【软通鲲鹏云最佳实践31】Perl-5.28 鲲鹏云服务器安装实践
【摘要】 Perl,一种功能丰富的计算机程序语言,运行在超过100种计算机平台上,适用广泛,从大型机到便携设备,从快速原型创建到大规模可扩展开发。Perl 语言的应用范围很广,除CGI以外,Perl被用于图形编程、系统管理、网络编程、金融、生物以及其他领域。这篇博客比较详细的描述了华为鲲鹏云服务器ECS KC1上的成功安装。
一、 软件介绍
Perl 语言的应用范围很广,除CGI以外,Perl被用于图形编程、系统管理、网络编程、金融、生物以及其他领域。
二、 支持的操作系统
三、 支持版本和获取方式
wget https://www.cpan.org/src/5.0/perl-5.28.0.tar.gz
四、 编译与测试环境
本文选用华为鲲鹏云服务器ECS KC1实例做测试,KC1实例的处理器为兼容ARMv8指令集的鲲鹏920。详细规格如下:
类别 | 子项 | 版本 |
云主机配置 | ECS实例类型 | kc1.large.4 |
ECS配置 | 4U16GB | |
EVS | 高IO(80GB) | |
云OS | Kernel | 4.18.0 |
五、 编译安装与测试
1 依赖安装
需要C编译器,安装命令:yum install gcc -y
2 编译安装
1) 解压安装包并安装,执行如下命令:
# tar -zxvf perl-5.28.0.tar.gz
# cd perl-5.28.0
# ./configure.gnu -de
# make -j4
# make test
# make install
3 验证测试
1) 输入命令perl -v,返回结果类似如下图:
4 问题总结
# ./configure.gnu -de
sh Configure -ds -e -de
First let's make sure your kit is complete. Checking...
Locating common programs...
Checking compatibility between /usr/bin/echo and builtin echo (if any)...
Symbolic links are supported.
Checking how to test for symbolic links...
You can test for symbolic links with 'test -h'.
Checking for cross-compile
No targethost for running compiler tests against defined, running locally
Good, your tr supports [:lower:] and [:upper:] to convert case.
Using [:upper:] and [:lower:] to convert case.
aix_3 dragonfly irix_5 openbsd sunos_4_1
aix_4 dynixptx irix_6_0 opus super-ux
aix dynix irix_6_1 os2 svr4
altos486 epix irix_6 os390 svr5
amigaos esix4 isc_2 os400 ti1500
atheos fps isc posix-bc ultrix_4
aux_3 freebsd linux-android qnx umips
bitrig freemint linux riscos unicosmk
bsdos gnukfreebsd lynxos sco_2_3_0 unicos
catamount gnuknetbsd midnightbsd sco_2_3_1 unisysdynix
convexos gnu mips sco_2_3_2 utekv
cxux greenhills mirbsd sco_2_3_3 uwin
cygwin haiku mpc sco_2_3_4 vos
darwin hpux ncr_tower sco
dcosx i386 netbsd solaris_2
dec_osf interix newsos4 stellar
dos_djgpp irix_4 nonstopux sunos_4_0
Which of these apply, if any? [linux]
Operating system name? [linux]
Operating system version? [4.18.0-80.7.2.el7.aarch64]
Installation prefix to use? (~name ok) [/usr/local]
AFS does not seem to be running...
What installation prefix should I use for installing files? (~name ok)
Getting the current patchlevel...
Build a threading Perl? [n]
Build Perl for multiplicity? [n]
Use which C compiler? [cc]
./trygcc: line 10: cc: command not found
Uh-oh, the C compiler 'cc' doesn't seem to be working.
You seem to have a working gcc, though.
*** However, any setting of the C compiler flags (e.g. for thread support)
*** will be lost. It may be necessary for you to restart Configure and
*** add -Dcc=gcc to your Configure command line.
Would you like to go ahead and try gcc anyway? [n]
./checkcc: line 10: cc: command not found
Uh-oh, the C compiler 'cc' doesn't seem to be working.
You need to find a working C compiler.
Either (purchase and) install the C compiler supplied by your OS vendor,
or for a free C compiler try http://gcc.gnu.org/
I cannot continue any further, aborting.
yum install gcc -y
六、 声明
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