PostgreSQL Oracle 兼容性之 - 内核自带的兼容函数

瘸子那条好腿 发表于 2020/06/12 17:56:42 2020/06/12
【摘要】 PostgreSQL Oracle 兼容性






 * oracle_compat.c  
 *      Oracle compatible functions.  
 * Copyright (c) 1996-2016, PostgreSQL Global Development Group  
 *      Author: Edmund Mergl <>  
 *      Multibyte enhancement: Tatsuo Ishii <>  
 *      src/backend/utils/adt/oracle_compat.c  
 * lower  
 * Syntax:  
 *       text lower(text string)  
 * Purpose:  
 *       Returns string, with all letters forced to lowercase.  
 * upper  
 * Syntax:  
 *       text upper(text string)  
 * Purpose:  
 *       Returns string, with all letters forced to uppercase.  
 * initcap  
 * Syntax:  
 *       text initcap(text string)  
 * Purpose:  
 *       Returns string, with first letter of each word in uppercase, all  
 *       other letters in lowercase. A word is defined as a sequence of  
 *       alphanumeric characters, delimited by non-alphanumeric  
 *       characters.  
 * lpad  
 * Syntax:  
 *       text lpad(text string1, int4 len, text string2)  
 * Purpose:  
 *       Returns string1, left-padded to length len with the sequence of  
 *       characters in string2.  If len is less than the length of string1,  
 *       instead truncate (on the right) to len.  
 * rpad  
 * Syntax:  
 *       text rpad(text string1, int4 len, text string2)  
 * Purpose:  
 *       Returns string1, right-padded to length len with the sequence of  
 *       characters in string2.  If len is less than the length of string1,  
 *       instead truncate (on the right) to len.  
 * btrim  
 * Syntax:  
 *       text btrim(text string, text set)  
 * Purpose:  
 *       Returns string with characters removed from the front and back  
 *       up to the first character not in set.  
 * btrim1 --- btrim with set fixed as ' '  
 * byteatrim  
 * Syntax:  
 *       bytea byteatrim(byta string, bytea set)  
 * Purpose:  
 *       Returns string with characters removed from the front and back  
 *       up to the first character not in set.  
 * Cloned from btrim and modified as required.  
 * ltrim  
 * Syntax:  
 *       text ltrim(text string, text set)  
 * Purpose:  
 *       Returns string with initial characters removed up to the first  
 *       character not in set.  
 * ltrim1 --- ltrim with set fixed as ' '  
 * rtrim  
 * Syntax:  
 *       text rtrim(text string, text set)  
 * Purpose:  
 *       Returns string with final characters removed after the last  
 *       character not in set.  
 * rtrim1 --- rtrim with set fixed as ' '  
 * translate  
 * Syntax:  
 *       text translate(text string, text from, text to)  
 * Purpose:  
 *       Returns string after replacing all occurrences of characters in from  
 *       with the corresponding character in to.  If from is longer than to,  
 *       occurrences of the extra characters in from are deleted.  
 *       Improved by Edwin Ramirez <>.  
 * ascii  
 * Syntax:  
 *       int ascii(text string)  
 * Purpose:  
 *       Returns the decimal representation of the first character from  
 *       string.  
 *       If the string is empty we return 0.  
 *       If the database encoding is UTF8, we return the Unicode codepoint.  
 *       If the database encoding is any other multi-byte encoding, we  
 *       return the value of the first byte if it is an ASCII character  
 *       (range 1 .. 127), or raise an error.  
 *       For all other encodings we return the value of the first byte,  
 *       (range 1..255).  
 * chr  
 * Syntax:  
 *       text chr(int val)  
 * Purpose:  
 *      Returns the character having the binary equivalent to val.  
 * For UTF8 we treat the argumwent as a Unicode code point.  
 * For other multi-byte encodings we raise an error for arguments  
 * outside the strict ASCII range (1..127).  
 * It's important that we don't ever return a value that is not valid  
 * in the database encoding, so that this doesn't become a way for  
 * invalid data to enter the database.  
 * repeat  
 * Syntax:  
 *       text repeat(text string, int val)  
 * Purpose:  
 *      Repeat string by val.  

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