
竹叶青 发表于 2019/09/04 23:02:59 2019/09/04
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【摘要】 --d3d11 ⊗No description ↪--d3d9 ⊗No description ↪--daemon ⊗No description ↪--daemon-pipe ⊗No description ↪--data-path ⊗Makes Content Shell use the given path for its data directory. ↪--data-reducti...


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Makes Content Shell use the given path for its data directory. 


The URL from which to retrieve the Data Reduction Proxy   configuration. 


The name of a Data Reduction Proxy experiment to run. These experiments   are defined by the proxy server. Use --force-fieldtrials for Data Reduction   Proxy field trials. 


The semicolon-separated list of proxy server URIs to override the list   of HTTP proxies returned by the Data Saver API. If set, the value of this   flag overrides any proxies specified by other flags like   --spdy-proxy-auth-origin or --spdy-proxy-auth-fallback. If the URI omits a   scheme, then the proxy server scheme defaults to HTTP, and if the port is   omitted then the default port for that scheme is used. E.g. "",   "", "", and ""   are all equivalent. 


The mode for Data Reduction Proxy Lo-Fi. The various modes are   always-on, cellular-only, slow connections only and disabled. 


Sets a secure proxy check URL to test before committing to using the   Data Reduction Proxy. Note this check does not go through the Data Reduction   Proxy. 


Starts the secure Data Reduction Proxy in the disabled state until the   secure proxy check succeeds.


Sets a URL to fetch to warm up the data reduction proxy on startup and   network changes. 


The origin of the data reduction SSL proxy. 


Forces the stub implementation of dbus clients. 


Comma-spearated list of dbus clients that should be unstubbed. See chromeos/dbus/   for the names of the dbus clients. 


Enables a frame context menu item that toggles the frame in and out of   glass mode (Windows Vista and up only). 


Adds debugging entries such as Inspect Element to context menus of   packed apps. 


Dumps extra logging about plugin loading to the log file. 


Enables support to debug printing subsystem. 


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Sets the tile size used by composited layers. 


Indicates that the wallpaper images specified by   kAshDefaultWallpaper{Large,Small} are OEM-specific (i.e. they are not   downloadable from Google). 


Default wallpaper to use (as paths to trusted, non-user-writable JPEG   files). 


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Time before a machine at OOBE is considered derelict. 


Time before a derelict machines starts demo mode. 


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Specifies the URL at which to fetch configuration policy from the device   management backend. 


Device scale factor passed to certain processes like renderers,   etc. 


Triggers a plethora of diagnostic modes. 


Sets the output format for diagnostic modes enabled by diagnostics   flag. 


Tells the diagnostics mode to do the requested recovery step(s). 


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Disables client-visible 3D APIs, in particular WebGL and Pepper 3D. This   is controlled by policy and is kept separate from the other enable/disable   switches to avoid accidentally regressing the policy support for controlling   access to these APIs. 


When kEnableSettingsWindow is used, About is shown as an overlay in   Settings instead of as a separate page, unless this flag is specified. 


Disable gpu-accelerated 2d canvas. 


Disable partially decoding jpeg images using the GPU. At least YUV   decoding will be accelerated when not using this flag. Has no effect unless   GPU rasterization is enabled. 


Disable hardware acceleration of mjpeg decode for captured frame, where   available. 


Disables hardware acceleration of video decode, where available. 


Disables consistent identity features. 


Disables the display of a banner allowing the user to add a web app to   their shelf (or platform-specific equivalent) 


Disable affiliation based matching, so that credentials stored for an   Android application will not be considered matches for, and will not be   filled into corresponding Web applications. 


Disable external animation system for Android compositor. See also   kDisableCompositorAnimationTimelines for renderer compositors. 


Disable the toolkit-views App Info dialog for Mac. 


If set, the app list will not be dismissed when it loses focus. This is   useful when testing the app list or a custom launcher page. It can still be   dismissed via the other methods (like the Esc key). 


Disables custom Cmd+` window cycling for platform apps and hosted   apps. 


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Disables the experimental asynchronous DNS client. 


Sets the threshold for when to disable auto-hiding the toolbar. If the   device's width and height are above the threshold, the toolbar will never be   hidden due to scrolling. It will still be hidden if page contents go   fullscreen. 


Disables showing suggestions in a keyboard accessory view. 


Disables showing bubble instead of infobar for save credit card   prompt. 


Disable several subsystems which run network requests in the background.   This is for use when doing network performance testing to avoid noise in the   measurements. 


Disable task throttling of timer tasks from background pages. 


Disable limits on the number of backing stores. Can prevent blinking for   users with many windows/tabs and lots of memory. 


Disable one or more Blink runtime-enabled features. Use names from, separated by commas. Applied after   kEnableBlinkFeatures, and after other flags that change these features. 


Disables wallpaper boot animation (except of OOBE case). 


Disables the crash reporting. 


Disables the bundled PPAPI version of Flash. 


Force dynamically loaded apps or services to be loaded irrespective of   cache instructions. 


Disables the use of a cached picture for raster in the renderer, making   raster go directly from the display item list (this is the data structure   surfaced to tracing). This is useful for debugging to remove the cached   picture from the pipeline to narrow down bugs. 


Disable antialiasing on 2d canvas. 


Disable bypass proxy for captive portal authorization. 


Disable hardware encoding support for Cast Streaming. 


Disables detection of child accounts. 


Disables data volume counters in the Clear Browsing Data dialog. 


Disables the client-side phishing detection feature. Note that even if   client-side phishing detection is enabled, it will only be active if the user   has opted in to UMA stats and SafeBrowsing is enabled in the   preferences. 


Disables cloud backup feature. 


Disables fetching and storing cloud policy for components. 


Disable default component extensions with background pages - useful for   performance tests where these pages may interfere with perf results. 


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Disables layer-edge anti-aliasing in the compositor. 


Disables new cc/animation system (Project Heaviside). 


Disables the use of property trees rather than CalcDrawProps for   computing draw properties. 


No description 


Disables Contextual Search. 


Disables support for Core Animation plugins. This is triggered when   accelerated compositing is disabled. See 


Disables using device's camera to scan a new credit card when filling   out a credit card form. 


Disables use of D3D11. 


Disables HTML5 DB support. 


Switches and optional value for Data Saver prompt on cellular   networks. 


Disables installation of default apps on first run. This is used during   automated testing. 


Disables Delay Agnostic AEC in WebRTC. 


Disables the ChromeOS demo. 


If this switch is set, the device cannot be remotely disabled by its   owner. 


Disables device discovery notifications. 


Disables the dinosaur easter egg on the offline interstitial. 


Handles URL requests by NPAPI plugins through the renderer. 


Disables the DirectWrite font rendering system on windows. 


Disables DirectWrite font rendering for general UI elements. 


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Disables distance field text. 


Disable the per-domain blocking for 3D APIs after GPU reset. This switch   is intended only for tests. 


Disables Domain Reliability Monitoring. 


Disable download notification. 


No description 


Disable dropping the credential used to sync passwords. 


Disables use of DWM composition for top level windows. 


Disables (unprefixed) Encrypted Media Extensions. 


No description 


Disable extensions. 


Disable checking for user opt-in for extensions that want to inject   script into file URLs (ie, always allow it). This is used during automated   testing. 


Disable the net::URLRequestThrottlerManager functionality for requests   originating from extensions.


Disables a workaround for fast inset updates for   UIWebView.scrollView. 


Lists separated by commas the name of features to disable. See   base::FeatureList::InitializeFromCommandLine for details. 


Disable field trial tests configured in   fieldtrial_testing_config.json. 


Disable FileSystem API. 


Disables the experiment for the password manager to only fill on account   selection, rather than autofilling on page load. 


Disable 3D inside of flapper. 


Disable Stage3D inside of flapper. 


Disables the experimental Full Form Autofill on iOS feature. 


Disable GAIA services such as enrollment and OAuth session restore. Used   by 'fake' telemetry login.


No description 


Disable user gesture requirement for media playback. 


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Disables GL drawing operations which produce pixel output. With this the   GL output will not be correct but tests will run faster. 


Disable the GL error log limit. 


Disables specified comma separated GL Extensions if found. 


Disable the GLSL translator. 


Disables GPU hardware acceleration. If software renderer is not in   place, then the GPU process won't launch. 


Prevent the compositor from using its GPU implementation. 


Disable workarounds for various GPU driver bugs. 


Disable proactive early init of GPU process. 


Do not force that all compositor resources be backed by GPU memory   buffers. 


Disable GpuMemoryBuffer backed VideoFrames. 


Disable the limit on the number of times the GPU process may be   restarted This switch is intended only for tests. 


Turn off gpu program caching 


Disable GPU rasterization, i.e. rasterize on the CPU only. Overrides the   kEnableGpuRasterization and kForceGpuRasterization flags. 


Disable the GPU process sandbox. 


Disables the GPU shader on disk cache. 


Stop the GPU from synchronizing on the vsync before presenting. We can   select from the options below: beginframe : Next frame can start without any   delay on cc::scheduler. gpu : Disable gpu vsync. default: Set both   flags. 


Disable the thread that crashes the GPU process if it stops responding   to messages. 


Suppresses hang monitor dialogs in renderer processes. This may allow   slow unload handlers on a page to prevent the tab from closing, but the Task   Manager can be used to terminate the offending process in this case. 


Disable HID-detection OOBE screen. 


Disable hiding the close buttons of inactive tabs when the tabstrip is   in stacked mode. 


Disable the RenderThread's HistogramCustomizer. 


Disables app shim creation for hosted apps on Mac. 


Prevents hosted apps from being opened in windows on Mac. 


Disables large icons on the New Tab page. 


Prevent infobars from appearing. 


No description 


Disable password generation for iOS. 


Disable showing available password credentials in the keyboard accessory   view when focused on form fields. 


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Disable latest shipping ECMAScript 6 features. 


Disables support for keyboard commands. 


Don't kill a child process when it sends a bad IPC message. Apart from   testing, it is a bad idea from a security perspective to enable this   switch. 


Disables LCD text. 


Disable the Legacy Window which corresponds to the size of the   WebContents. 


Disable LocalStorage. 


Force logging to be disabled. Logging is enabled by default in debug   builds. 


Avoid doing expensive animations upon login. 


Force disabling of low-end device mode when set. 


When using CPU rasterizing disable low resolution tiling. This uses less   power, particularly during animations, but more white may be seen during fast   scrolling especially on slower devices. 


Disable the snapshots lru cache. 


Fall back to using CAOpenGLLayers display content, instead of the   IOSurface based overlay display path. 


Disables use of toolkit-views based native app windows. 


Disables sending the next BeginMainFrame before the previous commit   activates. Overrides the kEnableMainFrameBeforeActivation flag. 


Disable both saving and filling for the sync signin form. 


Disables the Material Design version of chrome://downloads. 


Disables Media Source API (i.e., the MediaSource object). 


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Sets the MediaSource player that uses UI thread for frame   processing. 


Disables merging the key event (WM_KEY*) with the char event   (WM_CHAR). 


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Disable the behavior that the second click on a launcher item (the click   when the item is already active) minimizes the item. 


Disale ChannelMojo usage regardless of the platform or the process   type. 


Disables mtp write support. 


Disables the multilingual spellchecker. 


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