaces that are configured for certain types of network configurations. Supported network types are
ethernet -- must be used in bridging mode
The interface XML is used to reference a top-level filter. In the following example, the interface description references the filter clean-traffic.
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在虚拟机xml配置文件下,设备里边添加网络设备。注意一定使用 bridge 模式。
<interface type='bridge'> <mac address='00:16:3e:5d:c7:9e'/> <source bridge='br0'> <filterref filter='clean-traffic'/>
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<interface type='bridge'> <mac address='00:16:3e:5d:c7:9e'/> <source bridge='br0'> <filterref filter='clean-traffic'> <parameter name='IP' value=''/> </filterref>
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<filterref filter='clean-traffic'> <parameter name='CTRL_IP_LEARNING' value='none'/>
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value可接受的参数值还有: any , dhcp ,none
Variable Name | Semantics |
MAC | The MAC address of the interface |
IP | The list of IP addresses in use by an interface |
IPV6 | Not currently implemented: the list of IPV6 addresses in use by an interface |
DHCPSERVER | The list of IP addresses of trusted DHCP servers |
DHCPSERVERV6 | Not currently implemented: The list of IPv6 addresses of trusted DHCP servers |
CTRL_IP_LEARNING | The choice of the IP address detection mode | filter xml配置介绍
2.1 Filtering chains
Libvirt's network filtering system automatically creates individual root chains for every virtual machine's network interface on which the user chooses to activate traffic filtering. The user may write filtering rules that are either directly instantiated in the root chain or may create protocol-specific filtering chains for efficient evaluation of protocol-specific rules
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root mac stp vlan arp,rarp ipv4 ipv6
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2.2 Filtering chain priorities
All chains are connected to the root chain. The order in which those chains are accessed is influenced by the priority of the chain. The following table shows the chains that can be assigned a priority and their default priorities.
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Chain (prefix) | Default priority |
stp | -810 |
mac | -800 |
vlan | -750 |
ipv4 | -700 |
ipv6 | -600 |
arp | -500 |
rarp | -400 |
<filter name='no-arp-spoofing' chain='arp' priority='-500'> <uuid>f88f1932-debf-4aa1-9fbe-f10d3aa4bc95</uuid>
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2.3 过滤器规则
<rule action='drop' direction='out' priority='500'> <ip match='no' srcipaddr='$IP'/>
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2.3.1 规则头
<rule action='drop' direction='out' priority='500'>
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- action
action -- mandatory; must either be drop (matching the rule silently discards the packet with no further analysis), reject (matching the rule generates an ICMP reject message with no further analysis) (since 0.9.0), accept (matching the rule accepts the packet with no further analysis), return (matching the rule passes this filter, but returns control to the calling filter for further analysis) (since 0.9.7), or continue (matching the rule goes on to the next rule for further analysis) (since 0.9.7).
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action 对应的值如下: drop,拒绝访问;reject,拒绝访问,并返回对应的包;accept,接收网络流量信息;return;continue;
- direction
direction -- mandatory; must either be in, out or inout if the rule is for incoming, outgoing or incoming-and-outgoing traffic
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- priority
priority -- optional; the priority of the rule controls the order in which the rule will be instantiated relative to other rules. Rules with lower value will be instantiated before rules with higher values. Valid values are in the range of 0 to 1000. Since 0.9.8 this has been extended to cover the range of -1000 to 1000. If this attribute is not provided, priority 500 will automatically be assigned.
Note that filtering rules in the root chain are sorted with filters connected to the root chain following their priorities. This allows to interleave filtering rules with access to filter chains. (See also section on filtering chain priorities .)
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- statematch
statematch -- optional; possible values are '0' or 'false' to turn the underlying connection state matching off; default is 'true'
Also read the section on advanced configuration topics.
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statematch – 状态匹配,默认为true ,并不需要进行相应的设置。
2.3.2 规则内容
- 支持规则
- 规则字段
<rule action='drop' direction='in'>
<protocol match='no' attribute1='value1' attribute2='value2'/>
<protocol attribute3='value3'/>
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match 是否匹配。用于规则的例外排除,排除额外选项
Rules perform a logical AND evaluation on all values of the given protocol attributes. Thus, if a single attribute's value does not match the one given in the rule, the whole rule will be skipped during evaluation. Therefore, in the above example incoming traffic will only be dropped if the protocol property attribute1 does not match value1 AND the protocol property attribute2 does not match value2 AND the protocol property attribute3 matches value3.
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<rule action='drop' direction='in' priority='400'>
<tcp connlimit-above='1'/>
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connlimit-above:Limiting Number of Connections 。进行连接数限制。
Attribute | Datatype | Semantics |
srcmacaddr | MAC_ADDR | MAC address of sender |
srcmacmask | MAC_MASK | Mask applied to MAC address of sender |
dstmacaddr | MAC_ADDR | MAC address of destination |
dstmacmask | MAC_MASK | Mask applied to MAC address of destination |
protocolid | UINT16 (0x600-0xffff), STRING | Layer 3 protocol ID |
comment (Since 0.8.5) | STRING | text with max. 256 characters |
<mac match='no' srcmacaddr='$MAC'/>
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Attribute | Datatype | Semantics |
srcmacaddr | MAC_ADDR | MAC address of sender |
srcmacmask | MAC_MASK | Mask applied to MAC address of sender |
dstmacaddr | MAC_ADDR | MAC address of destination |
dstmacmask | MAC_MASK | Mask applied to MAC address of destination |
srcipaddr | IP_ADDR | Source IP address |
srcipmask | IP_MASK | Mask applied to source IP address |
dstipaddr | IP_ADDR | Destination IP address |
dstipmask | IP_MASK | Mask applied to destination IP address |
protocol | UINT8, STRING | Layer 4 protocol identifier |
srcportstart | UINT16 | Start of range of valid source ports; requires protocol |
srcportend | UINT16 | End of range of valid source ports; requires protocol |
dstportstart | UINT16 | Start of range of valid destination ports; requires protocol |
dstportend | UINT16 | End of range of valid destination ports; requires protocol |
dscp | UINT8 (0x0-0x3f, 0 - 63) | Differentiated Services Code Point |
comment (Since 0.8.5) | STRING | text with max. 256 characters |
Attribute | Datatype | Semantics |
srcmacaddr | MAC_ADDR | MAC address of sender |
srcipaddr | IP_ADDR | Source IP address |
srcipmask | IP_MASK | Mask applied to source IP address |
dstipaddr | IP_ADDR | Destination IP address |
dstipmask | IP_MASK | Mask applied to destination IP address |
srcipfrom | IP_ADDR | Start of range of source IP address |
srcipto | IP_ADDR | End of range of source IP address |
dstipfrom | IP_ADDR | Start of range of destination IP address |
dstipto | IP_ADDR | End of range of destination IP address |
srcportstart | UINT16 | Start of range of valid source ports |
srcportend | UINT16 | End of range of valid source ports |
dstportstart | UINT16 | Start of range of valid destination ports |
dstportend | UINT16 | End of range of valid destination ports |
dscp | UINT8 (0x0-0x3f, 0 - 63) | Differentiated Services Code Point |
comment (Since 0.8.5) | STRING | text with max. 256 characters |
state (Since 0.8.5) | STRING | comma separated list of NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED,INVALID or NONE |
flags (Since 0.9.1) | STRING | TCP-only: format of mask/flags with mask and flags each being a comma separated list of SYN,ACK,URG,PSH,FIN,RST or NONE or ALL |
ipset (Since 0.9.13) | STRING | The name of an IPSet managed outside of libvirt |
ipsetflags (Since 0.9.13) | IPSETFLAGS | flags for the IPSet; requires ipset attribute |
Attribute | Datatype | Semantics |
srcmacaddr | MAC_ADDR | MAC address of sender |
srcmacmask | MAC_MASK | Mask applied to MAC address of sender |
dstmacaddr | MAC_ADDR | MAC address of destination |
dstmacmask | MAC_MASK | Mask applied to MAC address of destination |
srcipaddr | IP_ADDR | Source IP address |
srcipmask | IP_MASK | Mask applied to source IP address |
dstipaddr | IP_ADDR | Destination IP address |
dstipmask | IP_MASK | Mask applied to destination IP address |
srcipfrom | IP_ADDR | Start of range of source IP address |
srcipto | IP_ADDR | End of range of source IP address |
dstipfrom | IP_ADDR | Start of range of destination IP address |
dstipto | IP_ADDR | End of range of destination IP address |
type | UINT16 | ICMP type |
code | UINT16 | ICMP code |
dscp | UINT8 (0x0-0x3f, 0 - 63) | Differentiated Services Code Point |
comment (Since 0.8.5) | STRING | text with max. 256 characters |
state (Since 0.8.5) | STRING | comma separated list of NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED,INVALID or NONE |
ipset (Since 0.9.13) | STRING | The name of an IPSet managed outside of libvirt |
ipsetflags (Since 0.9.13) | IPSETFLAGS | flags for the IPSet; requires ipset attribute |
**注意:**ip_mask填写"24"或者""均可,在define 的时候会进行格式化自动转换的。
2.3.4 常用规则样例
<filter name='test-eth0'>
<!-- reference the clean traffic filter to prevent MAC, IP and ARP spoofing. By not providing and IP address parameter, libvirt will detect the IP address the VM is using. -->
<filterref filter='clean-traffic'/> <!-- enable TCP port 21 (ftp-control) to be reachable -->
<rule action='accept' direction='in'> <tcp dstportstart='21'/>
</rule> <!-- enable TCP port 20 for VM-initiated ftp data connection related to an existing ftp control connection -->
<rule action='accept' direction='out'> <tcp srcportstart='20' state='RELATED,ESTABLISHED'/>
</rule> <!-- accept all packets from client on the ftp data connection -->
<rule action='accept' direction='in'> <tcp dstportstart='20' state='ESTABLISHED'/>
</rule> <!-- enable TCP ports 22 (ssh) and 80 (http) to be reachable -->
<rule action='accept' direction='in'> <tcp dstportstart='22'/>
</rule> <rule action='accept' direction='in'> <tcp dstportstart='80'/>
</rule> <!-- enable general ICMP traffic to be initiated by the VM; this includes ping traffic -->
<rule action='accept' direction='out'> <icmp/>
</rule> <!-- enable outgoing DNS lookups using UDP -->
<rule action='accept' direction='out'> <udp dstportstart='53'/>
</rule> <!-- drop all other traffic -->
<rule action='drop' direction='inout'> <all/>
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2.3.5 作者样例
<filter name='rule' chain='root'>
<rule action='drop' direction='in' priority='200'/> <rule action='accept' direction='in' priority='100'> <!=获取入口出口> <tcp dstmacaddr='52:54:00:4b:aa:1f'/> <!= 获取本机MAC> <tcp dstportstart='24' dstportend='65536'/> <!= 获取端口范围> <tcp srcipaddr=''/> <!=获取目标IP> <tcp srcipmask='0'/> <!= 获取掩码>
<rule action='accept' direction='out' priority='100'> <tcp srcmacaddr='52:54:00:4b:aa:1f'/> <tcp srcportstart='1' srcportend='65535'> <tcp dstipaddr=''/> <tcp dstipmask='0'/>
<rule action='accept' direction='inout' priority='100'> <tcp srcmacaddr='52:54:00:4b:aa:1f'/> <tcp srcportstart='1' srcportend='65535'> <tcp dstipaddr=''/> <tcp dstipmask='0'/>
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libvirt-nwfilter 默认In为黑名单out为白名单。
allow-arp.xml clean-traffic.xml no-ip-multicast.xml no-other-rarp-traffic.xml
allow-dhcp-server.xml clean-traffic.xml_bak no-ip-spoofing.xml qemu-announce-self-rarp.xml
allow-dhcp.xml no-arp-ip-spoofing.xml no-mac-broadcast.xml qemu-announce-self.xml
allow-incoming-ipv4.xml no-arp-mac-spoofing.xml no-mac-spoofing.xml allow-ipv4.xml no-arp-spoofing.xml no-other-l2-traffic.xml
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Network Filter API介绍
官网一般为最新版本API接口,你需要看自己的支持什么接口,就需要在 '/usr/include/libvirt’查看
libvirt-admin.h libvirt-event.h libvirt-lxc.h libvirt-qemu.h virterror.h
libvirt-common.h libvirt.h libvirt-network.h libvirt-secret.h
libvirt-domain.h libvirt-host.h libvirt-nodedev.h libvirt-storage.h
libvirt-domain-snapshot.h libvirt-interface.h libvirt-nwfilter.h libvirt-stream.h
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主要在 libvirt-nwfilter.h头文件。默认开发的时候,只要调用libvirt.h就可以。
#ifndef __VIR_VIRLIB_H__
# define __VIR_VIRLIB_H__
# include <sys/types.h>
# ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
# endif
# include <libvirt/libvirt-common.h>
# include <libvirt/libvirt-host.h>
# include <libvirt/libvirt-domain.h>
# include <libvirt/libvirt-domain-snapshot.h>
# include <libvirt/libvirt-event.h>
# include <libvirt/libvirt-interface.h>
# include <libvirt/libvirt-network.h>
# include <libvirt/libvirt-nodedev.h>
# include <libvirt/libvirt-nwfilter.h>
# include <libvirt/libvirt-secret.h>
# include <libvirt/libvirt-storage.h>
# include <libvirt/libvirt-stream.h>
# ifdef __cplusplus
# endif
#endif /* __VIR_VIRLIB_H__ */
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libvirt-nwfilter.h 主要接口如下
# error "Don't include this file directly, only use libvirt/libvirt.h"
# endif
* virNWFilter:
* a virNWFilter is a private structure representing a network filter
typedef struct _virNWFilter virNWFilter;
* virNWFilterPtr:
* a virNWFilterPtr is pointer to a virNWFilter private structure,
* this is the type used to reference a network filter in the API.
typedef virNWFilter *virNWFilterPtr;
* List NWFilters
int virConnectNumOfNWFilters (virConnectPtr conn);
int virConnectListNWFilters (virConnectPtr conn, char **const names, int maxnames);
int virConnectListAllNWFilters(virConnectPtr conn, virNWFilterPtr **filters, unsigned int flags);
* Lookup nwfilter by name or uuid
virNWFilterPtr virNWFilterLookupByName (virConnectPtr conn, const char *name);
virNWFilterPtr virNWFilterLookupByUUID (virConnectPtr conn, const unsigned char *uuid);
virNWFilterPtr virNWFilterLookupByUUIDString (virConnectPtr conn,
* Define persistent nwfilter
virNWFilterPtr virNWFilterDefineXML (virConnectPtr conn, const char *xmlDesc);
* Delete persistent nwfilter
int virNWFilterUndefine (virNWFilterPtr nwfilter);
* NWFilter destroy/free
int virNWFilterRef (virNWFilterPtr nwfilter);
int virNWFilterFree (virNWFilterPtr nwfilter);
* NWFilter information
const char* virNWFilterGetName (virNWFilterPtr nwfilter);
int virNWFilterGetUUID (virNWFilterPtr nwfilter, unsigned char *uuid);
int virNWFilterGetUUIDString (virNWFilterPtr nwfilter, char *buf);
char * virNWFilterGetXMLDesc (virNWFilterPtr nwfilter, unsigned int flags);
#endif /* __VIR_LIBVIRT_NWFILTER_H__ */
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类似于命令行。在实际开发中,libvirt ,nwfilter接口定义主要使用:
virNWFilterPtr virNWFilterDefineXML (virConnectPtr conn,const char *xmlDesc);
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类似于nwfilter-define 命令。用来定义网络过滤器规则。
static std::string in_rule(std::string mac, std::string protocol, std::string startPort, std::string endPort, std::string ip, std::string ipmask)
{ std::string in_rule = std::string( \ "<rule action='accept' direction='in' priority='100'>\n" + \ std::string("<")+ protocol + " dstmacaddr='" + mac +"'/>\n"+ \ "<"+ protocol + " dstportstart='" + startPort+"' dstportend='" + endPort +"'/>\n" + \ "<"+ protocol + " srcipaddr='"+ ip +"'/>\n" + \ "<"+ protocol + " srcipmask='"+ ipmask +"'/>\n" +\ "</rule>\n"); return in_rule;
static std::string intout_rule(std::string mac, std::string protocol, std::string startPort, std::string endPort, std::string ip, std::string ipmask)
{ std::string out_rule = std::string( "<rule action='accept' direction='inout' priority='100'>\n" + \ std::string("<")+ protocol + " srcmacaddr='" + mac +"'/>"+ \ "<"+ protocol + " srcportstart='" + startPort +"' srcportend='" + endPort +"'/>\n" + \ "<"+ protocol + " dstipaddr='"+ ip +"'/>\n" + \ "<"+ protocol + " dstipmask='"+ ipmask +"'/>\n" +\ "</rule>\n"); return out_rule;
static std::string rule_xml(std::string uuid, std::list<std::string> list)
{ std::string xmlHeader("<filter name='safe-rule' chain='root'>\n <uuid>" + uuid +"</uuid>\n"); std::string xmlDeault("<rule action='drop' direction='in' priority='200'/>\n"); std::string xmlRule = ""; for(auto it : list) { xmlRule += it; } std::string xmlTail("</filter>\n"); return xmlHeader + xmlDeault + xmlRule + xmlTail;
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const char * nwxml = nwfilter_str::rule_xml(std::string("4e82be8f-5d76-45a1-8446-66a527f39115"),ruleList).c_str();
virNWFilterDefineXML(conn, nwxml);
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virNWFilterBindingPtr virNWFilterBindingCreateXML (virConnectPtr conn, const char * xml, unsigned int flags)
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Define a new network filter, based on an XML description similar to the one returned by virNWFilterGetXMLDesc(). This API may be used to associate a filter with a currently running guest that does not have a filter defined for a specific network port. Since the bindings are generally automatically managed by the hypervisor, using this command to define a filter for a network port and then starting the guest afterwards may prevent the guest from starting if it attempts to use the network port and finds a filter already defined.
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virNWFilterPtr virNWFilterDefineXML (virConnectPtr conn, const char * xmlDesc)
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Define a new network filter, based on an XML description similar to the one returned by virNWFilterGetXMLDesc()
virNWFilterFree should be used to free the resources after the nwfilter object is no longer needed.
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int virDomainConfNWFilterInstantiate(const char *vmname, const unsigned char *vmuuid, virDomainNetDefPtr net, bool ignoreExists, bool ignoreDeleted);
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