JUG Java Salon 11
欢迎广大 Java技术开发者或爱好者 参加!
Java技术沙龙新一期来了,本次由上海、南京和广东等多地Java用户组(JUG,Java User Group)联合主办,还邀请到Orcale Java技术专家David Delabassee分享。
由于参会人数众多,请务必 报名注册 参与,会前将发送短信和邮件确认,谢谢!
时间:4月24日 星期日 13:30-17:30
地点:上海市定安路55号 徐汇万科中心 T1座6楼
6F Build T1 #55 DingAn Road, Shanghai, Vanke Xuhui Center
交通:地铁1/3号线 上海南站6号口 步行约15分钟
13:30-14:00 签到/Sign-in
14:00-15:00 What HTTP/2 means to Java Developers? by David Delabassee from Oracle U.S.
15:00-15:30 Apache Eagle的设计和实现 by eBay资深软件工程师 苏良飞 from Shanghai JUG
15:30-15:40 茶歇/Break
15:40-16:10 主题待定/TBD by from GreenTea JUG
16:10-16:40 苏宁字节码平台研发与实践 by 苏宁技术团队 梅伟 & 张金钟 from Nanjing JUG
16:40-17:10 Git 客户端在 WebIDE 中的实现 by 谭贺贺 from Guangdong JUG
17:10-17:30 开放论坛/Forum
嘉宾:David Delabassee from Oracle
Software evangelist, his primary focus is Java on the server-side, i.e. Java EE, GlassFish, WebLogic, etc. Prior to Oracle, David spent a decade at Sun Microsystems focusing on Java end-to-end (from the smart card to the high end server), related technologies and the developer tools. In his various roles, he has been involved in numerous Java projects since the early days of this technology. In his spare time, he enjoys playing video games with his daughter and tinkering with technologies such as Java, home automation, electronics and pinballs. Twitter handle: @delabassee
话题:What HTTP/2 means to Java Developers?
HTTP/2 has been in the works for many years but the updated version of the Internet most used protocol is finally here!
HTTP/2 brings new features that overcome many of the HTTP/1.x limitations. During this talk, we will look at some of those features (e.g. binary framing, server-side push, HPACK, etc.).
More importantly, we will discuss what is impact of HTTP/2 for Java developers.
We will look into more details about Java 9’s upcoming HTTP/2 support and other network related enhancements (e.g. a new HTTP client, a new WebSocket API). And as a client is nothing without a server to connect to, we will also discuss some of the existing HTTP/2 Java based server implementations and the upcoming Servlet 4 API.
Last not but least, we will also address some HTTP/2 related tools (e.g. how to debug HTTP/2 exchanges) and some best practices.
Attend this session to learn how HTTP/2 might impact your future Java developments.
嘉宾:苏良飞 from Shanghai JUG
eBay资深软件工程师,在行业工作了将近8年,在数据库工具,云计算和大数据领域都有较深的介入。目前在ebay的Analytic Data Infrastructure部门工作,主要专注在大数据系统的监控系统研发,包括系统监控和数据安全监控(Apache eagle项目)。
话题:Apache Eagle的设计和实现
Apache Eagle 是ebay开发并贡献给apache社区的hadoop监控系统,同时把apache eagle作为一个监控平台,我们在其之上建立了数据安全监控,目前数据安全监控已经在社区得到了积极响应。
使用Apache Eagle作为监控平台,来保护Hadoop的数据安全。依赖于Apache Eagle提供的规则定义,创建了几十种的策略来监控hadoop中的数据访问。介绍apache eagle的设计和实现,并介绍ebay使用apache eagle来监控hadoop的一些经验。
嘉宾:梅伟 & 张金钟 from Nanjing JUG
梅伟,苏宁中间件研发中心技术经理,7年行业经验,目前关注苏宁中间件产品研发,参与 苏宁服务端性能监控,调用链,Pass云平台的研发,JVM,Mesos,Docker,Cloudfoundry等
嘉宾:谭贺贺 from Guangdong JUG
多年系统软件开发经验, 曾就职阿里巴巴数据技术及产品部门负责OLAP开发,现就职与Coding,负责 WEB IDE 与 Codeinsight 后台开发。
话题:Git 客户端在 WebIDE 中的实现
Git 是一个分布式版本控制软件。git 拥有众多优势,比如本地提交代码,可以十分方便的创建、合并分支等,因此被广大的程序员所接受。git 有众多的GUI客户端供我们选择,比如 source tree 等。web ide 已经将代码编写搬到了云端,于是git云端图形化工具的开发也是顺应趋势了。
本次分享主要介绍一些 git 的原理,以及 java 实现 git 的客户端的思路。
Shanghai JUG/ Nanjing JUG/Guangdong JUG
甲骨文 阿里巴巴 /博览网 / GeekBand/祝成科技 /异步社区 /图灵社区/
由于参会人数众多,请务必 报名注册 参与,活动前会发送短信和邮件确认,谢谢!
JUG Java Salon 11
欢迎广大 Java技术开发者或爱好者 参加!
Java技术沙龙新一期来了,本次由上海、南京和广东等多地Java用户组(JUG,Java User Group)联合主办,还邀请到Orcale Java技术专家David Delabassee分享。
由于参会人数众多,请务必 报名注册 参与,会前将发送短信和邮件确认,谢谢!
时间:4月24日 星期日 13:30-17:30
地点:上海市定安路55号 徐汇万科中心 T1座6楼
6F Build T1 #55 DingAn Road, Shanghai, Vanke Xuhui Center
交通:地铁1/3号线 上海南站6号口 步行约15分钟
13:30-14:00 签到/Sign-in
14:00-15:00 What HTTP/2 means to Java Developers? by David Delabassee from Oracle U.S.
15:00-15:30 Apache Eagle的设计和实现 by eBay资深软件工程师 苏良飞 from Shanghai JUG
15:30-15:40 茶歇/Break
15:40-16:10 主题待定/TBD by from GreenTea JUG
16:10-16:40 苏宁字节码平台研发与实践 by 苏宁技术团队 梅伟 & 张金钟 from Nanjing JUG
16:40-17:10 Git 客户端在 WebIDE 中的实现 by 谭贺贺 from Guangdong JUG
17:10-17:30 开放论坛/Forum
嘉宾:David Delabassee from Oracle
Software evangelist, his primary focus is Java on the server-side, i.e. Java EE, GlassFish, WebLogic, etc. Prior to Oracle, David spent a decade at Sun Microsystems focusing on Java end-to-end (from the smart card to the high end server), related technologies and the developer tools. In his various roles, he has been involved in numerous Java projects since the early days of this technology. In his spare time, he enjoys playing video games with his daughter and tinkering with technologies such as Java, home automation, electronics and pinballs. Twitter handle: @delabassee
话题:What HTTP/2 means to Java Developers?
HTTP/2 has been in the works for many years but the updated version of the Internet most used protocol is finally here!
HTTP/2 brings new features that overcome many of the HTTP/1.x limitations. During this talk, we will look at some of those features (e.g. binary framing, server-side push, HPACK, etc.).
More importantly, we will discuss what is impact of HTTP/2 for Java developers.
We will look into more details about Java 9’s upcoming HTTP/2 support and other network related enhancements (e.g. a new HTTP client, a new WebSocket API). And as a client is nothing without a server to connect to, we will also discuss some of the existing HTTP/2 Java based server implementations and the upcoming Servlet 4 API.
Last not but least, we will also address some HTTP/2 related tools (e.g. how to debug HTTP/2 exchanges) and some best practices.
Attend this session to learn how HTTP/2 might impact your future Java developments.
嘉宾:苏良飞 from Shanghai JUG
eBay资深软件工程师,在行业工作了将近8年,在数据库工具,云计算和大数据领域都有较深的介入。目前在ebay的Analytic Data Infrastructure部门工作,主要专注在大数据系统的监控系统研发,包括系统监控和数据安全监控(Apache eagle项目)。
话题:Apache Eagle的设计和实现
Apache Eagle 是ebay开发并贡献给apache社区的hadoop监控系统,同时把apache eagle作为一个监控平台,我们在其之上建立了数据安全监控,目前数据安全监控已经在社区得到了积极响应。
使用Apache Eagle作为监控平台,来保护Hadoop的数据安全。依赖于Apache Eagle提供的规则定义,创建了几十种的策略来监控hadoop中的数据访问。介绍apache eagle的设计和实现,并介绍ebay使用apache eagle来监控hadoop的一些经验。
嘉宾:梅伟 & 张金钟 from Nanjing JUG
梅伟,苏宁中间件研发中心技术经理,7年行业经验,目前关注苏宁中间件产品研发,参与 苏宁服务端性能监控,调用链,Pass云平台的研发,JVM,Mesos,Docker,Cloudfoundry等
嘉宾:谭贺贺 from Guangdong JUG
多年系统软件开发经验, 曾就职阿里巴巴数据技术及产品部门负责OLAP开发,现就职与Coding,负责 WEB IDE 与 Codeinsight 后台开发。
话题:Git 客户端在 WebIDE 中的实现
Git 是一个分布式版本控制软件。git 拥有众多优势,比如本地提交代码,可以十分方便的创建、合并分支等,因此被广大的程序员所接受。git 有众多的GUI客户端供我们选择,比如 source tree 等。web ide 已经将代码编写搬到了云端,于是git云端图形化工具的开发也是顺应趋势了。
本次分享主要介绍一些 git 的原理,以及 java 实现 git 的客户端的思路。
Shanghai JUG/ Nanjing JUG/Guangdong JUG
甲骨文 阿里巴巴 /博览网 / GeekBand/祝成科技 /异步社区 /图灵社区/
由于参会人数众多,请务必 报名注册 参与,活动前会发送短信和邮件确认,谢谢!
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