
Amrf 发表于 2019/03/22 17:36:59 2019/03/22
6.4k+ 0 0
【摘要】 qmake生成VS的vcproj/sln工程文件 - 一页书DevilBox的CSDN - CSDN博客 ----vs安装qt vstool插件可以很方便的生成sln文件python 中判断变量是否定义方法 - 偶木 - CSDN博客 ----if 'xxx' in dir()RealVNC加密始终打开 - 不支持的身份验证方案5·问题#593·novnc / noVNC 不支持的安全类型(...

qmake生成VS的vcproj/sln工程文件 - 一页书DevilBox的CSDN - CSDN博客 

----vs安装qt vstool插件可以很方便的生成sln文件

python 中判断变量是否定义方法 - 偶木 - CSDN博客 

----if 'xxx' in dir()

RealVNC加密始终打开 - 不支持的身份验证方案5·问题#593·novnc / noVNC 

不支持的安全类型(类型:13,133,5,129,192)·问题#1041·novnc / noVNC 

UltraVNC/UltraVNC Project Root/UltraVNC/winvnc at master · larytet/UltraVNC 

andremussche/UltraVncAsDll: vncserver and vncclient as dll (to use it within other applications) 


安装DirectX SDK时提示Error Code s1023 的解决办法 - Naruto - CSDN博客 

安装DirectX SDK时出现“S1023”错误(2010年6月) 

Download DirectX Software Development Kit from Official Microsoft Download Center 


ikasty/libjpeg-vs2015: libjpeg projects for Visual Studio 2015 

windows x64 static library for libjpeg-turbo with Visual Studio 2015 · Issue #45 · libjpeg-turbo/libjpeg-turbo 

-----libjpeg vs2015

VNC连接Ubuntu14.04 远程桌面出现“No supported authentication methods”错误 - hekailing的专栏 - CSDN博客 

--- 确认一下服务端是否是vncauth并且设定了密码

c++ - QT How to embed an application into QT widget - Stack Overflow 

qt - Run an external application inside a qwidget - Stack Overflow 

c++ - How to Widget inside another widget in QT? - Stack Overflow 

QWidget::createWindowContainer函数翻译 - caokunchao的专栏 - CSDN博客 

QWidget 之 Secondary Windows 小记 - 1+1=10 - CSDN博客 

c++ - Qt: layouts with a Qwidget window container - Stack Overflow 

Qt通过句柄操作外部窗口 - BetterWorld的专栏 - CSDN博客 

How to process qt mouse events in parent QWidget first, and then pass it to children? - Stack Overflow 

linux - Cannot get QWindow::fromWinId to work properly - Stack Overflow 


关于Qt::WindowFlags枚举类型的全面解析 - Bruce_0712的博客 - CSDN博客 

Qt5::WindowFlags枚举类型 - hjhomw的博客 - CSDN博客 

c++ - setWindowFlags(Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint) hides Qt Window - Stack Overflow 

后台运行和隐藏程序图标 - 开发简记 - CSDN博客 

[C++]隐藏/删除/显示托盘图标 - tzwsoho的专栏 - CSDN博客 

[Solved] MFC:how to hide the program ICON in the task bar in win8.1 - CodeProject 

扩展窗口样式 - Windows应用程序| Microsoft Docs 

Removing Taskbar icon when Minimized Win32 

WindowsAgent/SystemTray.cpp at master · OCSInventory-NG/WindowsAgent 

VCSamples/MainFrm.cpp at master · Microsoft/VCSamples 

c# - Minimized application showing above the task bar - Stack Overflow 

WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW 属性的陷阱 - 做一个优雅的程序员 - CSDN博客 

隐藏窗口任务栏图标的三种方法 - 做一个优雅的程序员 - CSDN博客 

ITaskbarList | Microsoft Docs 

c++ - MFC: hiding a toolbar button - Stack Overflow 

如何隐藏任务栏图标小结 - bluewater的专栏 - CSDN博客 

MFC中如何让弹出窗口在任务栏显示图标? - zqliu133的专栏 - CSDN博客 

MFC修改任务栏,窗口和exe图标 - 斯蒂芬森的专栏 - CSDN博客 

WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW 属性的陷阱 - 做一个优雅的程序员 - CSDN博客

隐藏窗口的任务栏图标 - 清流弯弯 - CSDN博客 

Removing Taskbar icon when Minimized Win32 

c++ - make taskbar icon visible on window hide - Stack Overflow 

VC 获取任务栏窗口的句柄 - jiangqin115的专栏 - CSDN博客 

Which alternative property can be used for attaching to app's window · Issue #581 · Microsoft/WinAppDriver 


c++ - How to get main window handle from process id? - Stack Overflow 

c++ - Get HWND on windows with Qt5 (from WId) - Stack Overflow 

Spy++使用方法 - ~小小鸟~ - 博客园 

c++ - How to get the Window Class Name and Id from HWND? - Stack Overflow 

winapi - How to get window class by HWND? - Stack Overflow 

VC 获取任务栏窗口的句柄 - jiangqin115的专栏 - CSDN博客 

GetWindow function | Microsoft Docs 

GetClassName function | Microsoft Docs 

CallWindowProcW function | Microsoft Docs 

c - GWL_WNDPROC undeclared - Stack Overflow 

windows 7 - unresolved external symbol _DbgPrint in Win7 64bit - Stack Overflow 

winapi - Get current process Id from DLL - Stack Overflow 

c++ - Overloading the QDataStream << and >> operators for a user-defined type - Stack Overflow 

Traversing the Thread List - Windows applications | Microsoft Docs 

c++ - Getting a handle to the process's main thread - Stack Overflow 

GetWindowThreadProcessId function | Microsoft Docs 

c++ - Getting a handle to the process's main thread - Stack Overflow 

GetClassName function | Microsoft Docs 

CWND和HWND之间的关系和转换 和获取方法 - Alexander_Frank的博客 - CSDN博客 

IsWindow function | Microsoft Docs 

CreateFileMappingA function | Microsoft Docs 

SetWindowPos function (winuser.h) | Microsoft Docs 

Toolbar Control Messages - Windows applications | Microsoft Docs 

c++ - How can I simulate a button click given the handle to the button's window? - Stack Overflow 

----窗口句柄 进程id等

winapi - Pure win32 cross-process child windows - Stack Overflow 

c - SetWindowLongPtr returning ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED - Stack Overflow 

winapi - How can I make a child process window to appear modal in my process? - Stack Overflow 

c - SetWindowLongPtr not seem to work - Stack Overflow 


c++ - Specifying a Window Procedure for child Windows - Stack Overflow 

winapi - C++ Changing HWND Window Procedure in runtime - Stack Overflow 

Use Qt Dbus on Windows - Stack Overflow 

qt - QtDbus is not working in Qt5.4.1 on Windows 7 - Stack Overflow 

Qt 之进程间通信(TCP/IP) - 欢迎关注微信公众号:高效程序员 - CSDN博客 

Qt 之进程间通信(IPC) - 欢迎关注微信公众号:高效程序员 - CSDN博客 

Qt 之进程间通信(QProcess) - 欢迎关注微信公众号:高效程序员 - CSDN博客 

Qt 之进程间通信(共享内存) - 欢迎关注微信公众号:高效程序员 - CSDN博客 

QT 进程间通信之古老的方法(内存共享) - wangyeqiang的专栏 - CSDN博客 

Windows环境下利用“共享内存”实现进程间通信的C/C++代码---利用CreateFileMapping和MapViewOfFile - stpeace的专栏 - CSDN博客 

Windows进程间各种通信方式浅谈 - 关注互联网安全的小虾米一枚 - CSDN博客 

几种Windows进程通信 - zbility - 博客园 


secrary/InjectProc: InjectProc - Process Injection Techniques [This project is not maintained anymore] 

WriteProcessMemory-Example/attacker.cpp at master · erayarslan/WriteProcessMemory-Example 

inject/inject.c at master · mewrev/inject 

Three Ways to Inject Your Code into Another Process - CodeProject 

inter process communication using ffi-efl and ecore_pipe 

主人的演示/ inject_shellcode·hasherezade / demos 

windows 7 x64 - CreateRemoteThread failing with ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED - Stack Overflow 

windows - Identifier for win64 configuration in Qmake - Stack Overflow 


动态链接库入口点函数 - Windows应用程序| Microsoft Docs 

DllMain entry point - Windows applications | Microsoft Docs 

Releases · secrary/InjectProc 

InjectProc/InjectProc/test_files at master · secrary/InjectProc 

DLL入口函数DllMain - 昔日之的专栏 - CSDN博客 


钩子编程(HOOK) 安装进程内鼠标钩子 (0) - LIAM11.COM - CSDN博客 

使用SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD,...)制作全局键盘钩子 - booksyhay的专栏 - CSDN博客 

0.ring3-SetWinEventHook和SetWindowsHookEx - hgy413的专栏 - CSDN博客 

注入(4)--消息钩子注入(SetWindowsHookEX) - 对着世界说你好 - CSDN博客 

SetWinEventHook 事件钩子 - magictong的专栏 - CSDN博客 

SetWinEventHook 事件 

Sample showing how to receive an event when a window is foregrounded in Windows. 

钩子 - WH_GetMessage和WH_CALLWNDPROC不起作用 

常用钩子的类型 - DruidElder的博客 - CSDN博客 

WH_CALLWNDPROC - hgy413的专栏 - CSDN博客 

WinAPI: SetWindowsHookEx - 设置钩子 - 万一 - 博客园 

hook监视窗口 - wf_wf_wf_1985的专栏 - CSDN博客 

令人头痛的WH_CBT钩子,使窗口前置——泪水+汗水的赞歌 - singshinesong的博客 - CSDN博客 

WH_CBT Hook将非模态对话框显示为模态对话框 - Xp275500976的专栏 - CSDN博客 

SetWindowsHookEx 详解(一) - 上善若水 的专栏 - CSDN博客 

What is Required to get a WH_CBT Global Hook to Work on Windows 7 

WH_CBT监控有窗体的进程创建 - XboxMicro - CSDN博客 

SetWindowsHookEx 的资料整理 与 内部机理 的深入分析 - on_1y - CSDN博客 

WM_SHOWWINDOW消息(详解) - 会飞的丑小鸭的博客 - CSDN博客 

WM_INITDIALOG message - Windows applications | Microsoft Docs 

GetWindowLongA function | Microsoft Docs 

GetDlgCtrlID function | Microsoft Docs 

GetDlgItem function | Microsoft Docs 

GetWindowTextA function | Microsoft Docs 

CreateWindowExW function | Microsoft Docs 

对话框的隐藏 - q123456789098的专栏 - CSDN博客 

What is Required to get a WH_CBT Global Hook to Work on Windows 7 

c++ - SetWindowsHookEx succeed but callback function is never called - Stack Overflow 

CBTProc callback function (Windows) 

Win32实现窗口盗窃(一) - 夏寮 - SegmentFault 思否 

c# - CreateWindowEx() inside DLL Creates a window with an odd title - Stack Overflow 

RegisterClassExA function | Microsoft Docs

可爱的HOOk技术(一) - zhaohengyuan的专栏 - CSDN博客  


Detours 的配置 - 六月心悸 - CSDN博客 

Download Detours Express from Official Microsoft Download Center 

Detouring code – Calvin Hsia's WebLog 

c++ - How to use DetourAttach() for a pointer to a function in hex? - Stack Overflow 

Detour hook库x86 x64编译 - qing666888的专栏 - CSDN博客 

c++ - Compiling Microsoft Detours for 64-bit - Stack Overflow 

CreateWindowExW Hook fails? · Issue #41 · MahdiSafsafi/DDetours 

DetourAttach · Microsoft/Detours Wiki 

VS2015 编译 Detours 方法,解决各种报错和警告。 - Right! I'm Max Sky. - CSDN博客 

Detouring code – Calvin Hsia's WebLog 

detours/detours at master · Nukem9/detours 

Microsoft/Detours: Detours is a software package for monitoring and instrumenting API calls on Windows. It is distributed in source code form. 


visual c++ - error Please #define _AFXDLL or do not use /MD[d] occurs even after making changes in Project Properties - Stack Overflow 

c++ - Adding MFC support to a Qt project - Stack Overflow 


freopen 函数和 fopen 函数简单介绍 - 灰蜗牛 - CSDN博客 

Duplicate the STDOUT and STDERR outputs in a log file · Issue #26 · bonsai-team/matam 

c++ - How to capture stdout from another process in Win32 without latency? - Stack Overflow 

Process class stdout and stderr duplicating 

windows - DuplicateHandle for a file - Stack Overflow 

StdoutRedirector/stdoutredirector.cpp at master · dbzhang800/StdoutRedirector 

C++: Redirecting STDOUT - Stack Overflow 

linux - How to redirect output to a file and stdout - Stack Overflow 

c - Redirect stdout to a file - Stack Overflow 

DuplicateHandle function | Microsoft Docs 

perl - How to redirect output of Win32::Process command to text file? - Stack Overflow 

INFO: CreateFile() Using CONOUT$ or CONIN$ 


IsBadStringPtrA function | Microsoft Docs 

c++ - IsBadStringPtr alternative - Stack Overflow 

结构化异常处理 - Windows应用程序| Microsoft Docs 


c - What is the use of ATOM returned by RegisterClassEx function? - Stack Overflow 

GlobalDeleteAtom function | Microsoft Docs 

About Atom Tables - Windows applications | Microsoft Docs 


64位PE文件导入表的修改 - ava66的专栏 - CSDN博客 

注入技术--修改pe文件导入表进行注入 - freesec - 博客园 

PE详解 - DOS文件头、PE文件头、节表和表详解 - 桃子好好吃的博客 - CSDN博客 

修改PE文件实现静态DLL注入 - Joliph的博客 - CSDN博客 

PE注入代码 - 锄禾日当午 - CSDN博客 

erocarrera/pefile: pefile is a Python module to read and work with PE (Portable Executable) files 

使用pefile解析PE文件格式 - 小黑话不多 - CSDN博客 

chen-charles/PEDetour: modify binary Portable Executable to hook its export functions 

coderforlife/pe-file: Basic utility code for reading and modifying PE files (EXE, DLL, ...) 

JonDoNym/peinjector: peinjector - MITM PE file infector 

更改PE文件加载动态库 - Toring - 博客园 

手动进行dll静态注入 - qq_38184895的博客 - CSDN博客 

Arvanaghi/Windows-DLL-Injector: A basic Windows DLL injector in C using CreateRemoteThread and LoadLibrary. Implemented for educational purposes. 

PE文件导入表的代码注入 - 谢启东的专栏 - CSDN博客 

PE结构详解(64位和32位的差别) - ReversalC的专栏 - CSDN博客 

用VS查看程序的dll依赖项 - jirryzhang的博客 - CSDN博客 

xkzeng/PeToolC: source code for PeToolC with Win32C 

PE_Viewer/PE_Viewer at master · lifeshave/PE_Viewer 

jovibor/Pepper: PE (x86) and PE+ (x64) files viewer, based on libpe. 

Releases · petoolse/petools 

PE总结 – 导入表 - chenlycly的专栏 - CSDN博客 

PE Import Table Parser 

EgeBalci/IAT_API: Assembly block for finding and calling the windows API functions inside import address table(IAT) of the running PE file. 

m0n0ph1/IAT-Hooking-Revisited: Import address table (IAT) hooking is a well documented technique for intercepting calls to imported functions. 

BackupGGCode/portable-executable-library: PE Bliss - Cross-Platform Portable Executable C++ Library 

secana/PeNet: Portable Executable (PE) library written in .Net 

ImportREC输入表重建工具 - wang010366的专栏 - CSDN博客 

PE教程6: Import Table(引入表)(看雪) - 又是一年夏天 - 博客园 

PE中的import table/IAT 分析 - panda1987的专栏 - CSDN博客 

PE文件结构详解(四)PE导入表 - evil.eagle的专栏 - CSDN博客 

Import Table(引入表) - hellotjc的专栏 - CSDN博客 

IAT表详解 - cay22的专栏 - CSDN博客 

C++PE文件格式解析类(轻松制作自己的PE文件解析器) - paschen的专栏 - CSDN博客 

glmcdona/Process-Dump: Windows tool for dumping malware PE files from memory back to disk for analysis. 

DKorablin/PEReader: Portable Executable (+), Common Language Infrastructure format reader 

bearparser/ImportDirWrapper.cpp at master · hasherezade/bearparser 

hasherezade/chimera_loader: ChimeraPE (a PE injector type - alternative to: RunPE, ReflectiveLoader, etc) - a template for manual loading of EXE, loading imports payload-side 

LoadImageInject/PESTRUCT.h at a78948e7719e3286554cf94bd26e95489f208d73 · Sqdwr/LoadImageInject 

Sqdwr/LoadImageInject: LoadImage Routine Inject Dll 

记录自己一次xencode反混淆实践 - 夜班机器人的博客 - CSDN博客 

Releases · petoolse/petools 

PE文件本地DLL注入实现 - flukeshen的博客 - CSDN博客 

VS2010怎么用Dumpbin来查看DLL导出函数 - l198738655的博客 - CSDN博客 

进行DLL注入的三种方法 - 飞鸽沟通最简单 - CSDN博客 

TACIXAT/portable-executable-library: Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/portable-executable-library 

BackupGGCode/portable-executable-library: PE Bliss - Cross-Platform Portable Executable C++ Library 


_database/depointer.txt at master · Amrf000/_database 


phantomjs-1/qwindowsintegration.cpp at master · Medium/phantomjs-1 

qt-windows-im/qwindowsintegration.cpp at master · guillaumesmo/qt-windows-im 

Qt单实例进程 - zhengtianzuo的博客 - CSDN博客 

QT中实现程序只运行一个实例--应用程序的单例化 - AderStep - CSDN博客 



fpoussin/Qt5-MSVC-Static: Set of tools to build static Qt 5.x libs on Windows. 


python sys.path - anndy_的专栏 - CSDN博客 

python中sys.path详解 - Hello World! - CSDN博客 

sys.path.append() - JOJOY的博客 - CSDN博客 

python - Pyinstaller - ImportError: No system module 'pywintypes' (pywintypes27.dll) - Stack Overflow 

Problems on Windows 10 with somethings · Issue #4046 · pyinstaller/pyinstaller 

Py_SetPath导致的BUG一例(issue11320) - 1+1=10 - CSDN博客 

Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: unable to load the file system codec · Issue #1296 · SpaceVim/SpaceVim 

c++ - Py_Initialize fails - unable to load the file system codec - Stack Overflow 

Fatal python error: Py_Initialize: unable to load the file system codec - Stack Overflow 

Could not locate a VISA implementation. Install either the NI binary or pyvisa-py. - Google Search 

GPIB instrument not detected by pyvisa · Issue #393 · pyvisa/pyvisa 

The Very High Level Layer — Python 3.7.3rc1 documentation 

--python embed

qt---cdb(Microsoft Console Debugger)调试 - FreeApe - CSDN博客 

使用CDB调试Qt代码 - 大道曙光 - CSDN博客 

windows 环境下Qt Creator 的debugger模式配置 - yanhuangzhinu0的专栏 - CSDN博客 

QT使用CDB调试程序 - 滴水成河 百川归海 - CSDN博客 


Python字符串拼接的五种方式 - 毕来生 - CSDN博客 


【Qt开发】QSplitter的使用和设置 - ZhangPY的专栏 - CSDN博客 

Qt5布局管理(一)——QSplitter分割窗口类 - LeeHDsniper的博客 - CSDN博客 

Qt 代码: Qt布局与分割器QSplitter - Jan5_Reyn - CSDN博客 

--qt spliter

Qt QDateTime toString("h:m:s ap") ap/a/AP/a missing - Stack Overflow 

qtxlxs segfault when reading an empty excel file using xlsx.cellAt(0,0)->value(); · Issue #179 · dbzhang800/QtXlsxWriter 

How to check if a path is absolute path or relative path in cross platform way with Python? - Stack Overflow 

c++ - How do I create an absolute file path from a QDir and a relative file path? - Stack Overflow 

c++ - Convert any QVariant to QString - Stack Overflow 

qt - Extracting the bytes from a UTF-8 QString - Stack Overflow 

Qt Widget temporarily fullscreen - Stack Overflow 

winapi - Win32: full-screen and hiding taskbar - Stack Overflow 

qt - How to remove QWidgets from QSplitter - Stack Overflow 

c++ - Qt: Prevent taskbar from appearing in fullscreen apps - Stack Overflow 

qt - QMainWindow fullscreen issue due to taskbar on windows - Stack Overflow 

c++ - How to set QWidget fullscreen (but "real" fullscreen, change resolution, set modal to whole system)? - Stack Overflow 

CoCreateInstance function (combaseapi.h) | Microsoft Docs 

c++ - How to format a QString? - Stack Overflow 

c++ - Why is QLineEdit::setCursorPosition(int) selecting(highlighting) text? - Stack Overflow 

QComboBox 的 validator 为什么会失效 - Setarcos的专栏 - CSDN博客 

Using both a validator and asRequired on a combo box results in the asRequired flag supressing validation errors · Issue #179 · vaadin/vaadin-combo-box-flow 

qt - What is the signal for when a widget loses focus? - Stack Overflow 

c++ - QLineEdit with QValidator: React to editing finished regardless of input validity? - Stack Overflow 

c++ - QDialog exec() and getting result value - Stack Overflow 

qstring - Qt - Writing a file with QTextStream adds empty new lines to the text - Stack Overflow 

kai66673/PythonEditor at 8533da3dfef89accb102fa3eac1706296bb1919b 

qtcreator/src/plugins/pythoneditor at 4dc7e9263922d260694b3e44a9cab64eedb46d05 · Distrotech/qtcreator 

kai66673/PythonEditor: Qt5 editor widget for python sources (sip to PyQt5) 

python - QWidget does not draw background color - Stack Overflow 

qt - read a text file to QStringList - Stack Overflow 

qt - Copy from QStringList to text file - Stack Overflow 

python中接口实现 - 终结大笨狗的博客 - CSDN博客 

python中的空值判断和空字符串判断。 - carrey_0612的博客 - CSDN博客 

【Python】如何判断一个字符串为空 - 趣 - CSDN博客 

c++ - Selecting from all available serial ports using Qt GUI - Stack Overflow 

C语言中八进制和16进制怎么表示,原码,反码及补码,C语言按位取反运算符~ - 晨光熹微 - CSDN博客 

auth0/java-jwt: Java implementation of JSON Web Token (JWT) 


















KalOnline C++ Code LevelUp

Detours Hook普通类成员函数

Thread: Trouble hooking function with Detours

How to Hook Thiscall Functions?

Hooking __thiscall without using __fastcall

Win32 calling conventions: __fastcall in assembler

Which calling convention to use for EAX/EDX in IDA


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