【摘要】 openvswitch(ovs)抓包脚本#!/bin/bashon(){ if [ ! -z "`ip link | grep -w ${dport}`" -o ! -z "`ovs-vsctl find interface name=${dport}`" ];then echo "port ${port} capture is already on." e...
#!/bin/bash on(){ if [ ! -z "`ip link | grep -w ${dport}`" -o ! -z "`ovs-vsctl find interface name=${dport}`" ];then echo "port ${port} capture is already on." exit 1 fi in_port=`ovs-vsctl get interface ${port} ofport` if [ -z "${in_port}" ];then echo "bridge ${br} doesn't have port ${port}." exit 1 fi if [ -z "`ip netns | grep -w ovs-capture`" ];then ip netns add ovs-capture fi ovs-vsctl add-port ${br} ${dport} -- set interface ${dport} type=internal out_port=`ovs-vsctl get interface ${dport} ofport` ip link set ${dport} netns ovs-capture ip netns exec ovs-capture ip link set lo up ip netns exec ovs-capture ip link set ${dport} up ovs-ofctl add-flow ${br} "table=0,cookie=${magic},priority=${priority},reg7=0x0,in_port=${in_port},actions=output:${out_port},set_field:${magic}->reg7,resubmit(,0)" echo "Starting capture. Enter ctrl+c interrupt." sleep 1 ip netns exec ovs-capture tcpdump -s 0 -i ${dport} -nne echo "capture command: ip netns exec ovs-capture tcpdump -s 0 -i ${dport} -nne" } off(){ in_port=`ovs-vsctl get interface ${port} ofport` if [ -z "${in_port}" ];then echo "bridge ${br} doesn't have port ${port}." exit 1 fi ovs-ofctl del-flows ${br} "table=0,cookie=${magic}/-1,in_port=${in_port}" ovs-vsctl del-port ${dport} } if [ "$1" = "history" ];then cat .ovs-capture.history exit fi if [ "$1" = "show" ];then ip netns exec ovs-capture ip a exit 0 fi if [ $# -ne 3 ];then echo "usage: `basename $0` <bridge> <port> on/off switch on/off capture. show display all capture ports. history display history." exit 1 fi br=$1 port=$2 dport=${port:0:11}-cap magic=0x62370be priority=65535 $3 && echo "ovs capture is $3 for ${port}" echo "`date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` `basename $0` $*" >> .ovs-capture.history
tcpdump高级用法 - 抓取指定vxlan的流量
# 抓取vni 299976的所有流量 tcpdump -s 0 -i eth0 'port 4789 and udp[8:2] = 0x0800 & 0x0800 and udp[11:4] = 299976 & 0x00FFFFFF' # arp流量 tcpdump -s 0 -i eth0 'port 4789 and udp[8:2] = 0x0800 & 0x0800 and udp[11:4] = 299976 & 0x00FFFFFF and udp[28:2] = 0x0806 & 0x0806' # ip流量 tcpdump -s 0 -i eth0 'port 4789 and udp[8:2] = 0x0800 & 0x0800 and udp[11:4] = 299976 & 0x00FFFFFF and udp[28:2] = 0x0800 & 0x0800' # 抓取icmp流量 tcpdump -s 0 -i eth0 'port 4789 and udp[8:2] = 0x0800 & 0x0800 and udp[11:4] = 299976 & 0x00FFFFFF and udp[28:2] = 0x0800 & 0x0800 and udp[39:1] = 0x01 & 0x01' # 过滤ip源地址 tcpdump -s 0 -i eth0 'port 4789 and udp[8:2] = 0x0800 & 0x0800 and udp[11:4] = 299976 & 0x00FFFFFF and udp[28:2] = 0x0800 & 0x0800 and udp[42:4] = 0xac1007df' # 过滤ip目的地址 tcpdump -s 0 -i eth0 'port 4789 and udp[8:2] = 0x0800 & 0x0800 and udp[11:4] = 299976 & 0x00FFFFFF and udp[28:2] = 0x0800 & 0x0800 and udp[46:4] = 0xac1007db'
udp[28:2] Ethernet协议号( )
udp[39:1] IPv4协议号( )
udp[42:4] 源IPv4地址
udp[46:4] 目的IPv4地址
对于有vlan tag的流量,IP层及其之上的offset需要+4
#!/bin/bash paramters=("$@") if [ 0 -eq $# ];then echo "$0 <portid> [filters...]" exit fi port_id=$1 tcpdump -i tap${port_id:0:11} -ne ${paramters[@]:1} -xxx -c 1 > a.pcap packet=`cat a.pcap | grep -v '>' | awk -F: '{print $2}'`; echo $packet #查询端口的of号 ofid=`ovs-vsctl get interface tap${port_id:0:11} ofport` # 回放 ovs-appctl ofproto/trace ply${port_id:0:11} in_port=${ofid} "$packet"
# ping报文 ovs-appctl ofproto/trace ply6741a9ba-de "icmp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=fa:16:3e:bb:a5:8d,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:13:9c:44,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=64,icmp_type=8,icmp_code=0" # arp报文 ovs-appctl ofproto/trace plyxxxx "arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=fa:16:3e:bb:a5:8d,dl_dst=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff,arp_spa=,arp_tpa=,arp_op=1,arp_sha=fa:16:3e:bb:a5:8d,arp_tha=00:00:00:00:00:00"
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