
庄表伟 发表于 2018/12/24 10:56:43 2018/12/24
【摘要】 每个人都想去做,也有很多人跃跃欲试,但是真做起来却常常会令人痛苦和愤怒——我说的是自由软件,或者更宽泛一些的开源软件。今天我要将自己30年来的开发经验,总结为开源软件的十条成功法则。

Ten Rules for Open Source Success


Everyone wants it, lots of people try it, yet doing it is mostly painful and irritating. I’m speaking about free software aka open source. Today I’m going to summarize 30 years of coding experience in ten management-proof bullet points.

1、People Before Code

This is the Golden Rule, taught to me by Isabel Drost-Fromm. Build community, not software. Without community your code will solve the wrong problems. It will be abandoned, ignored, and will die. Collect people and give them space to work together. Give them good challenges. Stop writing code yourself.
这是一条黄金法则,是Isabel Drost-Fromm【注1】教给我的。我们要建立的是社区而不是软件。没有社区,你的代码就会用来解决错误的问题。然后这些代码会被抛弃、忽略,最后死去。正确的做法是把人集结起来,给他们协同工作的空间,给他们充分的挑战。切记不要亲手来写代码!
注1:Isabel Drost-Fromm是Apache软件基金会的成员,Apache Mahout的创立者之一。

2、Use a Share-Alike License

Share-alike is the seat belt of open source. You can boast about how you don’t need it, until you have a bad accident. Then you will either find your face smeared on the wall, or have light bruising. Don’t become a smear. Use share-alike. If GPL/LGPL is too political for you, use MPLv2.

3、Use an Zero-Consensus Process

Seeking upfront consensus is like waiting for the ideal life partner. It is kind of crazy. Github killed upfront consensus with their fork/pull-request flow, so you’ve no excuse in 2015. Accept patches like Wikipedia accepts edits. Merge first, fix later, and discuss out of band. Do all work on master. Don’t make people wait. You’ll get consensus, after the fact.

4、Problem, then Solution

Educate yourself and others to focus on problems not features. Every patch must be a minimal solution to a solid problem. Embrace experiments and wild ideas. Help people to not blow up the lab. Collect good solutions and throw away the bad ones. Embrace failure, at all levels. It is a necessary part of the learning process.

5、Contracts Before Internals

Be aggressive about documenting contracts (APIs and protocols) and testing them. Use CI testing on all public contracts. Code coverage is irrelevant. Code documentation is irrelevant. All that matters is what contracts the code implements, and how well it does that.

6、Promote From Within

Promote contributors to maintainers, and maintainers to owners. Do this smoothly, easily, and without fear. Keep final authority to ban bad actors. Encourage people to start their own projects, especially to build on, or compete, with existing projects. Remove power from people who are not earning it on a daily basis.

7、Write Down the Rules

As you develop your rules, write them down so people can learn them. Actually, don’t even bother. Just use the C4.1 rules we already designed for ZeroMQ, and simplify them if you want to.

8、Enforce the Rules Fairly

Use your power to enforce rules, not bully others into your “vision” of the project’s direction. Above all, obey the rules yourself. Nothing is worse than a clique of maintainers who act special while blocking patches because “they don’t like them.” OK, that’s exaggeration. Many things are much worse. Still, the clique thing will harm a project.

9、Aim For the Cloud

Aim for a cloud of small, independent, self-organizing, competing projects. Be intolerant of large projects. By “large” I mean a project that has more than 2-3 core minds working on it. Don’t use fancy dependencies like submodules. Let people pick and choose the projects they want to put together. It’s economics 101.

10、Be Happy and Pleasant

Maybe you noticed that “be innovative” isn’t anywhere on my list. It’s probably point 11 or 12. Anyhow, cultivate a positive and pleasant mood in your community. There are no stupid questions. There are no stupid people. There are a few bad actors, who mostly stay away when the rules are clear. And everyone else is valuable and welcome like a guest who has traveled far to see us.

ps. 在诸多朋友的帮助下,再修订了一遍,有了不少自己的思考,仅仅是反映在了译文之中,没有一一说明,见谅。详细的修订比对记录,在我的博客里,因为实在琐碎,就不再这里罗列了。


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