【摘要】 越来越多的用户开始上云使用MRS,在上云过程中会有组件版本的一些差异。我们抽取了客户使用度较高的一个hive2.1.1版本和MRS1.9.3中的hive版本2.3.3,在这篇博客里面主要对这两个版本的区别做一些介绍。
Hive 2.1.1 |
Hive 2.3.3 |
Property Name |
Default Value |
Property Name |
Default Value |
hive.metastore.fshandler.thread |
20 |
hive.metastore.fshandler.threads |
15 |
hive.optimize.metadataonly |
true |
hive.optimize.metadataonly |
false |
hive.compute.query.using.stats |
False |
hive.compute.query.using.stats |
True |
hive.exim.uri.scheme.whitelist |
"hdfs,pfile" |
hive.exim.uri.scheme.whitelist |
"hdfs,pfile,file,s3,s3a” |
hive.server2.thrift.resultset.max.fetch.size |
1000 |
hive.server2.thrift.resultset.max.fetch.size |
10000 |
hive.mapred.mode |
nonstrict |
hive.mapred.mode |
null |
HIVE-15841 - Upgrade Hive to ORC 1.3.3
HIVE-16106 - Upgrade to Datanucleus 4.2.12
HIVE-15303 - Upgrade to Druid 0.9.2
HIVE-13316 - Upgrade to Calcite 1.10
HIVE-16402 - Upgrade to Hadoop 2.8.0
HIVE-17665 - Update netty-all to 4.0.52.Final
HIVE-14908 - Upgrade ANTLR to 3.5.2
支持物化视图(Implemented Materialized views)
修复CBO错误(Many CBO failures are corrected)
支持低延迟分析处理功能,暂时只有Tez支持(LLAP improvements are done)
用例修复以及frame work升级(Test fixes and frame work improvements)
HIVE-13839 : 删除SHIMS查询文件状态的接口,修改为HdfsUtils的接口([Refactor] Remove SHIMS.listLocatedStatus())
HIVE-15517 : 当x或y是null的时候,NOT (x <=> y)返回null(NOT (x <=> y) returns NULL if x or y is NULL)
HIVE-15717 : 默认实现 rowDeleted, rowInserted and rowUpdated三个方法返回false,而不是返回异常(JDBC: Implement rowDeleted, rowInserted and rowUpdated to return false)
HIVE-15148 :默认不允许加载数据到存储桶里面(disallow loading data into bucketed tables (by default))
HIVE-14182 :向量化添加对多个与和或的语法支持(Revert "HIVE-13084: Vectorization add support for PROJECTION Multi-AND/OR)
HIVE-13380 :double的优先级应该高于十进制优先级(Decimal should have lower precedence than double in type hierarchy)
HIVE-16188 : beeline链接时,如果数据库名称不对,不应该建立链接(beeline should block the connection if given invalid database name.)
HIVE-16024 : MSCK需要支持修复动态分区表(MSCK Repair Requires nonstrict hive.mapred.mode (hive.mapred.mode default value is “null” ))
HIVE-16287 : rename分区时,需要把分区挪到新分区路径下(Alter table partition rename with location - moves partition back to hive warehouse (Fixed issue and created data in table location))
HIVE-15730 : 应该在适当的地方使用SQLFeatureNotSupportedException 异常,而不是SQLException 异常(JDBC should use SQLFeatureNotSupportedException where appropriate instead of SQLException (SQLFeatureNotSupportedException is subclass of SQLException))
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