《敏捷软件开发 : Scrum实战指南》—1.9 引用
【摘要】 本节书摘来自清华大学出版社《敏捷软件开发 : Scrum实战指南》一书中第一章,作者是 [美]米奇·莱西(Mitch Lacey) , 王国良 熊小龙 叶虎 郑璐璐 译。
[SATIR] Satir, Virginia, John Banmen, Jane Berber, and Maria Gomori. 1991. The Satir Model: Family Therapy and Beyond. Palo Alto, CA: Science and Behavior Books, pp. 98–119.
[SCHWABER 01] Schwaber, Ken, and Jeff Sutherland. 2013. “The Scrum Guide.” http://www.scrumguides.org (访问时间2015年10月28日). 也可以从http://www.mitchlacey.com/resources/official-scrum-guide-current-and-past-versions下载副本.
[SCHWABER 02] Schwaber, Ken, and Beedle, Mike. 2002. Agile Software Development with Scrum. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, pp. 148–154.
[STACEY] Stacey, Ralph. 1996. Strategic Management and Organisational Dynamics, Second Edition. London: Pitman.
[STERLING] Sterling, Chris. http://www.gettingagile.com/2009/07/15/ he-forgotten-scrum-elements/ (访问时间 2010年7月3日).
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