matplotlib lim ticks 设置xy轴的刻度和范围
【摘要】 所属的课程名称及链接[AI基础课程--常用框架工具]环境信息* ModelArts * Notebook - Multi-Engine 2.0 (python3) * JupyterLab - Notebook - Conda-python3 * matplotlib 2.1.0matplotlib lim ticks 设置xy轴的刻度和范围import numpy as ...
- * ModelArts
- * Notebook - Multi-Engine 2.0 (python3)
- * JupyterLab - Notebook - Conda-python3
- * matplotlib 2.1.0
- * JupyterLab - Notebook - Conda-python3
- * Notebook - Multi-Engine 2.0 (python3)
matplotlib lim ticks 设置xy轴的刻度和范围
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,256,endpoint=True)
y = np.sin(x)
plt.xlim(-np.pi,np.pi) # x轴范围
plt.xticks(np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,5,endpoint=True)) # x轴的刻度
plt.ylim(-1.0,1.0) # y轴范围
plt.yticks(np.linspace(-1,1,4,endpoint=True)) # y轴的刻度
Help on function xlim in module matplotlib.pyplot:
xlim(*args, **kwargs)
Get or set the *x* limits of the current axes.
xmin, xmax = xlim() # return the current xlim
xlim( (xmin, xmax) ) # set the xlim to xmin, xmax
xlim( xmin, xmax ) # set the xlim to xmin, xmax
If you do not specify args, you can pass the xmin and xmax as
kwargs, e.g.::
xlim(xmax=3) # adjust the max leaving min unchanged
xlim(xmin=1) # adjust the min leaving max unchanged
Setting limits turns autoscaling off for the x-axis.
The new axis limits are returned as a length 2 tuple.
Help on function xticks in module matplotlib.pyplot:
xticks(*args, **kwargs)
Get or set the *x*-limits of the current tick locations and labels.
# return locs, labels where locs is an array of tick locations and
# labels is an array of tick labels.
locs, labels = xticks()
# set the locations of the xticks
xticks( arange(6) )
# set the locations and labels of the xticks
xticks( arange(5), ('Tom', 'Dick', 'Harry', 'Sally', 'Sue') )
The keyword args, if any, are :class:`~matplotlib.text.Text`
properties. For example, to rotate long labels::
xticks( arange(12), calendar.month_name[1:13], rotation=17 )
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