
Amrf 发表于 2019/11/05 15:33:45 2019/11/05
【摘要】 php源文件地址:到java后的测试结果示例:翻译后的java版本代码:class CaptchaBuilder { /** * @var resource 验证码图片 */ protected Mat im...







class CaptchaBuilder {
     * @var resource 验证码图片
    protected Mat image;
     * @var string 验证码文字
    protected String text ;
     * @var string 随机字符
    protected char[] characters = "2346789abcdefghjmnpqrtuxyzABCDEFGHJMNPQRTUXYZ".toCharArray();
     * @var int 图片宽度
    protected int width = 150;
     * @var int 图片高度
    protected int height = 40;
    private String[] fonts = new String[5];
     * @var int 验证码字符的个数
    private int number = 4;
     * @var int 字体大小
    private int fontSize = 24;
     * @var string 验证码字体
    private String textFont;
    private int noiseLevel = 30;
    private Scalar backColor;
     * @var bool 是否添加干扰线
    private boolean isDrawLine = false;
     * @var bool 是否启用曲线
    private boolean isDrawCurve = true;
     * @var bool 是否启用背景噪音
    private boolean isDrawNoise = true;
    public CaptchaBuilder() {
        this.initialize(new HashMap<>());
    public void initialize(Map<String,String> config){
        if(config.containsKey("width")) {
        	this.width = Integer.valueOf(config.get("width"));
        this.height = config.containsKey("height") ? Integer.valueOf(config.get("height")) : 40;
        this.number = config.containsKey("number") ? Integer.valueOf(config.get("number")) : 4;
        this.fontSize = (int)(this.width / (float)(this.number*1.5));
        if(config.containsKey("line")) {
        	this.isDrawLine = Boolean.parseBoolean(config.get("line"));
        if(config.containsKey("curve")) {
        	this.isDrawCurve = Boolean.parseBoolean(config.get("curve"));
        if(config.containsKey("noise")) {
        	this.isDrawNoise = Boolean.parseBoolean(config.get("noise"));
        if(config.containsKey("fonts") && config.get("fonts").isEmpty() == false){
            this.fonts = config.get("fonts").split(",");
        }else {
        this.noiseLevel = this.width*10 / this.height;
    private void putRotateText(Mat img, String text, Point org,double angle,int fontFace, double fontScale, Scalar color, int thickness ){
	    Mat text_image_color = Mat.zeros((int)(img.rows() * 1.2), (int)(img.cols()*1.2), img.type());
	    Mat text_image_white = Mat.zeros((int)(img.rows() * 1.2), (int)(img.cols()*1.2), img.type());
	    Core.putText(text_image_color , text, org, fontFace, fontScale, color,thickness);
	    Core.putText(text_image_white, text, org, fontFace, fontScale, new Scalar(255,255,255),thickness);
	    Mat rotationMatrix = Imgproc.getRotationMatrix2D(org, angle, 1.0);
	    Imgproc.warpAffine(text_image_color, text_image_color, rotationMatrix,new Size(img.width(),img.height()));
	    Imgproc.warpAffine(text_image_white, text_image_white, rotationMatrix,new Size(img.width(),img.height()));
	    Core.add(img, text_image_color,img);
    public static <T extends Object> int array_rand(T[] array) {
        int rnd = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(array.length);
        return rnd;
    public CaptchaBuilder create() throws Exception {
        this.image = new Mat(this.height, this.width, CvType.CV_32FC3);
        this.backColor = this.getLightColor();
        if (0==this.fonts.length) {
            throw new Exception("字体不存在");
        this.textFont = this.fonts[array_rand(this.fonts)];
            int square = this.width * this.height;
            double effects = mt_rand(square/3000, square/2000);
            for (int e = 0; e < effects; e++) {
                this.drawLine(this.image, this.width, this.height);
        double codeNX = 0; 
        char[] code = new char[this.number];
        for (int i = 0; i < this.number; i++) {
            code[i] = this.characters[mt_rand(0, this.characters.length - 1)];
            codeNX += mt_rand(this.fontSize * 1, this.fontSize * 1.3);
            Scalar color = this.getDeepColor();
			putRotateText(this.image,Character.toString(code[i]),new Point((int)codeNX, (int)(this.fontSize * 1.2)),mt_rand(-40, 40),Core.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,1,color,4);
        this.text = (new String(code)).toLowerCase();
        return this;
    public void save(String filename, int quality) {
        Highgui.imwrite(filename, this.image);
    public String getText() {
        return this.text;
    private Scalar getFontColor() {
        Scalar dc = this.getDeepColor();
        return dc;
    protected void drawSineLine() {
        double px = 0,py = 0;
        double A = mt_rand(1, this.height/2);                  
        double b = mt_rand(-this.height/4, this.height/4);   
        double f = mt_rand(-this.height/4, this.height/4);   
        double T = mt_rand(this.height, this.width*2);  
        double w = ((2* Math.PI)/T);
        double px1 = 0;  
        double px2 = mt_rand(this.width/2, this.width * 0.8);  
        Scalar color = new Scalar(mt_rand(1, 150), mt_rand(1, 150), mt_rand(1, 150));
        for (px=px1; px<=px2; px = px + 1) {
            if (w!=0) {
                py = (A * Math.sin(w*px + f)+ b + this.height/2);  
                float i = (this.fontSize/5);
                while (i > 0) {
       ,new Point((int)(px + i) , (int)(py + i)),1,color,1);
        A = mt_rand(1, this.height/2);                  
        f = mt_rand(-this.height/4, this.height/4);   
        T = mt_rand(this.height, this.width*2);  
        w = ((2* Math.PI)/T);
        b = (py - A * Math.sin(w*px + f) - this.height/2);
        px1 = px2;
        px2 = this.width;
        for (px=px1; px<=px2; px=px+ 1) {
            if (w!=0) {
                py = (A * Math.sin(w*px + f)+ b + this.height/2);  
                float i =  (this.fontSize/5);
                while (i > 0) {
       ,new Point((int)(px + i), (int)(py + i)),1,color,1);
    protected void drawLine(Mat image,int width,int  height) {
	    drawLine(image, width, height,null);
    protected void drawLine(Mat image,int  width,int  height,Scalar tcol) {
        if (tcol == null) {
            tcol = new Scalar(mt_rand(100, 255), mt_rand(100, 255), mt_rand(100, 255));
        int Xa,Ya,Xb,Yb;
        if (mt_rand(0, 1)!=0) { 
            Xa   = mt_rand(0, width/2);
            Ya   = mt_rand(0, height);
            Xb   = mt_rand(width/2, width);
            Yb   = mt_rand(0, height);
        } else { 
            Xa   = mt_rand(0, width);
            Ya   = mt_rand(0, height/2);
            Xb   = mt_rand(0, width);
            Yb   = mt_rand(height/2, height);
        Core.line(image,new Point(Xa,Ya),new Point(Xb,Yb),tcol,mt_rand(1, 3));
    private void drawNoise() {
        String codeSet = "2345678abcdefhijkmnpqrstuvwxyz";
        for(int i = 0; i < this.noiseLevel; i++){
            Scalar noiseColor = this.getLightColor();
            for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
            	Core.putText (this.image,Character.toString(codeSet.charAt(mt_rand(0, 29))),new Point(mt_rand(-10, this.width), mt_rand(-10, this.height)),Core.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX ,1,noiseColor,2);
    private Scalar getLightColor() {
        return new Scalar(200 + mt_rand(1,55),200 + mt_rand(1,55),200 + mt_rand(1,55));
    private Scalar getRandColor() {
        int red = mt_rand(1,254);
        int green = mt_rand(1,254);
        int blue;
        if(red + green > 400){
            blue = 0;
            blue = 400 -green - red;
        return new Scalar(red,green,blue);
    private int mt_rand(int min,int max) {
    	int randomNum = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(min, max + 1);
    	return randomNum;
    private double mt_rand(double min,double max) {
    	double randomNum = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble(min, max + 1);
    	return randomNum;
    private Scalar getDeepColor() {
        Scalar rd = this.getRandColor();
        int increase  = 30 + mt_rand(1,254);
        int red = Math.abs(Math.min(255,(int)rd.val[0] - increase));
        int green  = Math.abs(Math.min(255,(int)rd.val[1] - increase));
        int blue  = Math.abs(Math.min(255,(int)rd.val[2] - increase));
        return new Scalar(red,green,blue);
    public static void main(String[] argv) {
    	//load();--->Load Opencv nactive dll
    	CaptchaBuilder ca = new CaptchaBuilder();
    	try {
		} catch (Exception e) {
		}"test.png", 1);


PHP: imagepng - Manual

java - Convert OpenCV Mat object to BufferedImage - Stack Overflow

How to put rotated text in OpenCV ? - OpenCV Q&A Forum

PHP: imagettftext - Manual

Drawing a Circle - Tutorialspoint

php笔记---画图 - LUAOHAN的专栏 - CSDN博客

PHP: imagestring - Manual

OpenCV - Adding Text - Tutorialspoint

OpenCV - Drawing a Line - Tutorialspoint

PHP 分配、取消图像颜色 imagecolorallocate 与 imagecolordeallocate 函数(六) - Sunny - CSDN博客

Generating Random Numbers In Different Programming Languages | Go4Expert

How do I generate random integers within a specific range in Java? - Stack Overflow

java - How to randomly pick an element from an array - Stack Overflow

generics - Java template function - Stack Overflow

java - putText does not work in opencv3.0 - Stack Overflow

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