Deploy Django web + Postgres to Heroku
【摘要】 django on heroku 数据库的创建。
Step 0: create 项目存放的目录
Step 1: Set up the virtual machine
Step 2: Install some packages for the virtual machine such as: django, gunicorn, django-heroku
Step 3: Set up a new Django application
Step 4: Run the Django application on localhost
Step 5: Set up new and add some configuration information for files such as: runtime.txt, Procfile, requirements.txt
Step 6: Add some information to the file of the Django project.
Step 7: Log in to heroku through the CMD window
Step 8: Set up a new app on heroku through CMD window
Step 9: Git remote, add, commit, push Django to heroku via CMD window
Step 10: Migrate Postgres data through CMD window
Step 11: Set up superuser for Django app through CMD window
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