Scrum theory

yd_221104950 发表于 2020/12/04 00:55:54 2020/12/04
【摘要】 Today,we want to talk about scrum theory.Before we practice scrum.I believe that it is necessary to learn scrum theory.Why?Because the basic idea of scrum can guide you to deal with any ...

Today,we want to talk about scrum theory.Before we practice scrum.I believe that it is necessary to learn scrum theory.Why?Because the basic idea of scrum can guide you to deal with any situation happened in a project,so that your ways to deal with problems can become flexible.If you just master some form of scrum,and your thoughts to handle problem are limited.
Here,we have already known that scrum is purposefully incomplete.But it has a theory.In my opinion,it present its ideas in three aspects:transparency,inspection,adaptation.And these three aspects are through the whole lifetime of scrum.Let’s get started to figure out what they are.


The emergent process and work should be visible to those performing the work as well as those receiving the work.Why should we do ? Because important decisions are based on the perceived state of its three formal artifacts(Product Backlog,Sprint Backlog,Increments).The artifacts that have low transparency will lead to decisions that diminish value and increase risk.See! Keeping Transparency is the key to a correct decisions.

Transparency enables inspection.Inspection without transparency is misleading and wasteful.


The three formal artifacts(Product Backlog,Sprint Backlog,Increments) of scrum and process toward agreed goals must be inspected frequently and diligently to detect potentially on desirable variances or problems.To help with inspection,scrum provides cadence in the form of its five events(The Sprint,Spring planing,Daily Scrum,Sprint Review,Sprint Retrospective).

Inspection enables adaptation.Inspection without adaptation is considered pointless.Scrum events are designed to provoke change.


If any aspects of a process deviate outside acceptable limits or if the resulting product is unacceptable,the process being applied or materials being produced must be adjusted.The adjustment must be made as soon as possible to minimize further deviation.
Adaptation becomes more difficult when the people involved are not empowered or self-managing.Scrum team is expected to adapt the moment it learns anything new through inspection.

These there aspects of scrum theory is a progressive relationship.The upper layer is the premise for the next layer to be realized.The feedback from the next layer promotes the development of the upper layer.
In a nutshell,we communicate fully,so that we share information what we have done and what we are going to do and what problem happened.That is useful to improve the transparency of information.It provides enough information for scrum team to inspect and adapt.



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