DIS Agent启动报错处理方法
【摘要】 当启动dis-agent时出现"Failed to start agent, cloud not find Agent process id, please check logs."时,请查看agent日志/dis-agent-x.x.x/logs/dis-agent.log,查看日志底部最新日志内容。[文字版日志信息]2018-06-14 16:19:40.859+0800 [ERROR...
当启动dis-agent时出现"Failed to start agent, cloud not find Agent process id, please check logs."时,请查看agent日志/dis-agent-x.x.x/logs/dis-agent.log,查看日志底部最新日志内容。
2018-06-14 16:19:40.859+0800 [ERROR] (main) com.bigdata.dis.agent.config.YamlConfig load yaml config error
org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserException: while parsing a block collection
in 'reader', line 15, column 3:
- DISStream:dis-002
expected <block end>, but found BlockMappingStart
in 'reader', line 17, column 5:
filePattern: /tmp/testAgent.log
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