matplotlib plot 绘制cos函数的图形

千江有水千江月 发表于 2020/12/27 22:08:06 2020/12/27
3.8k+ 0 0
【摘要】 所属的课程名称及链接[AI基础课程--常用框架工具]环境信息* ModelArts  * Notebook - Multi-Engine 2.0 (python3)    * JupyterLab - Notebook - Conda-python3      * matplotlib 2.1.0matplotlib plot 绘制cos函数的图形import matplotlib.pypl...



  • * ModelArts
    •   * Notebook - Multi-Engine 2.0 (python3)
      •     * JupyterLab - Notebook - Conda-python3
        •       * matplotlib 2.1.0

matplotlib plot 绘制cos函数的图形

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(-10,10,step=0.1)
y = np.cos(x)




Help on function plot in module matplotlib.pyplot:

plot(*args, **kwargs)
    Plot lines and/or markers to the
    :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`.  *args* is a variable length
    argument, allowing for multiple *x*, *y* pairs with an
    optional format string.  For example, each of the following is
        plot(x, y)        # plot x and y using default line style and color
        plot(x, y, 'bo')  # plot x and y using blue circle markers
        plot(y)           # plot y using x as index array 0..N-1
        plot(y, 'r+')     # ditto, but with red plusses
    If *x* and/or *y* is 2-dimensional, then the corresponding columns
    will be plotted.
    If used with labeled data, make sure that the color spec is not
    included as an element in data, as otherwise the last case
    ``plot("v","r", data={"v":..., "r":...)``
    can be interpreted as the first case which would do ``plot(v, r)``
    using the default line style and color.
    If not used with labeled data (i.e., without a data argument),
    an arbitrary number of *x*, *y*, *fmt* groups can be specified, as in::
        a.plot(x1, y1, 'g^', x2, y2, 'g-')
    Return value is a list of lines that were added.
    By default, each line is assigned a different style specified by a
    'style cycle'.  To change this behavior, you can edit the
    axes.prop_cycle rcParam.
    The following format string characters are accepted to control
    the line style or marker:
    ================    ===============================
    character           description
    ================    ===============================
    ``'-'``             solid line style
    ``'--'``            dashed line style
    ``'-.'``            dash-dot line style
    ``':'``             dotted line style
    ``'.'``             point marker
    ``','``             pixel marker
    ``'o'``             circle marker
    ``'v'``             triangle_down marker
    ``'^'``             triangle_up marker
    ``'<'``             triangle_left marker
    ``'>'``             triangle_right marker
    ``'1'``             tri_down marker
    ``'2'``             tri_up marker
    ``'3'``             tri_left marker
    ``'4'``             tri_right marker
    ``'s'``             square marker
    ``'p'``             pentagon marker
    ``'*'``             star marker
    ``'h'``             hexagon1 marker
    ``'H'``             hexagon2 marker
    ``'+'``             plus marker
    ``'x'``             x marker
    ``'D'``             diamond marker
    ``'d'``             thin_diamond marker
    ``'|'``             vline marker
    ``'_'``             hline marker
    ================    ===============================
    The following color abbreviations are supported:
    ==========  ========
    character   color
    ==========  ========
    'b'         blue
    'g'         green
    'r'         red
    'c'         cyan
    'm'         magenta
    'y'         yellow
    'k'         black
    'w'         white
    ==========  ========
    In addition, you can specify colors in many weird and
    wonderful ways, including full names (``'green'``), hex
    strings (``'#008000'``), RGB or RGBA tuples (``(0,1,0,1)``) or
    grayscale intensities as a string (``'0.8'``).  Of these, the
    string specifications can be used in place of a ``fmt`` group,
    but the tuple forms can be used only as ``kwargs``.
    Line styles and colors are combined in a single format string, as in
    ``'bo'`` for blue circles.
    The *kwargs* can be used to set line properties (any property that has
    a ``set_*`` method).  You can use this to set a line label (for auto
    legends), linewidth, anitialising, marker face color, etc.  Here is an
        plot([1,2,3], [1,2,3], 'go-', label='line 1', linewidth=2)
        plot([1,2,3], [1,4,9], 'rs',  label='line 2')
        axis([0, 4, 0, 10])
    If you make multiple lines with one plot command, the kwargs
    apply to all those lines, e.g.::
        plot(x1, y1, x2, y2, antialiased=False)
    Neither line will be antialiased.
    You do not need to use format strings, which are just
    abbreviations.  All of the line properties can be controlled
    by keyword arguments.  For example, you can set the color,
    marker, linestyle, and markercolor with::
        plot(x, y, color='green', linestyle='dashed', marker='o',
             markerfacecolor='blue', markersize=12).
    See :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` for details.
    The kwargs are :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` properties:
      agg_filter: unknown
      alpha: float (0.0 transparent through 1.0 opaque) 
      animated: [True | False] 
      antialiased or aa: [True | False] 
      clip_box: a :class:`matplotlib.transforms.Bbox` instance 
      clip_on: [True | False] 
      clip_path: [ (:class:`~matplotlib.path.Path`, :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Transform`) | :class:`~matplotlib.patches.Patch` | None ] 
      color or c: any matplotlib color 
      contains: a callable function 
      dash_capstyle: ['butt' | 'round' | 'projecting'] 
      dash_joinstyle: ['miter' | 'round' | 'bevel'] 
      dashes: sequence of on/off ink in points 
      drawstyle: ['default' | 'steps' | 'steps-pre' | 'steps-mid' | 'steps-post'] 
      figure: a :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance 
      fillstyle: ['full' | 'left' | 'right' | 'bottom' | 'top' | 'none'] 
      gid: an id string 
      label: string or anything printable with '%s' conversion. 
      linestyle or ls: ['solid' | 'dashed', 'dashdot', 'dotted' | (offset, on-off-dash-seq) | ``'-'`` | ``'--'`` | ``'-.'`` | ``':'`` | ``'None'`` | ``' '`` | ``''``]
      linewidth or lw: float value in points 
      marker: :mod:`A valid marker style <matplotlib.markers>`
      markeredgecolor or mec: any matplotlib color 
      markeredgewidth or mew: float value in points 
      markerfacecolor or mfc: any matplotlib color 
      markerfacecoloralt or mfcalt: any matplotlib color 
      markersize or ms: float 
      markevery: [None | int | length-2 tuple of int | slice | list/array of int | float | length-2 tuple of float]
      path_effects: unknown
      picker: float distance in points or callable pick function ``fn(artist, event)`` 
      pickradius: float distance in points 
      rasterized: [True | False | None] 
      sketch_params: unknown
      snap: unknown
      solid_capstyle: ['butt' | 'round' |  'projecting'] 
      solid_joinstyle: ['miter' | 'round' | 'bevel'] 
      transform: a :class:`matplotlib.transforms.Transform` instance 
      url: a url string 
      visible: [True | False] 
      xdata: 1D array 
      ydata: 1D array 
      zorder: any number 
    kwargs *scalex* and *scaley*, if defined, are passed on to
    :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.autoscale_view` to determine
    whether the *x* and *y* axes are autoscaled; the default is
    .. note::
        In addition to the above described arguments, this function can take a
        **data** keyword argument. If such a **data** argument is given, the
        following arguments are replaced by **data[<arg>]**:
        * All arguments with the following names: 'x', 'y'.


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